Win the Plus One Chronicles by Jennifer Lyon!

obsession-250x396UPDATE:  Congrats to Gail G for winning the drawing!  I emailed you…I know you’re going to love these books!

I’m tired.  Really, really tired.  You know why?  Because I found out last night that OBSESSION had been released, and I stayed up late reading it.  LOVED IT.  I mean, I really, really, really loved this book.  This is the third book in the Plus One Chronicles featuring bad-ass wounded hero Sloane Michaels and sweet, kindhearted, fiercely protective Kat Thayne.  So, make sure you start with the first book, which is THE PROPOSITION.  The theproposition-250x396second book is POSSESSION, and then you can read the fiery, sexy conclusion in OBSESSION.

These days, with three series going,  I don’t get a lot of time to read.  So when I do take the time, I need to be swept away in a story that’s so good I forget I’m a writer.  I don’t edit, I don’t critique, I just get lost.  This three-part series completely took me away into another world, and I just loved it.  I’m pretty sure I have a major crush on Sloane, but that’s okay.  We won’t tell anybody, right?

possession-250x396To celebrate how much fun I had reading Sloane and Kat’s story, I’m going to give away the three books in digital form.  The winner can let me know if they want kindle, nook, sony, iTunes, etc.  To make this fun, you only have the weekend to enter.  As soon as I get a chance Monday morning (probably about 10am PST), I’m going to randomly draw a name from the comments below. 

So, just a leave a comment, and you’re in.  If you need a prompt, let me ask you this:  Why do you think we love wounded heroes so much?  Or, if you don’t want to think too deeply, how about you tell me your favorite dessert?  The heroine in the Plus One Chronicles owns a bakery, so this question fits, too.  🙂

75 thoughts on “Win the Plus One Chronicles by Jennifer Lyon!”

  1. Kimberly W says:

    Would love to read it. Wish me luck 🙂

  2. Wendy Jenkins says:

    We love wounded Heros so we can nurture and heal them. We reep the benefits when we do! 😉 favorite dessert, well anything with chocolate!! <3

  3. krystyna says:

    I want to read these books because I think you are a fabulous writer! If you loved them, guaranteed I will too!

  4. Timitra says:

    I think we love wounded heroes because we want to be the ones to heal them….fave dessert is ice cream and cake.

  5. Wendy Humbarger says:

    Wounded heros have this hard shell and gooey center that just begs to be exposed…the are so worth the work…

  6. Because they’re sexy and slightly damaged and need TLC . And I love chocolate cake smeared all over them LOL

  7. mdewell says:

    I love Buster Bar Dessert. It has an oreo cookie crust vanilla ice cream mixed with whipped topping, covered with peanuts and then topped with an awesome fudge topping. freeze then enjoy

  8. ????? are you AKA Jennifer Lyon LOL

    1. LOL! No. I don’t have an AKA. 🙂 Jennifer exists – I met her at RWA once and told her how much I loved her Samantha Shaw mysteries. If you haven’t read those, you’d love them!

  9. Tiffany Tosh says:

    I would LOVE to win one of these books! They all look as though they’d be good. My fave dessert is chocolate eclair cake. It’s delish

  10. mdewell says:

    Buster Bar Dessert

  11. Samara says:

    If you recommend and love these books then Im all in. I love all your books especially my vampires.

  12. Shannon says:

    We love wounded characters because I feel most people have been wounded someone or something in life and learn how to heal from those events. Some events impact our lives more than others but it’s wonderful to read about how a character can heal. As for dessert…can’t beat a Tiramisu <3

  13. Missy says:

    I think we like hero’s, that have suffered because they get better, and as they get better we see a man that can love us, even if we are a little damaged ourselves. .. I always wanted a black knight in dented armor over a white knight in sparkling untouched armor.

  14. Cynthia Navish says:

    Fave dessert – chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream frosting

  15. Lori Meehan says:

    I like wounded hero’s because I love to read about their journey to their HEA.
    Key lime pie.

  16. angela smithson says:

    Anything cheesecake or chocolate

  17. Jenny S. says:

    I love most any chocolate dessert! There are too many to choose a favorite. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  18. geenakmom says:

    I think we love the wounded hero because even though they are strong males they are showing us their vulnerability.

  19. kp says:

    Fav dessert is sea salt caramels….so good! We love wounded heroes because they are our heroes!

