FIVE chances to win CLAIMED–right here, right now

UPDATE: went to work and the winners are:  Danielle Gorman, Lucy Dosch, Kelly Mueller, Stacy McKitrick, and Elizabeth Sogard.  I’ve emailed the winners seeking addresses.  Congrats to these folks and thank you to everyone who commented!

The wonderful Megan Records sent me early promo copies of CLAIMED, which is Book 2 of the Dark Protectors.  For this week and this week only, I’m giving away five copies.  I have many copies of FATED to give away during my ongoing blog tour, but my CLAIMED copies are few and far between.  So now is the time to enter–and I’ll have choose five names after midnight on Friday, September 23rd.  The contest is open world wide.  You just need to leave a comment below to win.

Also, don’t forget to check out my blog tour for chances to win FATED!  So…good luck!  If you need a prompt…here it is:  What do you think is scarier–an enraged werewolf or a furious vampire?

48 thoughts on “FIVE chances to win CLAIMED–right here, right now”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Count me in! That’s a tough question about the enraged werewolf or a furious vampire.
    YIKES! I’d have to say vampire, though. I’m partial to those. 🙂

    Super exciting times, Rebecca! Woot!!

  2. MiQuelle Traverse says:

    Wow, that’s a hard question, I think the Vampire wins just because they are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Anne Marsh says:

    What a beautiful cover– congratulations! I’m super-partial to wereshifters, so a vamp would be scarier for me (I’ve got mental images of Wrath running through my head now!).

  4. 🙂 Count me in too! I tweeted and facebooked it for you!

    Enrage werewolf hands down!

  5. Tressy Wilson says:

    I loved Fated and can’t wait to read Claimed!!

  6. Amanda says:

    Yay!!! Pick Me Pick Me 🙂
    Soooo ready to read this book!

  7. Jan Rogers says:

    I think an enraged werewolf is scarier !! What with the fear of being torn apart, the pain, and agony you would suffer, compared to having your throat torn out by a vampire !! Besides, I love the vampires !!

  8. Omw! LOVELY.

    I’d have to say that either would be infuriating if they were hot and I couldn’t touch. Especially if any of them look like your descriptions of your characters – YUM! and a donut. I would love a donut – so random!

    Congrats! looking forward to the release.

  9. Lateefa says:

    I’m so pressed to read Book 2 in the series please pick me.

  10. Maria says:

    I think either would be terrifying, but possibly worse with a werewolf because of the physical changes that would involve.

    I’m so excited about your series!!

  11. Christal Murphy says:

    Wow, advanced copies! That’s so exciting. And they look beautiful. Congrats.

    I’m gonna say an enraged werewolf… an enraged vampire can be hot and thrilling but not in a scary kinda way lol. But a wolf? Nah, I prefer a man I can seduce…er… try to calm down.

  12. Yay, more books! 🙂

    Hmm, enraged werewolf or a furious vampire… well, I wouldn’t want to meet either of them in a dark alley. If I had to chose though it would be the werewolf.

  13. Yadira A. says:

    Very excited for the second book to come out. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Cathy M says:

    This is so nice of you,Rebecca. I am on countdown mode for my copy of Claimed.

    I think an enraged werewolf is scarier. When those teeeth and claws come out, that animal visciousness would have me frozen in fear.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  15. Brooklyn Ann says:

    I’d say an enraged werewolf would be scarier…slobber and dog breath…ewwww!!!!

  16. Jess says:

    Super excited for CLAIMED! I’d vote for a werewolf…death by claws and jaws is probably more painful.

  17. Khelsey Jackson says:

    I cant wait for CLAIMED!!!! I would say werewolf!

  18. amyt865 says:

    I would say a werewolf death would be a lot messier but I would prefer a vampire any day! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Staci Jean says:

    a furious vamp–those suckers (wink) are very hard to kill!

  20. I definitely would have to say an enraged werewolf is scarier! Vampires still look closer to humans than a full on werewolf. A werewolf would be like having a snarling beastie up close and personal. I think I would rather have a a furious vampire in my face than an enraged werewolf. Therefore I vote werewolf as scarier!
    Thanks so much for the giveaway and good luck to all!

  21. Oh how cool that you got early copies of CLAIMED! Congrats on your upcoming release, Rebecca. I’m looking forward to having you on my blog Wednesday. 🙂

  22. Stephanie M says:

    I cannot wait until Claimed comes out. I love Fated. I think a furious vampire is scarier because they can hold a grudge longer and they can hide their emotions until they are ready to strike.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Marie Tuhart says:

    That’s a hard one. It really depends on the personality of each, but I think the werewolf would be the scarier of the two, because he can kill you outright whereas a vampire might want to play with you for a bit. Good luck with the new book, I can’t wait to read CLAIMED. FATED was a good book.

