Consumed Releases in time for the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop

UPDATE: chose a winner from the blog here – congrats to K. Anna Jones!  I’ve emailed you with info.  Thanks to everyone who entered!

So, there’s quite a bit going on today.  First, CONSUMED is out in the wild!  Yes, Katie and Jordan’s story was released today and can be downloaded right now!

Second, I’m part of the Red, White, and Blue Blog hop – how cool is the blog hop button they created?  It’s down below…meow!

Also – I’m over at the Tea and Book Reviews blog today…giving away stuff.  Drop on by!

So to combine everything going on today, I thought I’d celebrate with a quick excerpt of Consumed:

The air thickened, and Jordan rose to full height, a human male standing in the rain.  Nude and enraged. 

Katie shivered.  His eyes glowed in his angular face, revealing the animal present even in human form.  His nose was straight, his cheekbones high and symmetrical, purebred lion embedded in every feature.  While his chest had always been broad, cut definition enhanced more powerful muscles than she remembered.  His narrow waist tapered to…

God.  She would not look lower.

Jordan’s gaze started at her tennis shoes and traveled up her bare legs to the clinging T-shirt.  Fury lined every strong contour in his face.

Awareness slammed desire out of the way.  She took a step back. Okay, running through alleys wearing only a T-shirt might have been a bad idea.  Very bad.  Intuition yelled at her to flee.  No way in hell could she outrun him.  Aiming the gun would be a serious mistake.  She knew it…yet  her hand trembled as she raised the weapon.

His chin lowered.  A stalking predator, he strode forward with measured steps, water sluicing off his hard body. 

Retreat was her only option.  A loose stone tripped her, and she dodged to the side, her back flush to a building.  Thank God the weapon hadn’t gone off.  A second later he trapped her, his abs square against the barrel of the gun, his gaze primal.

Something inside her hissed.  Deep down, beyond humanity, at her very core…a lioness stretched.

The breath caught in her throat.  She stilled.  Searching down deep.  Searching for the animal she used to be.  The animal that had been silenced ten years ago by the virus.  A tingling wandered through her veins, igniting her blood.  An animal sense that she’d missed so very much.  The slumbering cougar awakening in reaction to a male.

And the male was pissed.

July Blog HopTo purchase Consumed:

To celebrate today, I’d like to give away a signed copy of Fated, Claimed, or Hunted to a commenter here.  You can comment on anything or just say hi.  Or answer this question:  What are your plans for this weekend?

To jump back to the list for the blog hop and all the many prizes:

And make sure you enter to win the Kindle Fires

76 thoughts on “Consumed Releases in time for the Red, White, and Blue Blog Hop”

  1. Ronda Tutt says:

    Hi Rebecca, thanks for being apart of the hop. Your book Consumed looks awesome.

  2. donnas1 says:

    I am hoping to take it easy this weekend. But I do have a grad party to go to as well.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  3. HI Rebecca,
    I love your writing and I love this series!!!! I can’t wait to read Consumed–I have been watiting for Jordan and Katie’s story since the beginning. So I have plans to read this weekend and thehubby better not bother me!!! LOL… Have a great release day and hope you had a great holiday!!! 😉
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

  4. Mary Preston says:

    No big plans. Just catching up with family.


  5. Christal Murphy says:

    Congrats on the release! Can’t wait to get my copy. This series rocks!

  6. JoAnna B says:

    I’m hanging with the in-laws. They have no a/c, I’m melting. I wish this was the cure to losing weight. If it were I probably would have lost about 50 lbs. 🙂
    Will Consumed be released in print? If so do you know when?
    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  7. AmyS. says:

    I plan on spending this weekend relaxing by the pool with a good book. Thanks for the giveaway

  8. Huge congrats on the hot new release. Can’t wait to get my copy..

  9. Leigh Savage says:

    This weekend our Writers Guild is having a indoor picnic and then I’m going to a book signing of one of my friends.
    Congrats on your new releases.

  10. Congratulations on the new release!
    This weekend I just want to read a few good books.

  11. Laurie says:

    Thanks for the great giveway! We are with family so we’ve been cooking out, swimming and having parties. I’d love to hang out and read a book!

  12. yganoe says:

    Books look awesome and I added to my wish list in case I do not win. Plans? Trying to stay cool…heat wave in PA.

  13. I am planning on reading a book and spending time with family.

  14. crazycatlady58 says:

    I am reading a book and will spend the rest of the weekend with family.

  15. Natasha says:

    Staying cool and getting in lots of reading! Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  16. Chelsea B. says:

    That excerpt has me wanting this book like crazy!!
    My plans for this weekend…. Attend a wedding. And try not to melt. 😉

  17. tanna4abak says:

    Hi Rebecca.
    I have to work this weekend 🙁 but I spent the 4th with the family, so it’s all good.
    Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.

