UPDATE: We randomly chose a winner, and congrats to Erika Mounts for winning! We have your email address from when you filled out your comment below, and we’ll send the gift card right away. ENJOY!
Howdy, all! We’ve been having an issue with the blog here going out to subscribers, so I’m doing a contest really quickly to see if you get this. To enter, you have to write a comment on the blog below. NOT on GoodReads or Amazon, or FB. If you see the blog on one of those sites, click on the link, come to the blog here on my website, and write a comment below. To enter:
Tell me where you saw the blog post. If you saw it on Goodreads, etc, let me know. If you saw it in your inbox because you’re a blog subscriber, definitely let me know. If a friend on FB told you to go enter, let me know. It doesn’t matter where/how you saw the contest, just that you tell me where/how.
Tell me your favorite movie ever. I’m just curious. 🙂
***To comment on the blog, you have to put in your email address (it stays totally private), so don’t worry about me being able to find you if you win. Please don’t put your email address in your public comment.
***We’ll randomly draw a name from the entrants on Saturday around noon PST. You can enter once.
By the way, Demon’s Mercy (Logan’s story), Alpha’s Promise (Ivar’s story) and Taken (Deep Ops 1.5 that features a surprise drive-by by a couple of characters who shouldn’t be in that world) are up for preorder, FYI. Click on the cover for links. 🙂
I saw it in my email my favorite movie ever is Tremors love that movie! Thank you very much for the chance love your books
The blog post arrived in my email account.
Saw this post in my inbox.
I saw this blog post in an email I got from you.
My favorite movie ever is “Remember the Titans”
Saw your blog post via email!
One of my favorite movies is Ever After with Drew Barrymore. Yes another version of the Cinderella stories but I loved this one when I was younger and I still pop it in the DVD player every once in a while. 😉
Email about gift card so excited for demons mercy and alphas promise
I got this as an email as a newsletter subscriber, with a link to the blog post. My favorite movie of all time? Ooh, that’s tough! Star Wars I guess!
Saw this on your blog, I’m a subscriber:-) My favorite movie of all time is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Musical from my childhood
Saw this in my inbox. Favorite movie, now that is difficult as it changes from time to time. Off the top of my head I would say Gone With the Wind.
Wizard of OZ
Saw it through link in my email. Favorite movie is The Rock; Sean Connery is an amazing actor!
I saw this in my inbox. My favorite movie really depends on what frame of mind I’m in. Lol. I’m am old movie fan, so I pick Rear Window. Hitchcock made great movies.
Blog note came in my email.
Got this post notification in my email!!
“Tell me your favorite movie ever” OMG, too many to list. So ever ever ever??? Gosh…Underworld would have to be the one.
I am really looking forward to you newest book!
I saw your post in my inbox. I am a blog subscriber. My all time favorite movie, is Pride & Prejudice the Keira Knightly and Matthew Macfadyen version. I could watch it everyday and sometimes I do. 🙂
I can not wait for Logan’s story. So excited.
Thanks for all the great stories.
saw the email – first favorite move ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers’ – movies I watch over & over: Harry Potter’s, Pitch Perfect, National Treasures …
I received this message via email since I’m subscribed to your newsletter. I’m a total 80’s baby and hopeless romantic, so Sixteen Candles is my my favorite movie! Jake Ryan *swoon*
I saw the blog post in my inbox! I am so excited for the upcoming releases. My favorite movie ever? Last Holiday.
Saw post in my email! Favorite movie: “It’s a Wonderful Life”, I know it’s a Christmas movie but it is my all time favorite.
In my inbox and pride and prejudice with Colin Firth
Look forward to each new release you publish. Favorite all time movie is When Harry Met Sally. Fashion is dated but the characters and situations are still relevant. You know how a year to a person is seven years to a dog?
Got this through my email. I really love your books. They make me laugh out loud. I also love the emotional aspects of your stories. Fifth Element is my fav.
Hi Rebecca. I received this email through my in box and also saw it on your website after looking for more books to buy. Thank you for this chance. I have pre-ordered Logan and Ivar story.
Sorry, forgot to say that my favorite movie is Resident Evil.
I saw this in my email from you. My favorite movie ever is “Sound of Music.” Thank you for the opportunity for this random contest. I don’t think there is not one of your books that I haven’t read and loved.
Saw the blog post, received in my email inbox.
