Win Books and Goodies at a TWITTER PARTY happening right now…

twitterHi all!  We’re having a fun twitter party right now!  (4pm PST and 7pm EST) I’m answering questions, and we’re giving away Sin Brother books.  If you’d like to join in, just tweet something to me @RebeccaZanetti or to anybody, really…and make sure you use the hashtag:  #TotalSurrender

So, say you tweet to me – here’s an example:

@RebeccaZanetti Do you think Audrey has a boy or a girl? #TotalSurrender

TOTAL SURRENDER@RebeccaZanetti Will Chance get his own book? #TotalSurrender

Or if you tweet to somebody else:

@MomJones  Have you read Jory’s story yet? #TotalSurrender

@SisterFran Do you like super soldiers? #TotalSurrender

See?  It’s easy.  You can do it!


One thought on “Win Books and Goodies at a TWITTER PARTY happening right now…”

  1. Deeanna Rowland says: all of your books….

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