Updates, Lawn Decorations, and Savannah

RAZ at the lakeI get a notice every time somebody new subscribes to the blog here, and there have been so many new subscribers that I thought maybe I should write a blog.  🙂  Well, if you follow me on FaceBook,  you know I’ve been writing at the lake a lot lately.  There isn’t any internet out there, so it’s pretty great to write.  My husband took the picture of me from inside the cabin, and I had no clue.

The bathtub is still in my backyard, and the parking meter is still in the front.  On all that is holy and pure, I don’t know why.  We live in a very nice neighborhood with normal neighbors.  I very much fear we’re ‘those people.’  Yes, I plan to move both the bathtub and the meter, but they’re heavy.  I’ll figure it out soon.

Atlanta at nightI had an absolute ball in Atlanta at the RWA Conference, and the workshop I did with Cynthia Eden was a lot of fun.  She’s a fountain of information about serial killers, and she’s an amazing writer.  Kristin Higgins was one of the keynote speakers, and she made us both laugh and cry.  I read her book on the plane ride home and laughed out loud.  People probably looked, but I didn’t care.  🙂  My room was on the 39th floor, and this is a picture at night of downtown Atlanta.  Pretty, right?

I’m heading to Savannah for the Authors After Dark Convention on August 14th.  If you’re anywhere near Savannah, drop by.  It looks like a lot of fun!  I’ll post some updates as the week goes along.

Finally, here are the updates for the series:

Shadowed (eBook)Dark ProtectorsTWISTED was released in June and features wolf shifters Terrent and Maggie.  SHADOWED, Jase’s novel, will release in both ebook and print on October 3rd.  The ebook is up for preorder now.  TWISTED, TEMPTED, and TAMED (the three Dark Protector novellas) will be available in print next May, when TAMED comes out.  We’re combining the three into one print book.  YAY!

Forgotten sins _6-72Sin Brothers:  FORGOTTEN SINS released July 2nd and is going strong.  Unfortunately, it hasn’t been available in the UK or overseas at all, and my editor is working on rectifying that.  Hopefully this month I’ll have some good news.  It’s driving me crazy, to be honest.  The print book will be available in January at all bookstores and online.  Book 2 (Matt’s book) is all finished and will be released this coming December.  I should have a name and cover soon…

Under the CoversMaverick Montana:  The first two books are out and are doing well.  Book three, RISING ASSETS, is tentatively slated for a November release.  I’ll know more soon.  There doesn’t seem to be a plan for print with this series so far, but I’ll keep asking for it.  🙂

That’s what’s going on in my neck of the woods.  I’m hoping to have a character interview or two up soon…keep tuned in and have a wonderful rest of the week!

Also, if you look above at the tabs, we’ve added one for merchandise since people kept asking where to get T-shirts, etc. with our logos.  So…there it is.  🙂

4 thoughts on “Updates, Lawn Decorations, and Savannah”

  1. Lori Meehan says:

    It all sounds great Rebecca. Downtown Atlanta is beautiful at night. I can’t wait for the next books to come out. Have fun at the lake.

  2. Charlotte Palmer says:

    Yay please keep fighting for UK release of FS, I have run out of your books to read . Great work Rebecca keep them coming .

  3. Andrea says:

    Do your series books have to be read in order? Thx

  4. martha lawson says:

    Hi Rebecca! I can’t wait for the next books to come out! I love, love them all. Keep them coming!!

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