I received an email in my inbox about the contest and clicked through the links in email to comment. My favorite movie depends on my mood and the season. For the holiday season, Elf takes the cake. On general days, I love the movie Strictly Ballroom.
I received this post in my email inbox. My all time favorite movie? That’s so hard… Classic-Sound of Music, but I’m an action fan so all of the Fast and Furious movies rank for me! 😉
Received your blog post in my email inbox.
It was in my inbox this morning. So cool as I could read it during my bus ride to work. Favourite movie – Star Trek 2009.
I got your contest news from my email. I’ve already pre-ordered my books and can’t wait.
I love your books!
in my email
Saw it in my inbox!
Hi Rebecca, received your blog in my inbox! Isn’t technology wonderful? My favorite movie of all time is the most romantic…Ladyhawke…with Michelle Pfeiffer and Rutger Hauer. True Love rocks!
Thanks for the chance. It was in my email.
I saw it in my email. One of my favourite movies is Save The Last Dance.
Games of Thrones
Received in my email, inbox.
Got this in my email, my favorite movie is a tie between Steel Magnolias & Disneys Beauty and the Beast (animated version)
I received this in my inbox. Thanks for the chance.
Hi, I got an email to enter RANDOM CONTEST for $20 Amazon gift card.
–favorite movie– *John Wick*
because Keanu Reeves is badass, and we drive the same hot rod.
Hi Rebecca, from a wet and windy Sydney Australia. I received your blog via my email inbox
Favourite movie….so many, however Lion King holds very strong memories for me. It was the first movie I took my daughter to see, and we both loved it
I saw this in my email, and my favorite movie is Die Hard.
Most favorite fun movie ever is Grease!
Found out about contest through my inbox.
Can’t wait for Demon’s Mercy!!😍
The Godfather . I saw your blog post in my email
I follow your blog via my RSS feed.
Fav movie ever is: When Harry Met Sally
Rebecca Zanetti Rocks! I got this message in my inbox, and I do follow you on Facebook. I have so many favorite movies, but maybe Jurassic Park.
Excalibur, I love this movie it has it all.
I got it in my email…I love Disney movies…Tangled….The Incredibles…Beauty and the Beast…..and more…..can’t possibly pick one…and yes, I am an adult!
I got the newsletter in my inbox
Can’t wait to get my hands on these books!!
I saw the post in an email. Favorite movie is Clue.
My favorite movie would have to be Cry Baby 😊❤
I got this in my email. My favorite movie ever… hummmm… that is really tough. I’m going to go with Dirty Dancing for now. But I could also choose Return of The King, or Avatar, or Pretty Woman, or… a few others. I don’t know. Thanks for the Chance. I’m really looking forward to the upcoming books. Especially the Dark Protectors!
Saw the post in my inbox. I am a subscriber. My favorite movie is “Cutting Edge”, still love D.B. Sweeney.
saw it in your newsletter
Favourite movie ever…Chitty Chitty Bang Bang:)
Email blog subscription
I saw this blog in my email.
Got the post in my email. My favorite movies are the original Star Wars movies.
I received post in my inbox. Continued success and blessings to you.
Hey, Rebecca! I’m a long time fan and I’m subscribed to your blog site in my email! That’s where I saw the request to comment.
My all time favorite movie is The Hunt for Red October. Anytime, anyplace I see this, I will watch.
I saw it in my inbox,I am a blog subscriber.
I got this!
My favorite movie of all time? Hmmm changes with my mood. I have a list, lol
I saw this in my email since I am a subscriber and my favorite movie of all time I would have to say is Deadpool.
Hi Rebecca,
I received the blog by email. I’m not a big movie person and I hate choosing the “best” of anything but I will say, The Hunt for Red October because it’s over the top (and who doesn’t love Sean Connery and Sam Niell!).
Thanks for the chance!
Saw it in my Inbox on Yahoo
My fav movie of all time and I watch it every time it comes on is the Matrix followed up by Star Wars and LOTR. Keanu Reeves is and shall always be YUMMY!!!
Saw this email on my email, (flutee97@aol.com)
Favorite movie is Mama Mia!
I received an email with your request. I love romcoms and musicals, but would not be able to choose one specific as a favorite.
Love your books!!
I saw the blog in my inbox (I’m a subscriber). My favorite movie is “It’s a Wonderful Life”
Seen in my in box get your newsletter
Got it in my email. Thanks for the great books! Love them
Saw it in my inbox. Favorite movie is Rudy. Love the whole feeling of the movie and how he achieved his dream.
