Help – Reader Poll – Win a book!

wicked-edge_hi-resHi all!  I know not all of you have FaceBook, so I wanted to put our reader poll and contest here on the blog, too.  (I’ll choose one winner from FB and one from here in the comments…so you probably have a better chance of winning here.  But you can enter both places if you want! )

** HELP—READER POLL—** Win a book!

Hi all! I have three quick questions for you – if you answer them, you’re automatically entered to win one of my backlist ebooks – your choice.

1. Did you know that the Wicked books (The Realm Enforcers) is actually more of the Dark Protectors?

2. Are you aware that many of the Dark Protectors, Dage, Emma, Conn, Garrett, Zane, Janie…all make appearances in the Wicked books? Does that make a difference in your reading those?

3. What could we do to tie the two series together better? (I think many folks take a look at the Wicked books and think they’re contemporary MC books?)

Take a look and tell me what you think. Thanks!

(If your comment doesn’t show up right away, no worries.  We might need to approve it, and we will.  If you’ve commented before here, then yours should show up, but we did just do updates, so maybe not.  We will approve it, though.)  🙂

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Wicked Edge 5

46 thoughts on “Help – Reader Poll – Win a book!”

  1. Ezinwanyi says:

    Yes, I knew. In book 1 Dage and Garrett were there.
    Those covers are the issue. They look like those biker romances. Almost New Adult.
    Maybe on the cover add Dark Protector spin-off. I hate biker romances so…

    But I would start with the cover.

  2. Danah Anderson says:

    1. Did you know that the Wicked books (The Realm Enforcers) is actually more of the Dark Protectors? Not until I started reading Wicked Ride.

    2. Are you aware that many of the Dark Protectors, Dage, Emma, Conn, Garrett, Zane, Janie…all make appearances in the Wicked books? Does that make a difference in your reading those? Not right away. Yes, I would have started reading the series sooner.

    3. What could we do to tie the two series together better? (I think many folks take a look at the Wicked books and think they’re contemporary MC books?) A better description on Amazon letting people know that it is a spin off of the Dark Protectors would help. Also, maybe a novella in between tying the two series together. What is the time lapse from the last Dark Protectors to Wicked Ride? A few things were confusing because what happened in between was missing.

    Wicked Ride is a great book. Loved it.

  3. jennifer s. says:

    1 Yes, I was completely aware that it was a series spin off 2 Yes I expected visits from the protectors series and get very excited when they pop up. It is a factor in me continuing to purchase this series. I want glimpses into the lives of those character’s lives even though their stories have been told. 3 Not sure how you could have made it clearer but guess it is possible that some might have missed it. Maybe mentioning it in the dark protector world in the blurb or on the cover to reinforce it….but if your fans are paying attention….they should have gotten it

  4. Margie Peterson says:

    1) I did not know that the Wicked books were part of the Dark Protectors.
    2) The fact that the people from Dark Protectors appear in the Wicked books does make a difference, so I shall read them.
    3) I don’t know what you could do to tie the 2 together. I did think that they were contemporary books though.

  5. Lori Meehan says:

    1. I was hoping you would enclude them.
    2. Yes I did know
    3. I’ve read all your books and loved them!! I knew they weren’t the normal MC books that are out there today (which I don’t read). Now if Talen was in each book…sigh. Lol. I like how you’ve encluded the Dark Protectors and I’d love to see more of them involved.

  6. Kat says:

    I think of the “Wicked” books like a non vamp, witchy Irish brach continuation of the families from Dark Protectors.☺
    I love it when characters “visit” from other books, it’s like a family reunion (even if they’re not actually related)! You get updates on different characters lives, find out about new kids in the family and enjoy the interaction between the old & new characters of the two series. I think the two series tie together very well, so the only thing I can think of to make that even more so would be to have a bit longer of a “family” reunion. ☺

  7. sonia says:

    1- Yes i know it is part of Dark Protectors.
    2-Love that the players from Dark Protectors show up. We get updates on their lives, but it does not make difference to my reading them. I read all that you write
    3- Not sure how you can improve series. Make sure on buying sites stating in each blurb? that this is a spin off of another series.

  8. 1. Did you know that the Wicked books (The Realm Enforcers) is actually more of the Dark Protectors? I sort of did because I follow of FB and have all of the books.

    2. Are you aware that many of the Dark Protectors, Dage, Emma, Conn, Garrett, Zane, Janie…all make appearances in the Wicked books? Does that make a difference in your reading those? I knew Dage would make an appearance and maybe one or two others and I was hoping that I would see more of The Dark Protectors. I am glad to know that I will see more of my favorites in this spin off series.

    3. What could we do to tie the two series together better? (I think many folks take a look at the Wicked books and think they’re contemporary MC books?) I agree that they do look like contemporary MC books. New covers that incorporate the similarites to the Dark Protectors, I think would be better. Something that conveys the feel of the Dark Protectors, but different. Something with a “Wicked” feel too.