  24. Definitely an enraged werewolf. You never know if they’re up to date on their shots. 😉

  25. I’d be more scared of an enraged werewolf. I guess I would feel more comfortable reasoning with a vampire because they look human, compared with a werewolf, which doesn’t.
    I enjoyed Fated and look forward to reading Claimed (however I obtain it!!)

  26. Xee says:

    Thank you for the giveaway… I think there both equally scary 😉

  27. Susan Nystoriak says:

    Hi, I look forward to reading this! Can’t wait! Enraged werewolf seems much scarier to me!!!

  28. Mary Preston says:

    I can imagine an enraged werewolf ripping me to shreds.

    Fabulous giveaway thank you.


  29. jeff7salter says:

    Me, ME … I want the book.
    Ah, the question.
    I would be skeered of either one, but I’d rather take my chances with the vampire. The werewolf attacks and kills with wild abandon … you have not time to reason with him/it and no expectation that he’d respond to reason anyway.
    But some/most vampires have a human quality to them which makes you believe they would at least listen and consider your pleas … before they bite your jugular!

  30. Vanessa N. says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I think an enraged werewolf is scarier.

  31. Jumping up and down…waving hands…Me…Me… Please pick me!
    Oh, sorry, got a bit carried away, but I think an enraged werewolf is scarier,
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  32. Joy says:

    Enraged werewolf definitely! Thanks for the chance to win…..I can’t wait for the book!

  33. Virginia C says:

    “Fated” was fabulous–can’t wait to be captivated by “Claimed” : )

    Werewolves would be all fiery, furry, fast ferociousness! Vampires would be intense, evil, cunning, cool, and torturously tormenting! So I guess what it boils down to is this–would you rather be “fast food”…or a twelve course feast? Would you prefer to see your own demise in the hypnotic stare from a vampire’s eyes…or is it better to be dissected and devoured by a beast?

  34. Renee Rearden says:

    Thank you for offering such a fantastic giveaway! I can’t wait to read Claimed and Fated!!!

    Personally, I think an enraged werewolf is scarier than a furious vampire. At least with a vampire I have a chance of waking up…even if I do wake up undead!!! =D

    ReneeRearden(at) yahoo(dot)com

  35. Ren Puspita says:

    Both enraged werewolf and furious vampire will be scary!! Chance I can’t help myself from them. But I will choose with vampire, to wake up undead way better rather become dead meat 😛

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

  36. I so want!! lets see I am willing to trade my teenager for one? Buy you drinks in Seattle at the end of October…
    Oh I know I promise to read, review and post it on my blog….

    Thanks for the wonderful chance to win.
    See you in October,
    Kelly Mueller
    Books-n-Kisses Blog

  37. Terry says:

    Furious vampire…at least the werewolf is hot! Pick me!!!!

  38. I think an enraged werewolf scares me more. After all they are driven by their natural animal instinct and primal urges.

  39. Oooh, so very lovely! Loved Fated. Can’t wait for the rest. 🙂 Gotta say werewolf. Vampire is regular guy on steroids. Werewolf, now, claws and way more teeth!

  40. Lucy Dosch says:

    I would LOVE a copy of claimed. Can’t wait to read it. I think the werewolf would be scarier since he would do more damage before he calmed down. A vampire might get full and calm down BEFORE he killed you.

  41. Virginia says:

    I just want to know if any plants were harmed…or rescued…in this book 🙂

  42. Deborah Hine says:

    Thank you for the chance to win Claimed.
    I would have to go with Enraged werewolf but I think a furious vampire is just as scary.


  43. I would love the chance to win (fingers crossed)

    dpostell2 at

  44. Desiree says:

    I just got hooked on this series and you as an author. I first heard about you earlier this month on Cynthia Edens blog party. I am half way through FATED and I love it!!!!

    deslauree3 at yahoo dot com

  45. That is really difficult to answer…I think the enraged werewolf.

  46. Chelsea B. says:

    Ummmm. Well, both will pretty much tear you apart! Haha 😉 I guess I will say werewolf because once they become a wolf I really don’t see anyway to talk them out of mauling you, LOL!

  47. June M. says:

    I would also go with werewolf because they may just be going by animal instinct by then.

  48. THANK YOU so very very very much….
    Can’t wait to read

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