Saw this in my inbox. Waiting, waiting for the new book. Favorite movie The Godfather
Blog post in an email found in inbox. 80’s kid! Terrible decade for fashion but great one for movies. “Murphy’s Romance” – no going wrong with James Garner! (Even named my dog Murphy!)
I am a blog subscriber, so I saw it in an email in my inbox.
My all time favorite movie is IT (the 1990 mini series version).
I absolutely love your work! You are amazing!!!!
I see it lol
Willy wonka and the chocolate factory is my all time favorite
I read the blog in my inbox. And I can’t pick just one movie, but The Princess Bride is definitely one of my top favorites.
I got this in my inbox, my favorite movie is princess bride
I saw the post in an email.
I was just resubscribing for newsletter that’s where I saw it.
Favorite movie (for this time of year) would have to be “it’s a wonderful life”.
Otherwise I’d have to say “Steel Magnolias”
My favorite movie is Sound of Music. I can watch that movie all day ling and not get bored.
I also seen this giveaway in my inbox. Subscriber here!!!!
Seeing it from my email acct. I’m not allowed to look at FB during my day job hours 🙁
I saw this in my email. My favorite movie is a toss up between Hocus Pocus and Queen of the Damned
Speaking for old folks (I’ll be 82 next month), I have difficulty distinguishing between what people call “blogs” and “newsletters”, so I seem to try both but not sure what I am doing. I know that my friends in my age group have similar problems.
I do want you to know that you are one of my ‘recent author favorites’. I love the fact that you use the English Language correctly. I don’t have tp stop paying attention to the theme/plot to mentally correct a sentence. Unlike many recent authors, you do use adverbs, hurrah!
I will try my public library, online, first to find the books above.
Thanks for the delight you bring to my retirement.
I saw this as an email I am a subscriber.
WooHoo…I know what books I’m gonna read!!!
I saw this in your email blog. Favorite movie – that is hard. I guess “To Kill A Mockingbird.”
I read the post in an email sent to me. My favorite movie of all time is Braveheart. Thanks for the chance.
Hi! I don’t watch a lot of movies but I have enjoyed the original Star Wars (episode 4,5, and 6) over and over again.
I am responding after receiving your email about the blog, I think I also saw a Facebook post about it, though I don’t think I responded there at the time (couldn’t immediately think of a movie to mention!).
It came to my inbox.
My favorite movie was American Sniper. And I saw the entry in an email.
Hi Rebecca, I recieved this through my email. Looking forward to all the upcoming stories. Picking one favorite movie of all is so hard! I swear it changes with my mood but if I have to pick one that would be Ladyhawke from 1985 with Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfieffer closely followed by Star Wars , A New Hope
I saw this from my email and am a blog subscriber.
Favorite movie ever……….
You know, it just depends on !y mood. I watched All About Eve the other night and it just doesn’t get better than Bette Davis. Lines as, ” You better fasten your seatbelts. It gonna be a bumpy ride”. Mmm!
Saw this in an email I got from you. My favorite movie has got to be Blind Side with Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw . Looking forward to all books you have coming out.
Got the email
Can’t wait for all these books to come out! I got this in my inbox as newsletter subscriber. I love a lot of movies but if I had to pick just one would The Searches with John Wayne. Thank you for the chance!
Hurry Hurry…..want more books faster!
Favorite movie is The Sound of Music
Hi Rebecca
I got your email
I saw your blog post in my email 🙂 I don’t think I could pick a favorite movie, I love so many of them. Since it’s the holidays, I have to say Elf.
From email. Fav movie is Star Wars
Received your 11-28 post in my inbox!
Just saw this on Twitter. My favorite movie is the breakfast club.
I saw this blog post on Facebook, thank you for the chance 💕
saw this in my inbox fav movie The Stand
Movie / The quite man with John Wayne. Love that movie. Your blog was sent to my email. Thanks you for taking me away from time to time with your book’s .
The Stand
Hello Rebecca,
I saw this blog on Facebook, thank you.
my inbox
I saw the blog in my inbox.
I saw it on Facebook!
My favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany’s
I saw this in my email inbox, cause I’m a blog subscriber. My all-time favorite movie is Field of Dreams.
Saw in my inbox.
I cannot wait for these books, going to be an awesome year next year.
