Just checking in…

Howdy all!  I haven’t blogged in ages, and I know most of you have subscribed to the newsletter for updates, but I thought maybe I’d pop in here and start blogging a bit more.  It has been raining constantly at the Zanetti house, and here’s a fun picture of a pretty area close to our deck.  I just like it and I love the rain.

By the way, if you haven’t subscribed to the newsletter, you might want to do so because I’ve partnered with twelve other authors to give away a free book to everyone each month.  This month I gave away a Lexi Blake book, and the month before that was a Larissa Ione book.  We’ve had a lot of fun with cross-promoting, to be honest.  The sign up is over to the right.

A huge thank you to all of you who are essential workers taking care of the world – from first responders, to all the medical folks, to the truckers, grocery store workers, sanitation workers, teachers working from home, and everyone else – THANK YOU!

Next, I hope you’re all doing okay.  It has certainly been a difficult time, and an odd time, for everyone.  While I’m an introvert, I’ve struggled with not being able to see family members or friends.  I do have the zoom thing down, though.  Once you learn how to make Scooby Doo or Sam and Dean Winchester your background, I figure all is good.

It feels like I’ve been on zoom calls constantly, and it’s kind of fun to wear a nice top and yoga pants with slippers.  I’ve been taking a bunch of online classes just to keep my mind engaged, and I’ve also taken up planning a lot more.  I’ve included pics of my planning pages down below.  There are quite a few author planning groups online, and it’s nice to find people as cray cray as I am about it.

On the writing front, Pivot released and hit the USA Today Bestselling list, and I’m telling you, in today’s climate, that was a good feeling.  Next up, in just under two weeks, BROKEN will release.  This is a Deep Ops book and it features Wolfe and Dana’s romance.  It was a lot of fun writing from Wolfe’s head for the first time, and yes, he’s just as nutty as he’s always been.  So is Roscoe, by the way.  I love that dog.  With bookstores mainly being closed, it’ll be interesting to see how Broken does.  I’ll keep you updated.

Also, I’m working on Driven right now, which is the next book in the series.  This one is about Angus Force and Nari Zhang, as well as that Lassiter who Force has been chasing for the entire series.  The edits are due tomorrow, and the book is up for preorder with an awesome cover.  My publisher has done a fantastic job with these covers – Driven is red and has a lot of movement in it.

Other than that, Vixen (1001 Dark Nights novella), releases in August.  It’s the second novella in the Dark Protectors/Rebels series.  Speaking of those Dark Protectors, it looks like Guardian’s Grace (Adare and Grace’s story) is up for preorder now.  It releases in October.

So, drop me a comment and let me know how you’re doing.  I’m hanging in there.  While I’m sad the Nashville, Orlando, Texas, and Scotland signings were all canceled, I know we’ll all meet up again.  Please stay safe and as healthy as you can.

XO Rebecca

Here are some of my pages for the spring – I’m having fun and learning a lot:


5 thoughts on “Just checking in…”

  1. Catalina Molina says:

    Glad to see you blogging again love the pics I’m one of your rebels but always love your newsletters too. Sending you and yours lots of love from me and mine 💌💕💌💕

  2. Sue Torres says:

    Thank you for stopping by…essential worker here just need to be busy….let me know when will you have sell more signed books

    Really need more for he collection

  3. Sue Torres says:

    Thank you for stopping by…essential worker here just need to be busy….let me know when will you have sell more signed books

    Really need more for the collection

  4. Vicki says:

    I just got my own happy planner that is book themed. I love planners and stickers. Trying to stay busy and not go nuts with family in the house more.

  5. Dayke says:

    Were can i purchase the serie The A rouk brothers

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