  9. Cheree says:

    I knew because I’ve read the whole series and you introduce the new series at the end of the last DP book. Yes being able to get updates on/see former characters is a plus and I love how you’ve incorporated them into the new series. I agree with comment above; the covers kinda throw you off. If I see a book from a favorite author on the shelf, I pick it up just to make sure I haven’t missed a new release, but some people might be deterred from looking by the cover. I don’t know if you need to denote a DP spinoff on the cover especially if you change the graphics.

  10. Cheryl McCullough says:

    I knew they were related based on information you provided. But you be honest I couldn’t see how. I still bought book one, because I buy anything you write. Haven’t read it yet.
    Now that I know old freinds show up,and more than one, I am stoked.
    I like the idea of a novella to bridge the two.

  11. Deborah Allen says:

    1. Yes I knew Realm Enforcers was a arch series of Dark Protectors.
    2.Yes I knew from bk1 that some of the Dark Protectors would make an appearance in the Realm Enforcers.
    3. Your covers for the RE don’t tie the two series together. I almost didn’t pre order bk 1 Wicked Ride when I first saw the cover. I had to remember what your newsletter had said about the new series. The covers don’t tie the two series together. I would start with that. The covers make me think about a motorcycle club or gang “Which I Don’t Ride” instead of a paranormal suspense romance.

  12. JBzMom says:

    I was anxious for more of the Dark Protectors, so I sought out any possible spin-off. I am aware of the appearance of the Dark Protectors’ characters in Realm Enforcer books. Was glad to see them incorporated so well into the story. It might help to follow “Realm Enforcers” with “A Dark Protectors Series”. Love them all! Thank you!

  13. Judy Contino says:

    1. I knew they were part of the Dark Protectors world because I follow you online and on FB, and also get your emails.
    2. I was hoping the characters from the other books would make an appearance in the books. I love to see what happens to favorites from the other series. Even if they weren’t I would’ve read them anyway if your name was on the books. I’ve read and loved everything you’ve written.
    3. I think the covers could have been done differently to tie into Dark Protectors. They look like biker books.

  14. Joan Lai says:

    1) The first time I read Wicked Ride, I didn’t know the Dark Protectors would appear but I was sure hoping that they would.

    2) Yes, I love the fact the Realm Enforcers live in your Dark Protectors world. It would be disappointing if the Dark Protectors characters did not advance in the timeline along with the witches. We would miss them!

    3) I think the biggest disconnect between Realm Enforcers and Dark Protectors lies in the motorcycle covers. When you announced the Realm Enforcers series at the end of Marked, I envisioned something more witchy or fiery as an image. Since the covers are divided vertically down the middle, maybe there could be more paranormal visuals on the text half. A plasma flash? A C9E tattoo? Or a more distinctive reference to the Realm? Make sure your promotions and vendors mention “Dark Protectors spinoff”.

  15. Lisa Pierson says:

    1. Yes, I knew. Only because I follow your books pretty close. I fall in love with each new alpha man you introduce us too.

    2. I love the idea that my favorite characters will be showing up – how fun – sigh worthy.

    3. It is definitely the covers. Hot guy, hot cycle – Where is the magic secret world?

  16. Stephanie says:

    1.YES! (total fan of the DPs)
    2.Yes! And I LOVE when old characters make appearances in new books. Just makes the new story more of a ‘must have’ right away.
    3. And I have I agree, unfortunately. Most readers see a motorcycle and think MC nowadays. I think if you drop the extra picture of the bike would help a lot. Make the picture of the rider with bike bigger, move your name and title around, then add a splash of color like the Consumed and Tamed covers I think it would show the readers they’re connected to the DP world better. 🙂

    I’m all caught up except for Wicked Edge, so no need to enter me, but thanks for asking for opinions.

  17. Geneva Vaughn says:

    Question 1- yes

    Question 2 – yes

    Question 3 – I didn’t know by the cover. After I got the book I was excited that it was about the Dark Protectors also. Loved the Dark Protectors Series.

  18. 1. No. I don’t always read your blog and I don’t always get your FB posts.
    2. Am I aware? No, because of #1. Does that make a difference? Yep.
    3. You can change the covers. These covers don’t look like paranormal books. They look like biker books. I’m not a fan of biker books.

    Now that I know they’re part of the Dark Protectors, I’ll have to check them out! 🙂

  19. Lori N. says:

    Omg – I didn’t know that. Now I have to read the Wicked series because the Dark Protectors was my favorite series.