Saw this on facebook. My favorite movie is probably Signs, or maybe one of the new Star Trek films.
Saw your post on FB. Really loved The Notebook!😍
I saw it on Facebook! And my favorite movie of all time is Dune based on the Frank Herbert book.
Favorite movie of all time; the adult in me says its The Last of the Mohicans, the kid in me says The Land Before Time. Loved reading everyone’s favs 😀
Oh My email, however the link that said “click here” in the beginning paragraph was not linked.
Murphy’s Romance (James Garner & Sally Fields)
I saw this on FB.
I have a tie for my favorite movie – Gone With the Wind and Goonies.
Email inbox because I get all your emails!
I read this in my Gmail inbox.
Gone with the Wind movie
The blog post was sent to my email. My favorite movie is The Cutting Edge.
Saw the contest on Facebook
Favorite movie The Notebook
Email on inbox
Moonstruck and The Way We Were
When oh when will the next Scorpious book come out?When will they go north?
Solve survival problems? Get rid of creepy Atherton? Best series of all your books!!
Saw the blog post via email! Happy holidays!!
My favorite all time movie is Hoosiers!!!
Saw on the FB . My favorite movie was Dune, 1984. the original one, with Patrick Stewart, Sting, Kyle MacLeachlan.
Rebecca I saw this contest on Facebook because I follow you! I am a huge fan of your books 💕💕💕. As for my favorite movie, I’d have to say A Star is Born from the original to the latest remake. Though the latest is my absolute fave! I love Lady Gaga and omg Bradley Cooper was freakin hot!!
I saw this in my email as I subscribed to the blog. 🙂
A Star is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper! Awesome!!!
I got this from your email.
I saw this entry in the email of your newsletter, which came today.
I saw a post about this contest on FB
My favorite movie of all time is Signs. I’m an M. Night Shyamalan fan!
OOPS! Forgot to mention my favorite movie is The Burbs with Tom Hanks and Carrie Fisher.
Hi Rebecca I got the link from my e-mail.
Hi Rebecca I got the link from my e-mail. One of my favorite movies of all time is a tie between Pretty Woman and Twister…LOL! I guess it depends on my mood.
Received via email. They’re pretty lame, but Pretty Woman, Legally Blonde and Twister are on almost every week, and I watch every time! lol
It came in an email. The Mummy (Brendan Fraser) version is one of my faves! Thanks!
I saw this on Twitter. My favorite movie is The Matrix. And I freaking love you and am so excited for the upcoming books!
Hello! I saw this on Twitter and my favorite movie is The Matrix
November 28,2018 4:47 pm
I saw it in my email and my all time favorite movie was free Willie! I fell in love with the orca whales so beautiful! I also love reading all your books when they come out and have read the dark protects series I have read over and over again. They are great.
I saw it on FB. My favorite movie when I was a kid was Goonies. Not sure what my current favorite would be…
I received this post in an email. One of my favorite movies is Titanic.
Inbox. Blog subscriber
Favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. One of the few movies that came close to the books.
Hey Rebecca,
I saw your blog post in my inbox..
And my favorite movie ever is Officer and a Gentleman.. 😀😀
Saw the post on FB. Favorite movie is Mummy 1&2
Saw this on FB. Favorite movie is a tough one. I guess I’d have to say the first Harry Potter – for all the magic that came after it.
I received your email.
Yikes. My favorite movie…such pressure. I will say Gone with the Wind is still and epic fav. 🙂
I saw the contest on you Facebook site.
I saw the contest on Facebook. My favorite movie is P.S. I love you.
I saw this blog post in my email, for which I’m grateful. I’ve pre-ordered all three books coming out in 2019.
Blog Subscriber
In m y Inbox.
Hello there. I saw the blog from my email. It’s been a while since I’ve seen an email from you. Hope that all is well on your end. I don’t have a favorite movie…but Star Wars: A New Hope is one that I enjoyed a lot.
Saw this on facebook. My fav movies genre is action movies, but I don’t have any particular favorites
I saw this contest notice in your emailed newsletter.
My favorite movie is Planes, Trains & Automobiles (I love John Candy). 2nd favorite is Amelie
Saw this on e-mail. My favorite movie is Need for Speed.
received this in my email. favorite movie Silence of the Lambs.
The blog was in my email inbox. My all time favorite movie, hmmmmmm. The Godfather.
