Win all three books from the Dark Protector Series – Happy Valentine’s Day!


Happy Valentine’s Day! I write about love. Okay, I write about darkness, vampires, demons, and sexy situations. But love is in there, too! To celebrate love and the rest of it, I’m holding a contest for the next couple of days. The winner gets signed copies of all three books (Fated, Claimed, and Hunted).  Right now I only have ARCs of Hunted, so the winner can either take an ARC, or if you want a copy of the finished book, I’ll send that as soon as I get my promo copies.  There are different ways to enter the contest. You can do just one or all of them for more chances to win.

1) Leave a comment at the end of this blog for one entry into the contest.

2) Follow me on twitter and tweet the following for three entries into the contest:

Enter for a chance to win all 3 print books from Rebecca Zanetti’s Dark Protector series:

3) Follow me on FaceBook (see facebook button to the side) and put this on your wall for three more chances to win:

Like vampires and sexy books? Rebecca Zanetti is having a contest this week and the winner will receive signed copies of the print books from the Dark Protector Series. Go here for details:

So, that’s it. Enter any way that works for you. Don’t forget to leave a comment at the end of the post. Some people like a prompt question, which I’m happy to throw out there. Any plans for Valentine’s day? What about spring break? If you had an entire day all to yourself, what would you do? Any great traveling plans coming up? (You can answer one, all, or just say hi!)

61 thoughts on “Win all three books from the Dark Protector Series – Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Kimberly Wise says:

    Happy valentine’s day! Hope you have a great day!
    Put me in for 7 chances! 🙂 Whoo Hoo!!!!/kimberlyjuliene/status/169424997725642753

    1. Claire says:

      I would love to have these books and share with my sisters. Happy Belated Valentine’s Day.

  2. Virginia C says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, Rebecca! Congratulations on the ongoing success of the “Dark Protectors” series! Wow, you have really accomplished a lot since the first book was released, and you did it your way ; ) Brava!

    If I had an entire day all to myself, I should get out of the house, breath in fresh air, and take in some new sights and sounds. However, I would probably revert to comfort mode: One of my favorite ways to spend a day is reading–curled up on my couch with lots of pillows and an old cotton quilt. With “The Book” that I have been waiting impatiently to read, coffee, chocolate, and cats, I am set. Once I settle in, the cats settle on and around me. I look like a statue in the park with all the birds perched on it! The cats seem to sense that I am ready to retreat, sitting quietly with me until I finish my read. >^..^<

  3. Lori says:

    Oooh! Signed copies of books by my favorite new author. I want. I want! This is a great contest. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day.

  4. Barbara S says:

    It is snowing where I am, so a day to myself is to curl up with a drink and a good book and maybe a fire in the fireplace. sounds so good, I think I will start on that right now!!!! Happy Valentine’s Day to ALL

  5. Barb P says:

    I really think that I need these! It’s Valentine’s Day and I didn’t even get a card, per husband, too busy to get anything (sigh!!). I love the series, and I can’t think of a better V-Day present. Thanks for the awesome contest Rebecca and hope you have a great V-Day!

  6. Nancy Loughrin says:

    Nothing better than sexy love!! What a FANtastic contest. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and all your supernatural males!!

  7. Brenda Demko says:

    Happy Valentines Day! Do our favorite vampires celebrate V Day? I think everyday with them is probably like V Day. Cara and Emma have it made!!!

    I follow on Twitter @crazyfourbooks, I tweeted:!/crazyfourbooks/status/169442118434160643

    I like you on Facebook and posted on my wall. Here is the link:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=373544889323079&id=100001435527327

  8. Christine Sheets says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day! No real plans here, though I did stop and get the hubby a card and a movie that he’s been wanting to see. No plans for spring break this year as we are getting my daughter ready to head off to college this fall and moving us back to Michigan to help take care of my mother. I seriously don’t know what I would do IF I had the whole day to myself. Depends on the weather and the money situation I suppose. It would be great to go to a spa and be pampered. More than likely I would spend the day reading. Always a nice and relaxing way to spend any free time

  9. BlackwaterMama says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody. I really don’t have big plans for tonight. I’ve been married for almost 32 years so, of course…we’ll have a nice dinner at home. my daughter is getting married so I’m trying to get invitations in the mail this week. So I really don’t have time for Valentines Day this year. Great contest and thanks so much for the chance to get the whole series!

  10. I love contests and love day…LOL I think everyday should be Valentine’s day… Don’t you wish that you were the Card Company to make all the money they make on this day?? Anyway, entering and would love to win your books!!