  20. Cheri Winget says:

    1. Yes. Weren’t Realm Enforcers first involved in Conn’s book?
    2. Yes, you mentioned that in one of your blogs. Having them appear in these is a special bonus, but does nothing to determine whether I would read the book or not. Enjoying the writing of the author determines that, no matter the genre. It may be bad manners to mention another author in this, and I do apologize up front but, Moira Rogers comes to mind. Although I know the new pen name was created for more than world changing. The world/content of Moira Rogers is so different from that of Kit Rocha. Both are intense and entertaining, but it’s the writing that grabs you and propels you into a world you might not have looked into without being familiar with the writer.
    3. Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary to connect the two. As long as the promoters of the books ( Amazon, B&B, etc) list the RE series in the appropriate areas, we the readers will not be disappointed or taken by surprise when purchasing the books. Do the RE’s ride bikes yes, is it necessary to promote that? No, unless you wish to promote the fact that they are a MC unit, much like today’s contemporary MC gangs only magical. I personally enjoy a MC romance now and then, they break up the magical influence of the books I read. If the motorcycle is cause for concern, and I did read some of the other comments, and it looked as though many readers don’t like the MC genre, get rid of the motorcycle, and/or add a magical blast of some kind. Make sure the blurb truly defines the story within.

  21. Timitra says:

    Yes to questions one and two as for question three I think adding “The Realm Enforcers a Dark Protectors spin-off” to the book covers would help

  22. Margaret Leenders says:

    1. Yes I knew it was more of our Dark Protectors world. I enjoy the fact that the witches are at the forefront.
    2. I knew you would bring back our favorite characters and it is nice to see how they are doing. I would have read the books anyway because I love your books.
    3. Maybe changing the covers by adding a magical aspect. But other than that, I think most of your loyal readers, including me, know that the enforcers are of the world of the dark protectors. We got to meet them in Conn’s book, so we all should know.

  23. Mary Gagan says:

    1: Yes knew it was an extension
    2: Was hoping there would be a big link between the 2 then we can see what is happening with Janie and Zane
    3: Read Wicked Ride and was hoping the link would show up there, I am waiting to see how that all turns out.

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Zane is definitely in Wicked Edge (the book out Tuesday), and both Janie and Hope make an appearance.

  24. Julia contino says:

    Yes I know it’s spinoff. I very much like when Dage showed up with Garrett, Zane’s mother and brother ( sorry can’t remember there names of the top of my head)
    Maybe you should put the DP logo up in the corner of the cover
    Maybe have the enforcers work closer with the Kayrs brothers on a common threat
    I really enjoy your books so I would have read it irregardless.

  25. Sue Finlay Clark says:

    Q 1: The main character in Wicked Ride was in the Dark protectors when a trip to Ireland was necessary to retrieve a witch.
    Q2: It makes sense that characters from thr DP would show up in the Wicked Ride series, because they formed an alliance to defeat the “bad guys.” Having characters from the DP series in this one makes these stories must reads, since I loved the DP series.
    Q3: One idea might be to put a hook on the cover of the book like, “If you like the DP series, this story continues the saga with some of your favorite characters.”

  26. Joy Greenway says:

    1. Did you know that the Wicked books (The Realm Enforcers) is actually more of the Dark Protectors? Yes, remember the characters from Dark Protectors series.

    2. Are you aware that many of the Dark Protectors, Dage, Emma, Conn, Garrett, Zane, Janie…all make appearances in the Wicked books? Does that make a difference in your reading those? Not at the start, but it is great to catch up with them.

    3. What could we do to tie the two series together better? (I think many folks take a look at the Wicked books and think they’re contemporary MC books?) For those of us who know the books we are already aware that the two series are connected. have a comment in the blurb/cover of book saying that are related to the Dark Protectors series. something that states the link between the two series.

  27. Jaci Petrongolo says:

    Yes I knew that the Wiked books would have a connection to the DP’s I was very happy that you included the DP’s in this series.

    I was aware that there will be connections between the Wiked clan and The DP’s. No it did not influence my decision to read the Wiked books. I absolutely love your writing and I especially love all the diverse paranormal characters and the great stories that you give them.

    I think you could change the jacket of the book. Maybe something to give the readers the idea that the DP’ and Wiked characters are inner twined

    Please keep writing the paranormal romances I Can’t get enough. I was actually depressed when the DP’s series ended. I have been dying with anticipation for the release of the Wiked series. As usual you did not disappoint .

  28. Teena Baker says:

    1. Yes, I recognized the names.
    2. I enjoy having the story lines intermingle like this.
    3. I very much enjoy series books. It makes very interesting reading.

  29. Keryn says:

    1. No I didn’t know.
    2. No I didn’t know, and yes it makes a huge difference as I love, love, love the Protectors!!! I would be happy to see many more books to come with the friends we’ve made in the DP world. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful friends if yours with us and all their amazing adventures! Now I need to save my coin to get the books in the Wicked books .

