Win Books and have Fun with the Round-Robin Halloween Story!

Forever Fright Night

So, a few weeks ago, the uber-talented Marissa from Grand Central Publishing (they publish the Sin Brothers), dropped me a line and asked if I’d want to be part of a Round Robin story with four other authors with a Halloween theme.  I said I’d love to (I love that kind of thing), and she asked me to write the ending. 

There are five parts to the story, and they’re posted at different blogs–it begins at Dear Author. There’s a Rafflecopter at the end of each entry, and you can enter to win a frightfully big box of books (it appears that a Blind Faith ARC is included).

The story is a quick one and is a lot of fun, I think.  Here are the authors, blogs, and the links:

Enjoy the story, and good luck with the contest!  AND… HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!