  20. Favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake.

  21. Donna says:

    Wounded heroes are intriguing since it mean that they are human and can make mistakes like any ordinary person. Of course, healing/loving them is even better. LOL

  22. Geena says:

    Thanks for the chance to win these books! 🙂 I think we love wounded heroes so much because they’re just SO SEXY!!!!! 😀

  23. LaineyG says:

    If you enjoyed this series, it’s GOTTA be GOOD! Wounded heros make us feel more needed, more important in their lives.
    My fav sweet treat: dark chocolate brownies. ***drool***

  24. Denise Van Plew says:

    They pull at our heart strings and boy do they do it good. They can be intense at times and if won kindle form . Key Lime pie best dessert.

  25. Cassandra B. says:

    I like a few too many desserts! One of my favorites is chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream frosting. On the wounded hero front, I enjoy the healing process. I remember coming across these books a while ago and this might a push to try them out.

  26. Deborah Whaley says:

    They give us a chance to try to rescue them–from their pain and suffereing or from themselves. They give us the opportunity to nuture.

  27. Jetaun Moore says:

    I would like to comment on your latest book OMG. Even though Jase and Breanna are the youngest in the bunch on both sides their story ranked right at the top. I read this in one sitting because I refused to put it down and talk about wetting my lips for Zane ,I can’t wait.

  28. Melinda Hayward says:

    You just want to fix them. And make everything better. And I think Creme Brulee heals all things 🙂

  29. Carrie says:

    You always want to be the woman the hero changes for…to be the total universe to a man many woman want to fix and he chooses you.

  30. Alyssia Wilson says:

    Wounded heroes lures you in and makes you want to take the time to unwrap the hard shell to find the teddy bear inside. To top it off, they make the unwrapping process so worth it! Being from the south, I would have to say my fave dessert is banana pudding or peach cobbler. Love it!

  31. Laura Vasquez says:

    Always looking for new authors and stories….these sound awesome. Favorite dessert: Chocolate Cake, not too sweet but rich and dark 🙂

  32. Sherri Williamson says:

    We love wounded soldiers because that “I have to take care of him and make him better” intuition kicks in! Oh and cheesecake heals all wounds for me!! LOL 😉

  33. Veronnica H says:

    I think everyone loves a wounded hero because once a woman breaks them and is able to enter their heart, they love with their very soul. They are fierce lovers!!!

  34. Adaiah La Vonda says:

    Everyone needs love and love conquers all! Ah, love!

  35. Chocolate and because we like to think we are the only woman who can fix them. Their life was sad and lonely and broken before they met us. 🙂

  36. Tiffany says:

    Would love to read them. They are on my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. Jana Rigsby says:

    They look great. Gonna put on my wish list.

  38. Sue Ann says:

    Will purchase over the weekend! Reading just relaxes me after a week of lots of stress….

  39. Shannon Courtney says:

    Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease! I’ve been wanting to read this series, but haven’t been able to get them.

  40. SnarkyMom says:

    I think we like wounded heros simply because they ARE wounded and typically they find redemption with their love.

    As for a favorite dessert? Oh my Gosh! There is a bakery in my old town – really it was a hole in the wall, right alongside an alley & I probably would have SHUDDERED if I ever went into their back rooms… BUT… they made THE. BEST. WHITE CAKE – EVER!!! Don’t know how it is in other parts of the US, but here, if you ask for white cake, you have to specify that you want WHITE – not yellow. Not many bakeries put on a *true* white cake – but this place did. And really, I could have just eaten a tub of their icing.

    Crap. Now I guess I’m going to have to make a white cake & try to pretend. LOL!

    BTW – would LOVE to read this series! mobi, michelle at oxrider dot com

  41. Lori Norton says:

    Just finished Shadowed and it was Awesome! Can’t wait for the next book.

  42. Rhonda Caston says:

    My favorite dessert is Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts!!! Too Yummy!!!

  43. Deborah Steinmetz says:

    The nurturing side of us always wants to take care of the wounded heroes and therefore we want them to win.
    If this series is only half as good as your books, then I’m sure I will enjoy them.

  44. Kelly says:

    We love wounded heros so much because we want to help them heal and as women, we want to be the caretakers, the givers.

    Favorite dessert, not so easy. Anything chocolate. 🙂

  45. Rachel says:

    I can’t wait to read these! Thanks for the recommendation!

  46. Esther says:

    Please pick me! I have all your books and I need something to tide me over until Sweet Revenge is released.

  47. Heather says:

    All the books look wonderful to read I can’t wait to start. And I just want you to know I love all your books so far!!!