  11. ♥ ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day Rebecca!!!!!

    I have pimped ya on FB & Twitter… But already have all three books so you don’t need to enter me.

  12. Janna Sierens says:

    I have been wanting to read this series. My husband is currently deployed so I am looking for new authors to help pass my very little spare time (I have an 8 month old). My plans for tonight are to go home and give the baby girl her bath and just cuddle since her daddy isnt home.

  13. elizabeth gray says:

    I don’t do much for valentine’s day. With work i don’t get a spring break. i do take vacations. this year i’m going to three reader conventions. if i had a day just myself i would read and relax where no one could find me.

    elizabeth gray

  14. Not one, but three? Fabulous! Thanks so much for the chance and Happy Valentine’s Day to you! 🙂
    Got you on FB and Twitter now. 🙂

  15. My Valentine’s Day plans include working out and grading exams. Yay! But the DH did take me out to dinner this weekend, so no complaints there! Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. elizabeth gray says:

    I don’t do much for valentine’s day. i work so i don’t get spring break but i do take vacations. i’m going to some reader conventions this year. if i had a completely i would be reading and relaxing where no one could find me.

    elizabeth gray

  17. Tami Bates says:

    HAPPY VD! i did all three, wow thanks for chance to win all 3~

  18. Sebrina says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day to you! My sister just sent me a text and she said, “Happy Single Awareness Day”! Just thought that was hilarious, not b/c she’s single, but b/c she can joke about it.
    Speaking of my sister; her, our mom, and I are in the middle of planning our first trip ever together and we’re headed to Italy! I’m so stoked, I can’t stand it. Here’s to hoping the next few months go by sorta quick….
    And thank you also for the chance at winning your books! ♥

  19. Bre A. says:

    Happy Valentines Day! No I don’t have any Valentine plans. My hubbie and I will probably just watch some High School of the Dead and then play some Mortal Kombat before he goes to bed. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I wasn’t sure if you needed the links to my tweets and fb post so I’m just going to add them anyways.!/permalink.php?story_fbid=3131411200641&id=1125571239!/SeverusSnape87/status/169470546478776320

  20. Candy Gorcsi says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone is sharing theirs with someone special!
    Have you on Facebook and Twitter(@cgorcsi)

  21. Melissa Lamb says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway!! Happy Valentine’s Day!
    I “liked” you on FB!

  22. Poison Rose says:

    The series is in my TBR list. Great chance to get ahead and read them. Thanks Rebecca and Happy Valentine’s Day! 😀

    ~Poison Rose

  23. Elvina Hanson says:

    Would love to be a winner. It’s cold and yucky here, so curling up with a good book is the perfect way to spend the day.

  24. Traci Loya says:

    Happy Valentines Day!!! Thanks Rebecca for the giveaway…put me in for 7 entries!!!

  25. cathy m says:

    You are totally spoiling us, Rebecca, and I love it! Let’s see if I had a whole day to myself I would make it a spa day. Pedicure, manicure, massage, and a chef prepared dinner sounds heavenly.

    posted on my face book page!/profile.php?id=100001347431758&sk=wall

    Happy Valentine’s Day

    4 entries

    cathy m
    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  26. Diane Sallans says:

    Happy Valentines Day!! Thanks for the offer.
    Follow you on Twitter & Tweeted:!/DianeSallans/status/169491579894112257

    Follow you on FB & posted:

  27. Lavonda44 says:

    Rebecca what a great gift to give away. Fingers crossed.

  28. mary shonin says:

    This series is the best vampire series bar none!!!Please continue with this series forever.

  29. Debra T says:

    I follow you on twitter and fb.
    Did a tweet!/de_mammy/status/169535336425340928
    and announced your contest on fb

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!

    Thank you for the contest

  30. Alaina says:

    Went out for a very lovely Dinner (Lunch) today.. and was given chooclates!
    no real plans for spring break, but in May im going home for a visit (to stand in a friends wedding)
    a day to myself i tend to read a LOT..

  31. Heather P says:

    Happy Valentines Day. Would love to win your BOOKS!

  32. I haven’t started reading your protector series just yet as I have a long list of books to read on my to READ LIST. I can’t wait to get started.
    Another good contest

  33. Mary Preston says:

    Happy Valentine’s DAY.

    If I had a day all to myself, I’d stay in my PJ’s & just read & eat.


  34. Yadira A. says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day!! I hope everyone had a great day and thanks so much Rebecca for the awesome contest!

