CONSUMED cover reveal

Hi all!  Well, I hit 2000 likes on my FaceBook page yesterday, and had to celebrate!  We celebrated by revealing the cover for CONSUMED (Book 4 of the Dark Protectors) about a month earlier than planned. 

Consumed is Katie and Jordan’s story–those western cougars are wild and fun!  I believe the release date is July and hope to have a confirmation of that very soon. 

For now, enjoy the cover.  It’s a bit different than the other covers–Kensington is shaking things up a little bit!

47 thoughts on “CONSUMED cover reveal”

  1. Amanda says:

    I absolutely love it! I think the trees in the back give it a wild feel 🙂 hope that’s a hint to the story.

    1. Hi Amanda! Oh yeah, there’s a scene in the woods not for the faint of heart… 🙂

  2. Brenda D. says:

    It looks awesome and although I love your vamps, I can’t wait for Katie and Jordan’s story!!!

    1. Hi Brenda! I hope you like it. 🙂

  3. Lynn Rush says:


  4. Sheila says:

    I can’t wait till this book comes out!!!

    1. Hi Sheila! Me too. I hope to have an actual release day soon–don’t know what the hold up is. 🙂

  5. Love the cover Rebecca

    1. Hi Kelly! Me too. 🙂 I could stare at those abs all day.

  6. Linda says:

    Absolutely love the cover and can’t wait to read Jordan and Katie’s story. I am confused I thought Jordan was a Lion shifter. Did I misread that?

    1. Hi Linda! Yes, he’s a lion shifter. (Same thing as western cougar). Did I goof that up somewhere? That’s entirely possible. 🙂

      1. Linda says:

        LOL no it’s probably me! When I think male Lion I see this huge main of hair and cougar I don’t picture it lol

  7. DeAnn G. says:

    When will it be available for preorder on the nook at Barnes and Noble?

    1. Hi DeAnn! I would give my left arm to know the answer to that question. 🙂 I’ll update as soon as they tell me.

  8. ronnie cornett says:

    Love the cover!!! Can’t wait for Katie and Jordan’s story…I was hoping you would write it…and YEA for a month early!

    1. Hi Ronnie! Yeah, I loved writing their story. It gets, ah, a little intense. Those lions!

  9. Eva Luna says:

    Yay for Katie and Jordan!~ I can’t wait to read their story ^__^

    1. Hi Eva! I hope you like it!

  10. Lavonda44 says:

    NICE! Love those abs! Can’t wait to read Kate’s and Jordan’s story. Looking forward to meeting you at the Anaheim event in July and getting a signed copy of Consumed. Heading over to facebook after this to give you a thumbs up! lol

    1. Linda says:

      Anaheim event in July? Where? I am in CA and would love to attend 🙂

      1. It’ll be at the RWA National Conference – there will be a public book signing the first night – here’s the info:

    2. Anaheim is going to be fun, right! Can’t wait to meet you. 🙂

  11. Congrats! Great cover Rebecca!!!

    1. Thanks! Those abs are something, aren’t they? 🙂

  12. Tina B says:

    I love it also! 🙂

    1. Hi Tina! I’d like to see the rest of him. I mean, his face, of course! 🙂

      1. Tina B says:

        Lol! Me too! 😉

  13. Savannah Chase says:

    Congrats on the fantastic new cover…I love it..

    1. Hi Savannah! Thanks – it’s good to hear from you! 🙂

  14. rkttk5 says:

    I’m super excited for the book! Love the cover but it doesn’t look like the same series!

    1. Hi know, right? It does look a little different. But I think marketing wants to shake things up a bit, which I always like, I have to admit. 🙂

  15. Tesa Devlyn says:

    Woooo-hoooo! What a cover!

    1. Hi Tesa! Thanks so much! It was great hanging out with you at the retreat last weekend. We need to do that again!

  16. Deborah Allen says:

    Why do we have to wait until July for Consumed???? The cover is ready Jordan and Katies story is ready. Its crule to make us wait for Consumed!!!!

    1. Hi Deborah! Well…I do have a copy on my computer. 🙂 But…it’s full of edits and would probably not make for a smooth reading experience. I’m hoping the July date is still good–am still waiting for final confirmation from Kensington. Sigh.

  17. JoAnna B says:

    I can’t wait to read Katie and Jordan’s story! Just finished Hunted last week!

    1. I hope you like Consumed! It was fun switching gears a little bit and writing about the shifters. But a lot still takes place with the Kayrs family. 🙂

  18. Sarah Smith says:

    ok yeah! i see a digital release date for Consumed on July 5th – can’t wait! Will it be released in paperback as well? 🙂

    1. Hi Sarah – well…I was told it would be available in print before I submitted it, but now it seems like the publisher is changing its mind. Unfortunately, I have no control over that at this point. So, I’m hoping it will be in print but don’t think that’s going to happen for a while. 🙂

  19. Sarah Smith says:

    No problem here! i will still buy the kindle edition on July 5th! i just hope they keep coming – you are by far one of the most entertaining writers and i love your books as i know so many others do as well! i will take ’em how i can get ’em 🙂

    1. You just made my day. Thanks! 🙂

  20. Ciara Knight says:

    Oh my goodness, that is one AMAZING cover. Love it!!!! You are doing so well, Rebecca. It’s so awesome to see your releases.

    1. Thanks, Ciara – so are you!!! 🙂

  21. Bern says:

    How long is this book? Is it a short story like Tempted (which I really enjoyed), or is it a full length novel?

    1. Hi there! It’s a full length novel – so is PROVOKED, which will be out in November. 🙂

  22. Sarah Smith says:

    Yeah!!! for Provoked to come out! I cannot wait for Kane’s story (i know he is going to be interesting and a surprise!) and i am super excited for Consumed too! so much to look forward to 🙂 keep it up ~ please!

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