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36 thoughts on “The Brotherhood of Deep Ops”

  1. Edward D says:

    Hello, I’ve read all of the Deep Ops series and need more. Great stories and Roscoe the dog was such a novel idea!

    1. Patty W. says:

      Edward, I completely agree about Roscoe. It is a delight to read about him here and there. RZ, how easy/difficult would it be to include a novella about Roscoe’s story?

  2. Heidi says:

    Will Jethro get his story told?

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:


  3. LOVED all of the Deep Ops!!!! Hopefully they will continue!!!! Just finished “Broken” and it did not disappoint. In fact I laughed out loud in one place. KEEP WRITING!!!!!

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Thanks! The next book is called ‘Unforgiven,’ and it’ll release next June. 🙂

  4. Just read the book rescue:cowboy style. Are there books out there about the other brothers in that book? Loved the cowboy story would love to read others from that book

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      There will be! The series is tentatively titled “Redemption, WY” after the town. I’ll keep my FB, website, and newsletter updated with info as my publisher sets the dates. 🙂

      1. Jennifer Shaw says:

        Can’t wait to read what you have in store for the cowboys in Redemption, WY.

        I loved Trent’s story. From the hints in this story, I think Zeke has a thing for the local vet. Hope I am right 😃.

        I love all your books and looking forward to reading more stories by you.

  5. Dixie K says:

    Any time line for the release of Power Surging and Hunter Advancing – Scorpius Syndome novellas? Eagerly awaiting them. This series and the Deep Ops books have been favorites… I’ve read them over and over.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Thanks so much! Those two novellas had to be pushed to next year because I’m having elbow surgery – sorry about that! I really want to get them out there. 🙂

  6. Carol Hanson. says:

    Read all the Ops books, i was sad there was no more, just wanted to keep on reading. I was also happy to hear that there is more of the cowboys. Read the first one and can not wait. Living in the states it is hard to get your older books, but I keep on trying.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      There are more Deep Ops books – Unforgiven releases next June and is up for preorder now. 🙂

  7. Nancy says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    It’s 0727 and I just finished Unforgiven and OMG, there’s not much I can say except brilliant! Fletcher was batshit crazy. I love this series and hope there will be more. I’m up-to-date with the Protector’s series waiting patiently for Garrett’s Destiny. Thank you for sharing your talent and truly do hope for more Deep Ops.

  8. Sandy Simonson says:

    Jethro’s story was great. Loved Trudy and her interaction with the Team. I hope we have more Deep Ops stories

  9. Jeanette C. says:

    ABSOLUTELY Love the Deep Ops. Hope that you continue with this series. I have read all including Unforgiven and the Novella for Hunter and Faye. I would love to see Serena’s story along with Millie and the twins (Ian and Oliver) from Unforgiven. Hope you are planning to continue this series. I will definitely buy.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Thanks! Serena’s story is next, and it’s called UNFORGOTTEN. I’ll keep everyone updated with a release date. 🙂

  10. Sherry Garner says:

    This is my favorite series. I’m reading this latest book now. Please tell me there will be more in this series.

  11. Tawana Arroyo says:

    Love, love, love Deep Ops series. I hope next book is about Scott Terentson and Serena. It seemed there was a bit of history between the two in Driven. After Unforgiven,
    the team is going to check up on her. As the Ops new lawyer, he was cool with being shot up and in Unforgiven he was immediately available to take care of Jethro and the team. Just finished Fated and starting on this series. Hope the new Deep Ops book is out soon. Love the writing. Everything is fast paced, explains pasts and characters well.

  12. Camilla says:

    Love the Deep Ops series. I’ve listened to them all on Audible. The characters are fabulous – engaging and funny (although I think Wolfe is my favorite). I’m very interested in Millie Frost’s story. Is there going to be a book with her? Oh & will you please make sure your releases get to Audible as quickly as possible? Thanks.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Howdy! Millie will get a story in the future for sure. :). I sell my audio rights normally, so it’s up to the audio publisher as to timelines. I know they try to get them out as soon as possible.

  13. Julie Browning says:

    I had never read your books until Deep Ops. Fell in love with the characters especially Disco I cannot wait to read your ext book in this series

  14. Merissa Williams says:

    Hi, I have read all of the Deep Ops books and cannot wait for the one!
    When the next book? I love Roscoe!
    Will Milliget her own book?

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      UNFORGOTTEN will release late next year, and it’s Serena’s story. Millie’s story will be sometime after that. 🙂

  15. Teresa says:

    Are you going to write any more deep ops books

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Yes – Unforgotten releases late next year. 🙂

  16. Janice Wright says:

    Love Roscoe. With an guest appearance of Dark Protectors in the novella, I can’t help but think Roscoe is a shape shifter that’s stuck in dog form. Would love a novella for him.

  17. MaGee says:

    i have just finished the last book in the series I too love roscoe but i am hoping that you will be adding to the series with millie, serena, and the twins with their own stories I can’t wait to read the next one -MaGee

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      There will be more – I think the next one might come out toward the end of this year. It’s called FROSTBITTEN. 🙂

  18. Mama says:

    Please don’t tell me Jet was the last one. I need stories about Selena, Millie & Scott & the twins

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      There will be more – I think the next one might come out toward the end of this year. It’s called FROSTBITTEN. 🙂

  19. Kathy says:

    I saw a reference to a novella named “Shaken”? I have not been able to find it. Could you direct me?

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Howdy! Shaken is in the Pivot anthology. I’m hoping they take it out and offer it as a standalone at some point, but that hasn’t happened yet. Here’s a link:https://amzn.to/3Yeg3Nn

  20. Carol Hanson says:

    I have most of your books and they never disappoint. The characters and story intertwine with the other books and it is great to know what is going on in their lives. The n
    Books have great characters and story lines that I reread them quite often. I really look forward to any new book that you write. Some of them are on ebook and because I like paper I wish they would come out in that form. Really looking forward to Frostbitten.

  21. Karen JaegerMuehl says:

    Love the Deep OPs series. Just finished Frost Bitten- very good- would have liked team in story earlier but was still a great book. Has this series concluded or will there be more??

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      There will definitely be more. 🙂