    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  18. Foretta says:

    Sadly I am going to class! Decided to take two college classes during the summer! WHAT WAS I THINKING! LOL

  19. debi01760 says:

    I spend most of my spare time reading. I haven’t read your books yet…glad I found you:)

  20. dgmolly says:

    I really don’t have any plans for the weekend. Just relaxing and waiting for the heat to break.

  21. Elaine says:

    I LOVED this book! I have been waiting for this book for soooo long, I’m glad it is finally out! the book did not disappoint and is the best in the series by far! I loved Katie and Jordan’s story! One of the things I really liked about this book was that it had an epilogue, unlike all the others!

    I got this book yesterday and was hooked from the very first page1 I didn’t put the book down until I finished! I loved the hints about what we should be expecting in the next couple of books. I can’t wait to read Kane’s story and am anxiously waiting to see what happens with Jase.

    I think you did a fantastic job with this book! the series only gets better with each new book! I do have one question, (spoiler alert!) will there be a future between Maggie and Terrent? I loved the interaction between these two!

    1. Glad you liked Consumed! And…yes…Maggie and Terrent have some exciting times coming up. All is not what it seems… 🙂

  22. The weekend… pj’s, coffee, my doggy’s, and some good books. I’m such a lazy thing when I have the house to myself. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Julianne says:

    Congrats on Consumed being released. I didn’t know book 4 was this close to coming out. I read Hunted and loved it. I’m so wanting to read Fated and Claimed. I didn’t have any special plans for the weekend, but at the photo club meeting tonight, I found out there’s a rodeo on Sunday so I’m thinking about going and trying to get some good pictures.

  24. K. Anna Jones says:

    Ohhh- I love the Excerpt! Congrats on your new release. I loved the first three books and pre-ordered Consumed. Hopefully I can get some time off to read it this weekend! 🙂

  25. Sophia Rose says:

    My plans for the weekend are to get packed to go on a trip and go! LOL!
    This latest book sounds great.
    Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

  26. congratulation for the new release
    plan on this weekend? im having a bbq party with my besties at my house ^^

    thanks for the chance

  27. I don’t plan on doing anything this weekend but read! It is going to be lovely!

    Thanks for the giveaways!

  28. nelricky says:

    staying home and cooking out.
    Thanks for the giveaways!

  29. Jody Duffy says:

    I am so addicted to this series and would love to win signed copies!!! This weekend is the start of my husband’s 30 or so family members coming in for a family reunion so up on the agenda is a family BBQ (don’t know how they will all fit in my house..LOL) Legoland, Beach, and possibly Disney 🙂
    Jody D.

  30. Yay! It’s finally on my Nook after I pre-ordered it. Awesome cover! I might have to get a paper copy just so I can gaze on that more often.

  31. Danni T says:

    I just stumbled upon your books. I read Fated and loved it. I absolutely can’t wait to read the others. I’ve been looking forward to reading Jordan and Katie’s story since meeting them in the first book. Congrats on the new release!!


  32. Filia Oktarina says:

    Congratulations on the new release!!
    Your book sound great and i love cover book. Very very Yummy!!
    Look like i must add in my wish list 🙂
    Thanks for sharing post about your new book. I like and enjoyed to read this post.

    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  33. Rachel Robertson says:

    Congrats on the new release! Thanks for being a part of the hop 🙂
    Rachel R
    malibu311 at gmail dot com

  34. Andie Wardlow says:

    Hi Rebecca! Loved the excerpt…can’t wait to read Consumed!!!

  35. eli yanti says:

    congrts on the release 🙂

  36. Thank you for the excerpt! It sounds like a wonderful book! My plans this weekend were for hanging out and reading, which I’ve done. And blog hopping 😀

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  37. chitsuen says:

    I love this series so very much and can’t wait to read Katie and Jordan’s story. Congrats on the release. Can’t wait to read more for you in the future!

  38. Scott M says:

    Well hello there, nice to meet you. TY for the chance to win this new book.

  39. Sherry S. says:

    I didn’t have any plans this weekend and I really didn’t do anything. Thanks for the giveaway.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  40. Carin W says:

    Looks like a great series! I spent the 4th with my foot up (I broke it) soooo all our plans went down the drain. Thanks for playing along, Carin mawmom(@)

  41. Vanessa N. says:

    Great excerpt. Definitely adding this series to my wishlist.

  42. Susan W. says:

    Our neice got married in a beautiful outdoor ceremony. It was hot but that didn’t take away from the occasion.


