Today’s My Birthday…

UPDATE:  The winner is:  Helene Robin – Congrats!

The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.”  Lucille Ball

Yeah, it’s true.  November 14th is my birthday.  I’m a Scorpio.  The family went out to dinner last night for both Steph and my birthdays (hers was the 8th).  Today is also my nephew’s birthday–what an awesome present he was ten years ago!

I’ve had a lot of great birthdays.  Okay, not A LOT.  But a few.  Though it’s the odd ones I really remember.  A waiter accidentally dumping an entire pitcher of ice water over my head when I turned eight.  I was wearing a cute green and white dress that had a cat in the front.  Odd that I remember that.  My first slumber party when I was twelve and we got snow in.  The first time I tried tequilla – when I turned 21.  Still don’t like tequilla.

Anyway…I’d like to celebrate today.  One commenter can choose either a signed copy of Fated or a signed copy of Claimed from my blog this week.  Just leave a comment.  What was your favorite birthday?

31 thoughts on “Today’s My Birthday…”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Happy Birthday!!!! Gosh, my fave? We don’t do much for celebrating birthdays other than an out to dinner time so I don’t have to cook 🙂 But I really like that. AND, I usually get a little gift card to Barnes and Noble so I can go browse books, which is one of my most fave things to do. LOL.

  2. Happy birthday, Rebecca! I think every birthday is my favorite. It’s kind of like that old Irish saying: Celebrate growing old. Many people don’t get the opportunity. 😉

    Hope your day is filled with AWESOME!

  3. crbwrites says:

    HA! The one my parents forgot! I was 10, and rather than complain, I waited two weeks to ask for what I wanted. Happy Birthday, and may all your wishes come true!

  4. sayde grace says:

    Happy birthday my friend!! I hope you have a memorable birthday without any oddities today!! Wishing you another wonderful year!


  5. Jan Rogers says:

    Happy Birthday !! I hope all your wishes come true !!

  6. Amanda says:

    Happy birthday!!

  7. Christal Murphy says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a great one for you and your nephew!
    I like all my birthdays. My family all get together for dinner and cake. Love birthday cake… yummmm.

  8. Brenda D. says:

    Happy birthday! Please don’t enter me. I already have both of your books and am eagerly awaiting the next. I absolutely love his series! Thank you!

  9. Erika says:

    Happy Birthday!! Have a very special day!!
    This year my son and daughter surprised me with a picture and cards they drew together. Love them so much!!

  10. Barb P says:

    Hi Rebecca! A very Happy Birthday to you!!! I have a copy of Fated and loved it, but I would be thrilled to get a copy of Claimed though. I have to say, that my fav B-Day was my 23rd, because, I got married the day after that, and am still very happily married 28 years later. Thanks for the contest and hope that you enjoy your wonderful day.

  11. Helene Robin says:

    Happy Birthday to my fav author!!!!

  12. Jadrian Hammon says:

    My favorite birthday was when I turned 24. I had my baby girl the day before and we were released from the hospital on my birthday. Going home for the first time with my little girl on my birthday was the most memorable and precious birthday I can remember.

  13. Martha Lawson says:

    Happy, happy birthday!! Hope you have a really great day. Don’t enter me, I am reading (and loving) Claimed now. Already loved Fated!!

  14. Regina Ross says:

    Happy Birthday !!!

  15. Happy Birthday, Rebecca

    I’m a twin so I always have someone to share my special week – yes I have a birthdya week – with.
    My best birthday was when I went to Paris (I was living in London) with someone special and it was a lovley romantic weekend.

  16. Happy Birthday! One of my favorites was in college when I was “kidnapped” with another friend who had the same birthday, and we were taken to an all night diner in our pajamas. Silly fun.


