Meet Anna Albertini…and FUN NEWS!

cover: Disorderly Conduct

Howdy all!  June is on its way out, and July will soon be here – hopefully with some sun for us.  We’ve had a lot of rain.  So, I have a new series about to debut, and it’s called The Anna Albertini Files.  Here’s the blurb:

Bullets and Kisses Can Burn

The last person Anna Albertini expects to see in an orange jumpsuit in District Court—a place she SO doesn’t belong as a new prosecuting attorney—is Aiden Devlin, the man who’d saved her life when they were kids. For years, she has dreamed about him. Now here he is—his eyes blue, his chest wide, and his hands in cuffs.

Sure, Aiden says he doesn’t want her help, and his ties to a deadly motorcycle club should give her warning. Yes, her new boss is a sexy Italian bad boy who might be using the case to climb to the top. Plus, the detective assigned to the case, with his green eyes and broad shoulders, wants her to stay out of his way.

With so much testosterone surrounding her all of a sudden, most women would find it hard to concentrate. This might be why the case leads Anna to yelp during a spa appointment, fall out of a tree, and chase a naked old man around the courtroom. It’s a good thing Anna learned a long time ago to be her own hero, no matter how fast the bullets fly or the kisses consume.

As you can tell, it’s a little different from my other books.  Sure, there’s some romance in the series (of course), and suspense, and a lot of humor…but it’s different in that the story is written in first person from Anna’s point of view.  I had a ball writing this first book, and I hope you like it!

Here are some buy links, if you’re interested:Barnes and Noble IconKindle IconAmazon IconiTunes IconKobo IconNook Icongoodreads Icon

For fun news, Broken (Deep Ops #3) is one of Amazon’s best books of the year so far, and it hit at #63 on the USA Today Bestseller list, so that crazy Deep Ops team is going strong, especially Roscoe.  That dog never fails to get into trouble, right?

Here are a couple of reviews:

“In the fiery, action-packed third romantic suspense novel of the Deep Ops series, Zanetti gleefully revisits the rough and ready (and sometimes ridiculous) Homeland Defense Department’s band of merry misfits… Their chemistry inevitably ignites into all the blistering sex scenes fans expect, and Zanetti introduces some exciting new faces along the way. Series readers will be chomping at the bit for what comes next.“
Publishers Weekly

“If a team of misfit agents, a dog with a drinking problem, and a swoon-worthy romance with an intense case sound like your kinda thing…. run don’t walk to grab Broken by Rebecca Zanetti. Part of the Deep Ops series, I love this group of agents and their romances…The perfect escape read.”
Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Other than that, the Zanetti crew is still social distancing and attending graduations and even weddings via the internet and Youtube.  I hope that you and yours are as safe and healthy as possible right now.



17 thoughts on “Meet Anna Albertini…and FUN NEWS!”

  1. Lynn Goodale says:

    I loved the Scorpio’s books; read them all in about a week! Although I must say with the current pandemic, they are a little too close to home? The ends were very nicely tied up at the end, yet I was hoping that Q would find a mate ( maybe in the up coming Brigades)?Also it would’ve been really sweet if f Marvin has shown up to take a bite out of someone—Like Gloria!! And are we going to see what became of Ella)

  2. JANICE WEIGLE says:

    I truly have not Read such an Entertaining book in a very long time!
    It was just fabulous! And I’m very excited for the next book in the series.

  3. Daysi says:

    Will we ever get more of the Dean brothers?? Chance will make a great first book please I just re read all the books for the 4 th time and I just keep wanting more! I hope you answer my questions as I am sure a lot of ppl are dying to know too ! Love your books

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      I’ve been thinking about writing stories for the younger generation, but my schedule is pretty packed right now. Plus, they’re happy being kids in Montana for now. 🙂

  4. Pamela Sherrin says:

    Do you plan to write more about the Albertini family? The other two sisters and cousin Lacie all need to find love.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Absolutely! I have tons of books to write in that world. 🙂

  5. Karen Williams says:

    Question about future book from Redemption Wyoming? Your story in Lone Wolf was a great read. Will you ever write the stories for the rest of the co-op? Would love to hear what happens to Austin, Ford, the twins and the rest of the club members.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Thanks so much! There will be more books in that series, starting with a couple more novellas because of time constraints. I’ll keep the website and social media updated. 🙂

  6. Sally Boulrice says:

    I just finished reading disorderly conduct. It is one of the best books i have read in a long time. The book reminds me of the Janet Evanovich books lots of action and twists with humor thrown in. Great read.

  7. Kerry Willett says:

    Hi Rebecca, You series on ‘The Deep Ops’ has been a blessing these past couple of months as I ate up one thru five books. Terrific reads. Love the series with an exciting group of characters, great plots within each book. Thank you. I look forward to the next one.

  8. Sue Lubinski says:

    Love to read your books. I cannot wait for next ‘ Laure Snow’ and Tessa’s Trust. Do you have a release date for print form of Tessa’s Trust? Amazon only shows Kindle format. Thanks for sending me the date so I can mark my calendar!! Sue Lubinski

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Howdy! The print edition will be available around the release date – sometimes a day before and sometimes a day after. 🙂

  9. Deirdre Allen says:

    I am absolutely loving all your series and the crossovers are fun

  10. Teresa says:

    Hello Rebecca
    I am from Western Australia and my family is also Italian..
    I love all of your books and especially The Anna Albertini files.
    I can hardly wait for more books with Anna and family.

    Is there a book with Lacey and Grant. That would be awesome.

    Thank you for writing exciting and with lots of humour books.
    Can’t for your next books.

    Take care and God bless you
    Teresa 😘

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Hi Teresam

      Thanks so much! Lacey and Grant will definitely have books at some point…. Have a wonderful week!

  11. Carole Dobert says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    Is there a 10th book in the Anna Albertini series…I thought maybe there was an Anna & Aiden book, if so do you know when i’d be able to get it.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      There are six books and three novellas so far. The last release was Habeas Corpus. The next release will be around March of next year. 🙂

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