  43. jmesparza821 says:

    We stayed home and watched tv, and read a couple of print books and ebooks.


  44. Lisa Hackney says:

    Wonderful excerpt! I am looking forward to reading more!!

  45. Kathy Ross says:

    No plans. thanks for the giveaway!!!

  46. Dinda says:

    Don’t have any plan for the weekend. I’m looking forward to read the book.

  47. Weekend is over…it’s now Monday & I need a vacation from my week long vacation I just returned from! The excerpt sounds yummy!!

    raynman1979 at yahoo dot com

  48. Anne says:

    This past weekend I stayed inside out of the heat and watched True Blood season 4 (my favorite so far) and most of Rizzoli and Isles season 2. Thank you public library!!!

  49. arswthrt says:

    Hey Rebecca, “Consumed” sounds totally awesome and I can’t wait to read it myself.

  50. Emily says:

    I tackled some major cleanup work I have been putting off.

  51. This looks like a great book! Will have to add it to my TBR pile. 🙂

    Happy hopping!

  52. I didn’t really do anything. Just played on the comp and read,

    riverinaromantic AT aol DOT com

  53. Donna Singer says:

    Thanks for the contest!! This weekend we plan on going to the lake

  54. Tara Woods says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! This weekend I plan on working in the yard if it’s not too hot.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  55. mizztara71 says:

    Thanks for the chance! This weekend, I plan on working in the yard if it’s not too hot.
    mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

  56. June M. says:

    I did not do much of anything over the weekend, it was too hot. I did spend some time with my family though.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo to com

  57. VanillaOrchids says:

    Oh my … LOVED the excerpt.
    I was planning to do yard work but because of the heat, I didn’t. Figured it could wait a bit.
    Thank you for the giveaway!


  58. Barbara says:

    LOVED the excerpt!! I stayed inside and concentrated on staying COOL…it was sooo hot outside! Thx for the giveaway op! 🙂

    barbbattaglia @

  59. Evelyn Moly says:

    Thank you for the contest! This weekend I plan to visit with my grand-daughter

  60. Hello Rebecca,

    Thank you for participating in the Cocked & Loaded, Shootin’ Stars, & Blasting Giveaway Hop.

    What are my plans for this weekend? Well we celebrated the 4th of July of the 5th because my Hubby is a Police Officer, 32 years & still going strong) & the 4th is one of their busiest days. But we always enjoy celebrating with family at our house on the 5th with a cookout & a pool volley ball game…& it’s always the start of my Hubby’s vacation time.

    I would very much appreciate the opportunity to be considered in your very generous giveaway of a signed copy of one Book, either Fated, Claimed, or Hunted. Thank You.

    Take Care & Stay Naughty,
    PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
    paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

  61. latishajean says:

    Thank you for the great giveaway can’t wait to read this book sounds really good! I’m just going to do alittle reading this weekend!
    Latisha D

  62. Diane Sallans says:

    No plans for this weekend yet – maybe a movie to stay out of the heat.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  63. Ciara Knight says:

    Congratulations!! I can’t wait to read it. That is one hot story. I’m so happy for you.

  64. your1chef says:

    Congrats Rebecca on the release! Last weekend I saw my sisters house that is being added onto. This weekend, hoping to get outside with the kids before we leave MN and go home to FL.

  65. Penny B W says:

    Thank you for the great excerpt! And thanks for participating in the hop, so much fun!


  66. bn100 says:

    Congrats on the booK! No plans yet.

  67. Julianne says:

    Congrats on the new release in this series. I’ve read Hunted and loved, loved, loved it. I can’t wait to read more of this series.
    I plan to go to a pow wow this weekend. I really like going to those.
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  68. Thanks for the contest
    going yard sale hunting

  69. Ena says:

    Hey, I just got to know about these series two months back and the 1st book i read was claimed, not fated, and since then i am soo hooked to it. I am proud owner of every book and e- book you have written till now.
    Consumed was aweesome, I absolutely loved it. Jordan and katie’s story had everything i hoped for. I cant wait for Kane’s , Jase’s , Janie’s and Maggie’s and Terrent book to be out.
    All the best for your future work. 🙂

    1. I’m so glad you’re liking the series! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂

  70. Cindee Hulm says:

    Ooo-de-la-lee!! Bring it on – can’t wait to sink my teeth into this book! Your teasers are SO good (you’re so mean to only give a snippit)! 🙂 Thanks and can’t wait! Woohoo!

  71. Teel Kelley says:

    I hope to take it easy. I plan on getting through this blog hop. I like teasers on your books gives me a new series to read.

  72. Traci G says:

    this weekend i went to the Alice in Wonderland Ballet and a wedding. Next is lots of movies.. lol

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