Hmmm I got an email saying there was a contest but I’m not sure if that is considered the blog LOL! My absolute favorite movie of all time is Stargate!! I could watch that movie (or the TV shows) a million times and never get tired of it! Thanks for the chance!
Saw this In my e-mail. My favorite movie is a toss-up between Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing.
My all time favorite movie is THE GODFATHER….no matter how many times I’ve seen it, it comes on I always watch it.
Saw this on Facebook & my favorite movie is The Princess Bride.
I saw it on Facebook.
I don’t have a favorite movie since I would rather be reading, so I’ll tell you my favorite book instead… Annie’s Song by Catherine Anderson:)
What About Bob?
I saw this on Facebook! My favorite movie is Ferdinand, I love watching it with the kids!
Saw this on my Facebook wall and clicked on the link. My favorite movie is Pacific Rim.
Inbox! A movie that I really like to watch is Groundhog Day!
It was in my email. One of my favorite movies is The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Received your blog e-mail…
With the holidays, winning the gift card will allow me to continue my book purchases despite the necessary gift spending:-) thank you!!!
Received the blog in my email!
I’m a subscriber to your blog, but I saw this on Facebook, not my inbox.
My favorite movie is A Christmas Carol with George C. Scott.
I saw it on your Author Facebook page, I thought I was signed up for the newsletter but I didn’t receive it. I am going to sign up again. Choosing a favorite movie is like choosing a favorite book, almost impossible! The one I watch at least once a year is The Godfather parts I & II
I saw it in my inbox.
Favorite movie? I don’t really watch much tv or see any movies. I am basically just a reader. Love my books!
Love your books!!
I saw this in my email. My favorite movie is Under the Tuscan Sun
It was in my inbox.
Favorite movie – Blade Runner
Received in my email inbox
Love reading Rebecca Zanetti books!
I received this in my inbox.
My favorite movie ever… it really depends on the genre. I can give my top 5 in no particular order: Just Go With It, Rio Bravo, French Kiss, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, The Bird Cage
I saw this thru my email and click ed through. My all time favorite movie ever is the original STAR WARS. There is always THE PRINCESS BRIDE though. I would much rather read than watch movies.
I saw on your Facebook..
My favorite movie ever is Bringing Up Baby. You really can’t beat a Grant and Hepburn movie.
Thanks for the chance.
Forgot to post favorite movie. It’s Gone with the Wind.
Oops, forgot to say saw this on facebook.
I saw it on FB.
This time of year my favorite movie is A Christmas Story
Saw this post on FB
Gone with the Wind
I saw this on FB and my favorite movie would have to be Twister. One of the few I can watch over and over
I saw the blog post in my email. I don’t think I could pick a single favorite movie so ONE of my favorites is My Big Fat Greek Wedding 🙂
Ever After 😊 I love my happy endings. I saw the notification on my FB wall.
Hi Rebecca, I saw your request via email to leave comment for contest. As for my favorite movie gosh I have a few from child hood to now. But to name a few bueller’s day off, big, pretty women, dirty dancing, magic, the list could keep going hehe. But I’ll leave it there, I’m sure I missed a few however I will say if ur books become a movie. They will probably be my favs hands down. I’m so excited for the new book in Jan but I think u have another 2 new ones is that right. Or is Taken a rew due of cover. Either way I’m so excited .. these are great stories not just the love parts but the characters them selves and the POV of each in the books is awesome.
Hi! I saw this in my email inbox as I subscribe to the blog. My favorite movie is While You Were Sleeping.
Hi Rebecca, I saw this blog post in my email inbox. Favorite movie now is Aquaman and I can’t wait to see it.
I saw it in my inbox because I’m a subscribed to your blog. ☺
My favorite movie… 🤔🤔🤔 there are a few from different genres so I’ll name the one that just instantly popped into my mind. The Princess Bride! ❤❤
I got an email to comment on the blog😘
My favorite movie of all time is Ladyhawke.
I saw this on my FB feed.
Hi Rebecca,
I received the blog in my email. I don’t watch too many movies any more, but I would have to say THE STING is the best one. Thanks for the chance to win.
I saw this on a Facebook post.
My favorite movie that I will watch again and again is Tom Clancy’s The Hunt for Red October.
Wizard of Oz! Blog was on my Facebook.
I saw the contest on Facebook. I’m also a newsletter subscriber, so I checked my email and, yep, it’s there too.