  48. Maria Byrne says:

    AWESOME would love this, 😛

  49. Amy P. says:

    I think women tend to be nurturers and who needs nurturing more than a wounded hero? And the big benefit?…..Heroes are hot.

    My favorite dessert: I have no idea what it’s called but you mix together white chocolate pudding with whipped cream and layer it with torn up sponge/angel food cake and your choice of mashed fruit/berries. Soo delicious.

  50. I think we like them, because as women we hope we can save them or fix them. In a sense it is our motherly, loving instinct inside us that makes us do it. Plus wounded heroes are hot. They try so hard to make like they don’t want them help, when all along they usually do.

    My favorite dessert is Cheesecake of course. Yummy, any kind, but no nuts. At least not on the Cheesecake, maybe nuts afterwards. LOL

    Thanks for the chance to win.
    christinebails at yahoo dot com

  51. Holly says:

    I would love to win this 🙂 thanks for the chance to win and for the awesome giveaway

  52. Tina says:

    I think we want to see all wounded hero’s to heal and be happy. Favorite dessert: Pumpkin Pie Squares.

  53. Theresa Cromwell says:

    I love to bake anything sweet. On the agenda today is mini cinnamon roll bites and cinnamon swirl bread!

  54. Enjolie Canova says:

    Would love to read this! And my fav. dessert.. Umm sheesh… I have so many it’s hard to choose!

  55. Jennifer McNeill says:

    We love wounded heroes because after we take care of their wounds, they are free to help us with our wounds. Plus wounded men with a troubled past are HOT.

    And cheesecake rules!

  56. Jessica B says:

    I think that we love wounded heroes so much because they show us that even heroes can be hurt. it makes them more human in my eyes.
    my favorite dessert is vanilla bean cheesecake. 🙂

  57. KYLA WHITLEY says:

    Awesome set of books! Looking forward to owning! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

  58. Kim Perry says:

    Wounded heros appeal to our desire to help and nuture.
    Favorite dessert: frosted sugar cookies or red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  59. Carolyn J says:

    we love wounded heroes because we want to save them

  60. carjoh56 says:

    we love wounded heroes because we want to save them and they are flawed

  61. Donna A says:

    I am very intrigued by this series, thanks for the recommendation.

  62. Catherine Bruce says:

    Women love wounded heroes because most women are, to some extent, wounded too.

  63. linda says:

    Looking forward to reading these and hope to win! Your Dark Protector series is on my preorder with Kindle.
    My thighs would tell you I love all desserts (lol).

  64. Janice Hougland says:

    I love wounded heroes because we’re ALL wounded at one time or another. And not all of us are able to heal, but those of us who do heal, do it in different ways. I like to read about how others heal their wounds, who assists them, how things turn out. I gain a little insight each book I read that can help me and help me to help others heal. AND my favorite desserts are fruit pies. I make killer pastry and fruit pies. Warm with whipped or ice cream on top. Hmmm!

  65. Stephanie F. says:

    I love wounded heroes because of their strength and vulnerability. I want yo be the one to help fix them and comfort them.

  66. Saret says:

    Pick me please. Been working overnight for the past 4 days with no time for my Kindle : (
    It would be nice to celebrate completing my work with the 3 books to read!!! Thanks.

  67. Shellie says:

    Dessert a total toss-up between Snickers pie and white layer cake with raspberry filling topped with white chocolate buttercream frosting. If I’m craving the bad boy, probably go for the former. If I’m craving the nice guy, definitely the latter. Winner either way!

  68. Mary Preston says:

    Wounded heroes are vulnerable. Needing our love & attention.

    I love Port Wine Trifle. Seriously good!!

  69. I love this author and these books have been on my TBR for awhile. Ice cream makes me scream!

  70. Virginia says:

    Thank you for this opportunity!
    I think it brings out the nurturing side in us. We want to help heal a wounded soul.
    As for my fave dessert: lemon cupcakes from Frosted. Yummy delish. 🙂

  71. bn100 says:

    like cheesecake

  72. Gail G. says:

    I love wounded heroes because we can rescue them. Plus, they love once and forever, and who doesn’t want that? As for desserts, I have to say key lime pie. 🙂

  73. falicesidoma says:

    I love just plain chocolate cake no frosting and as for wounded hero we want to fix them and show them that they to can be loved no matter what they have or have not done!

  74. Dawn says:

    The lure of being their emotional savior is so tempting, even knowing the process will probably give you indigestion like my favorite turtle peach cheesecake!

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