    Tweeted (follower):!/yadkny/status/169628815423836160

    Facebook (follower):

  35. Mary N says:

    OMG!!!!THIS WOULD TOTALLY MAKE MY YEAR IF I GOT ALL UR BOOKS SIGNED!! Please be me!! pleeeaaassssseee! *fingers crossed*

  36. lisagk says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day. Follower and Tweeted. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com @lg1259

  37. Tina B says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Hubby and I don’t really celebrate this day. We just had dinner at home. We just took our 2 year old to Disney World for his birthday! He LOVED it! We are planning a trip to PA soon to visit some family. 🙂 If I had an entire day to myself, I would get a pedicure, massage and read ALL day. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Tweet –!/Trb0917/status/169657819988099072

  38. Julianne says:

    No big plans for Valentine’s Day. Just dinner at Olive Garden. I don’t have any plans for spring
    break either. But I do have a vacation coming up in April. Going to Florida for two weeks. One week at Kissimmiee and one week at the beach at Casey Key. The hotel is right on the beach.
    It’s awesome. It’s not a real public beach, so there aren’t tons and tons of people. Thanks for the chance to win these three great books.

  39. Stephanie M says:

    I went out for dinner and saw The Vow.

  40. Amanda says:

    If I had an entire day to myself, I would stay in bed until I finally HAD to get up. Then have a few cups of coffee on the porch and read a good book (or reread as I’ve done waiting for new books, like Hunted to come out!)

  41. I’d probably read a book anytime, anywhere. 🙂
    I did the twitter thing 🙂

  42. Joanne Acosta-Bang-o says:

    Went to Niagara Falls with my boyfriend! Great day and did some serious shopping at the outlet mall! =)

  43. Eva Luna says:

    Happy belated Valentine’s Day Rebecca! ♥
    WOW!!! All books? Signed? Really? Never won something, so that would make my day sooooo much better~ 🙂
    Tweeted here:!/OEvaLunaO/status/169972819080392705
    e-mail: whatever_eva_wants(at)

  44. Ashley Applebee says:

    Great giveaway! I follow you on facebook and posted: Ashley Anne Applebee
    On twitter: VelvetKisses22!/VelvetKisses22/status/170730080597839872
    Didn’t get to do anything fun for Valentine’s Day, but I got a lot of chocolate 🙂
    Ashley A

  45. LJ Vann says:

    Great contest. I will read your books even if I don’t win. The story sounds great!

  46. JoAnna B says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love the Dark Protectors series and I’m looking forward to the next books.

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  47. Patricia Carrier says:

    If I had one day to do nothing I would read. I can’t wait for Hunted to come out.

  48. Krissy Holstein says:

    No plans for spring break. I will be working of course:( no traveling until the summer. I just love this series and I would live to win. I posted on my wall under Krissy Burns Holstein and now commenting. Thanks for having this giveaway!!

  49. Jean Rhyner says:

    awesome books have them all and hope there will be more to come soon

  50. Maureen@bitchcanwriteabook says:

    I posted on my blogs FB page…..!/pages/Bitch-Can-Write-A-Book/306552309365416

    and my page….

    Would love to check out series and have you on my blog…………..

  51. JenniferK says:

    For Valentine’s Day, my husband and I just want to spend quiet time alone without the little ones. Nice dinner and a movie.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  52. Diane says:

    Love this series. Can not wait to find out about Jaime and Zane!

  53. Elizabeth says:

    just found out about your books….looking forward to reading them!

  54. anareal says:

    Had a nice Valentine’s Day. We went for brunch and a matinee to keep the cost down.
    A day to myself would see me curled up with a good book.
    As for travel, my youngest brother is panning to travel to see me this summer; it’s been 33 years . . . should be interesting.
    Love the books, even if I don’t win I would like to have you sign the copy I purchase. 🙂

  55. reading mind says:

    It would be great to win! I’m single, so No valentine’s day for me”

  56. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com (subscribed)
    Facebook: Elizabeth Kotkiewicz Hyatt (Liked)
    Twitter: @BookAttict (following)

  57. mabledsoe says:

    I am such a last minute person….Shame on me.

    Had a wonderful VDay. Hope you did too. Love your books. Have a question for you and I know you’ve probably answered it already, but how many books are you seeing for this series?
    Thanks, Michelle

  58. Virginia C says:

    I am so thrilled to win the “Dark Protector” series!!! This is the nicest surprise that I have had in a long time–FABULOSO : )

    Thank you!!!

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