My favorite all time movie? Ugh. Probably The Princess Bride. I can still rewatch it all of these years later and there still aren’t any parts that I want to fast forward.
Favorite movie is The Avengers.
Saw this on FB. My favorite movie is Man On Fire with Denzel Washington.
I’m so excited for Demons Mercy!
I saw it in my email. Color Purple
Saw in my inbox today!
My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice (2005)
I saw it on my subscribers in box.
I have always loved the Dark Protectors series and the new books and characters are even better. I can’t wait for more.
The Proposal—love the movie and watch it all the time.
Seen the post from your FB post.
Saw this on Facebook and my favorite movie is Stargate.
I was notified about the contest in my email. My favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast (live action).
Got it via email….
And Grease – seen it over 100 times
I saw this in my inbox. Steel Magnolias is my favorite movie.
Whoop can’t wait for the next book ❤️
I saw this in my inbox. My favourite movie is Sound of Music and also Aliens
Too many favorites, but favorite Romantic Comedy is ; Sweet Home Alabama .
Seen in my inbox
Favorite Romantic Comedy ; Sweet Home Alabama
Seen in my inbox
Love these covers. Mine is the holiday
Saw this in the newsletter
I found this link in my inbox.
My favorite movie: Harvey.
However, I almost could say that about any Jimmy Stewart movie.
Seen your post on your author page. Hands down favorite movie is A Clockwork Orange 🍊
I received it via my email.
Have a good day.
I got the email 😁
Hard choice, I have 2 all time favorite movies.
Pretty woman/ Dirty Dancing
Love all your books,
Thank you
In my email
Volcano, Dante peak any of die hard movies
I saw this on Facebook! I love your books and my favorite movie is Thor.
The Princess Bride
Hi Rebecca! I saw your post via email since I subscribe to your blog updates
Favorite movie ever is a tough one, there are so many that I can recite by heart- Pretty Woman is always a must stop and watch moment when I see it come across the screen though
I saw the blog post in my inbox because I’m a subscriber.
My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing.
I saw blog on email from goodreads. Hard guestion so I have 2, Gidget and Grease.
I received an email update from GoodReads. Thank you for the chance to win.
Good wishes and much success to one of the nicest writers i know. My fav movie is “You’ve Got Mail.” And I get notifications of your blog postings thru email.
I saw it on facebook!
Hi Rebecca!
I got your email for this in my inbox for being a blog subscriber and got a notification from goodreads for it too. My favorite movie is the original Tron~ Dated I know but I prefer the originals to the remakes.
I saw this giveaway in the email newsletter.
My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing!
Then Titanic.
Thanks for the chance to get this great prize.!
I got an email from Goodreads about my favorite author. 🙂 My favorite movie ever is Legends of the Fall.
I saw this post on Facebook, and my favorite movie ever is Dirty Dancing.
Back to the Future trilogy would be my favorite movie just barely surpassing the original Star Wars trilogy:-) Great to see your novels reaching new peaks every year!
Saw about it on Facebook
I saw your blog post because I subscribe to your blog and get it in my inbox.
I received an email from Goodreads about your blog update. My favorite movie ever? That’s a hard one but I think that I would have to say The Fifth Element.
Saw on Facebook on you page. And favorite movie would have to be Anne of Green gables. Also have favorite Christmas movie which is White Christmas. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your books.
Received it through my email. My favorite movie is Apollo 13.
Hi this came to my by email my favourite movie is 300
Saw it on FB but not until today. Sick with an ear infection. Fave movie…hmmmm…Legends of the fall.
The blog post arrived in my email account…and my favorite film is Message in a Bottle.
I got the random contest info in my inbox!
Fav movie, easy peasy, the Lord of the Rings trilogy. We gotta make Viggo one of your studs!
My favorite movie ever, very hard choice. Not ever, but Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.
Saw this in my email.
I was notified by my email. My favorite movie is Dune. The original movie.
I found the blog on the website, while looking for your new releases.
The Blind Side, has become my favorite movie. I think it is because the chemistry is good, and the story has all the elements, without violence and cussing.
I saw it in my email my movie is North to Alaska
I saw it on Goodreads 😀
My favorite movie is “Highlander” with Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery 👍.
I saw the info about the contest as an email because I follow you on Goodreads. My favorite movie was the first Star Wars movie. The latest movie I enjoyed was The Greatest Showman.