  30. Felicia Sidoma says:

    1. Yes
    2. I like when characters are in more than just one series.
    3. Maybe do differ covers, Some readers may think that they are only MC genre books. Some times people only see the covers and don’t read the excerpts.

  31. Michelle says:

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. A book cover that links in more to the other books? The current cover does give the impression that they are straight forward contemporary bikers

  32. Laura Lovejoy Brunk says:

    1. I had nooooo idea, if i did, i wouldnt have hesitated. The covers make them seem like a “biker”book
    2. Awsome !
    3. The covers most likely

    excuse me while i get started reading this series asap !

  33. Jennifer Mishoe says:

    Yes I knew they were a continuing of the Dark Protectors.
    I do love when characters bridge books and series.
    Perhaps a by line on the the covers or something that relates to the other series.
    I have loved both series!

  34. Michelle M says:

    REALLY want to read this new series, it’s great that I’ll get to get “updates’ on Dark Protectors!

  35. Trudy says:

    1. Yes, I knew.

    2. I was hopeful of getting updates on the Dark Protectors characters, especially Zane and Janie, so this was a major reason I started the series. I didn’t have much interest in the witches, but so far so good.

    3. The cover is misleading as upon seeing it I thought it was a biker romance and would not have known it was connected with Dark Protectors. On Amazon it states ‘If you love the Dark Protectors, these wicked hot Realm Enforcers are for you!’ This doesn’t connect the two series, just highlights that they are similar. Maybe this could be tweaked to let readers know that it is a spin off of Dark Protectors. This way persons who love the Dark Protector series would know that even though it has ‘ended’, they get to love new characters while still touching base with their old favourites.

  36. Lori H says:

    Yes to both of the first 2 questions. As for the 3rd question I like the covers however the bike is misleading 🙂
    Great post!

  37. I love your books! !

    1. Yes

    2. Will always love an update on my favorites! However, no I don’t think it would matter to me. I love your writing style.

    3. I love the covers!!

  38. Donna H says:

    1. Did you know that the Wicked books (The Realm Enforcers) is actually more of the Dark Protectors?
    Nope, wasn’t paying too much attention to your new series (sorry).

    2. Are you aware that many of the Dark Protectors, Dage, Emma, Conn, Garrett, Zane, Janie…all make appearances in the Wicked books? Does that make a difference in your reading those?
    Nope, didn’t realize that the DP characters would make appearances in the Wicked books.
    Heck yea….enjoyed DP books. So spinoffs are good.

    3. What could we do to tie the two series together better? (I think many folks take a look at the Wicked books and think they’re contemporary MC books?)
    The covers (especially picture of the bike) turned me off and convinced me that they were biker books (don’t care for those). So change/mix-up the covers…like add a blurb that the Wicked books are part of the DP universe.

  39. Debbie Milton says:

    1. Yes, I did know. YAY!
    2. I totally want to see more of the Dark Protectors!
    3. Maybe different covers? The covers make the series look like an MC book and not a paranormal. But the covers are really cool.

  40. Rebecca Kayser says:

    1- I had NO idea
    2 – The books will now be read!!!!
    3- I don’t know but I will read them and let you know. Love your writing!!!!! Keep em comming!

  41. 1) I had a feeling it would be as the last DP book didn’t end as if it was over. I wasn’t 100 percent sure until I got the email from you this morning announcing the new dark protectors book.

    2) I new there would be more from the characters I loved because of the way the last book ended however I only thought it would be Zane and Janie

    3) I am not sure I need to read it (one clicked it this morning). I would say that just having some of the characters we love appearing is a great start. This has truly made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Rosemary Crowe says:

    1. Yes, I love reading about all of them I miss those stories, I read them more then once.
    2.Yes love the continuation of people I have read before. The cover is miss leading though.

    3. I love the first book in this series and I’m waiting to read the next. I love your books. You make the characters seem real to me.

  43. Nancy Williamson says:

    1. No. I didn’t know that. I’m going to have to get started on the wicked series.
    2. Yes, you already know the characters and it makes it easier to get into the books without all the introductions.
    3. Add a line on the cover to let everyone know that it is a spin off or a continuation of the series. I always hate when a series ends because I don’t know what to look forward to…a little lost.

  44. Rhonda Campbell says:

    No I didn’t know it was connected but glad I do now! And adding in other characters are always a good thing in my opinion. Previous readers will read to find out about the characters they love and new readers will most likely want to go read the others for the characters stories. I love the covers and the motorcycles don’t put me off reading them I like MC books but could be misleading, so maybe add something so reader knows it’s paranormal. Maybe in the background…
    Unfortunately due to personal issues I’m behind on my reading. Can’t wait to read them though

  45. Jennifer Mishoe says:

    I didn’t realize the books were connected at first but was so happy to find they were. I love all the characters in both series as things tie together. . What about under the title adding Dark Protecters Under Cover?

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