I saw the post in an blog email update sent from goodreads, and my favorite movie is White Oleander 🙂
I saw this on Goodreads. I guess which movie is my favorite would depend on which time of year it is. Right now I would say a White Christmas. We watch it every year while decorating the house the weekend after Thanksgiving. Me, my husband, and daughter can quote the movie like pros, which we do throughout the year.
I got an email from Goodreads for ‘New Updates from Author’s you Follow’.
I clicked on that & your update was there. I clicked on that & it took me to your GR Blog update.
From them I clicked on the link that brought me here.
Hard for me to pick an all time favorite movie, but just about every movie with Will Smith in it hits my top 10 chart! I love his acting, but his butt should be in listed and show cased in ‘The World of Fame’ for best man’s behind! That tush is irresistible!
Saw this first on Goodreads.
Favorite movie: Space Camp or The Martian
Received post on email. Favorite movie Pitch Perfect 3.
Post arrived in my email
Armageddon is a favorite
My favourite movie ever is The Castle – an Australian movie about the love of family, humility and oh, so Aussie!
I saw the post on Goodreads – didn’t get it in my subscription
Facebook Post
Favorite movie ever?…dang, that’s a tough one. I have so many. My “go-to” movies for a night to myself are Nottinghill and The Holiday. But love me some action too. (The Shooter and most Marvel movies.)
Saw this through my email 😁👍🏻
Love these books! I absolutely can’t wait for the next one. Evertime a new release is announced I impatiently await the publication day.
I saw this on Facebook.
Hi Rebecca!
I’m a newsletter/blog subscriber but I saw this Blog Post on Goodreads.
It’s really hard to narrow down but Shawshank Redemption is one of my favourite movies. I’m really looking forward to reading all 3 books, but my heart is with the Dark Protectors.
Hi, I received an email letting me know about the amazon giveaway.
I got it in my inbox
Love your books!
Saw log post in my email account
Blog post arrived in my email inbox. Favourite movie would probably be Dirty Dancing although I have lots of favourites. I really like some of the old musicals. Never miss White Christmas every year.
Linked through from your weekly winner announcement on Amazon … just finished your latest book. Preordered the next one.
Movie – love the musicals
Hi, These books are absolutely amazing! Does anyone know when the audio will become available for Demon’s Mercy?
Thank you!
I think they’re narrating it right now. I’ll update the website and FB page as soon as I have a release date. I’m hoping soon. 🙂
saw this on Goodreads post
Hi! I saw the random contest on Goodreads. I don’t know if it is over but that is ok if it is. I’m following you now. I’m a big fan. Found your books on Netgalley and I’m in love with them.
I found the link on Amazon books, my favorite movie is transformers. I just have to say how much I love your books, especially the vampire series which is surprising because I normally don’t read this type. I can’t get enough of them.
Thanks! 🙂
I thought I had read somewhere that your next book in the Scorpius Syndrome
would be “KNIGHT AWAKENING” and would be out by now. Now I don’t seem to find anything mentioned about it anywhere. Could you please fill me in on the next book and when it will be coming out?
Sure! Sorry about the delay on this one. I’ve been working around contracts as well as a shoulder injury (From snowmobiling) that has slowed me down. The release date is February 25th, and the book is up for preorder on Amazon right now and should be at the other retailers this week sometime. It will be available in ebook, print, and audio. :). Here’s q quick link:https://amzn.to/36iaxy7
Thank you for the information on Knights Awakening. Just preordered on Amazon Kindle.
My favorite movie is anything with Thor. Lol
I saw your post via email from WordPress. You ask the HARDEST questions… 🙂 Favorite movie ever would still have to be Terminator, the original. It was such a mind-blowing concept at the time.
Keep on doing what you do. ❤️ Thanks for being you!
I got it in your newsletter! My favorite movie is Gone With the Wind!
My favorite movie is Independence Day with Will Smith!
I found your blog on your website. I just googled you. I am pretty sure I get your email, but I don’t always follow directions well and so since you were talking about it on Facebook live I did follow your instructions from there. 😉 Favorite movie is A League of Their Own.
Here is a relevant comment for the blog post:
“Hi Rebecca, I saw your blog post in my inbox as I am a subscriber. I am excited to enter this contest for a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card. My favorite movie of all time is The Shawshank Redemption. I love the story of hope and redemption that it portrays. Thank you for hosting this contest!”
My favorite movie:
the Family Stone