  17. Kimberly Wise says:

    My favorite birthday was when I turned 18… 2 nights before my birthday was my senior prom so my boyfriend and I went to that then came home and stayed up until my entire family, my boyfriend and I drove to Reno (we lived in SF) and hung out.. then the next day was my birthday and the 4 of us went down to breakfast and when I waked in the restaurant my grandparents, my father/step mom, and some other friends and family had come to celebrate. It was such a great weekend and yes I did gamble (even though I was underage) but I didn’t win money but I won that weekend by having time with my family and friends!!!

  18. Marika Weber says:

    Happy Birthday Rebecca! Most memorable one is when I turned 30! My 20’s were wild and I couldn’t wait until I had my 30th birthday. Two years later, I meet the man that I was gonna marry and I’ve never been happier. Plus, I’m 7 years older than him. LOL!

  19. June M. says:

    Probably my most memorable birthday was my 21st. It was completely different than most people’s 21st birthday. It was spent with my parents, brother, sister, and my 2 nieces. This was just a couple of months after I spent 8 days in the hospital due to a DVT. Having a DVT at age 20 really made me appreciate my family and how precious life is.

    Last year (36) was great too. I spent it with my brother and sister and 2 nieces and 3 nephews. We had a pizza a cupcake party and just had fun goofing off.

    Hope you have a great birthday!

  20. desiree says:

    i have two favorite birthdays. the first one was when i turned 12 i got a surpise party with everyone i knew it so awesome and my favortie birthday cake. my birthday sometimes falls on mothers day so my husband and kids have to think extra hard. they took of in the morning and left me alone to do chores (rude!!) and called me and gave 15 minutes to get all dressed up and took me to lunch at a nice restaurant (italian) and they were so proud of themselves they went to jareds the galleria and got me pandora earings and a ring. i cried and cried it was so sweet and everyone around us watching. i was so happy and it was so sweet of them. my youngest when he walked into the jewlery store he told the man he wanted to buy his mommy blue diamonds and he proceeded to argue with the sales man about diamond colors.

  21. Heather says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful time 🙂

    My favorite birthday was my sweet 16. I was thrown a big surprise party and I had no idea! My parents gave me 16 presents all wrapped and stacked so cute! It was definitely memorable! My friends and I also got to pop ballons that were at the party each were filled with little treats or money! I also enjoyed my 21st birthday because I flew home and celebrated for a week in my hometown then I came back to where I was attending college and celebrated for another week with college friends!

  22. Ashley says:

    Happy Birthday!!

  23. Chelsea B. says:

    A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I wish you one filled with no tequilla, no ice water on your head and no snow blocking your door. 🙂
    I had such fun birthdays when I was little. We always hosted a haunted house, because by birthday is close to Halloween 🙂

  24. lisagk says:

    Happy Birthday. I guess my favorite birthday was probably when I turned 24, we took my mother-in-law and father-in-law to Nashville to see the Grand Ole Opry. My father-in-law loved it!
    thanks for the giveaway. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

  25. My favorite birthday – I was crazy in love with this guy…we’d been seeing each other 18 months. He took me away for my birthday (the month before my birthday which at the time I didn’t even think was odd). We stayed at a beautiful B&B in Astoria Oregon. After walks on the beach, amazing food, a live performance… we strolled back to our room… sitting on a bench outside was a bottle of champagne and two beautiful crystal flutes with satin ribbon twining them together. He picked up one glass and handed it to me… the slender crystal champagne flute was engraved. By the light of the moon I saw what it said – Marry me and be Mrs. Merritt for-ever. The satin ribbon tied around the flute had a beautiful engagement ring attached. That was the best birthday.
    Later I asked why he’d made arrangements a month early and he said, “I found the perfect girl and then the perfect ring, I couldn’t wait to make us the perfect couple”. It’s been 17 years and he is still right (just don’t tell him)…

  26. Ah! I’m a day late, but happy birthday! Hope you had a great day 🙂

    Favorite b-day, hmm… Well when I was ten I wanted a pony. My parents got me a cat instead. It actually worked out much better (you can’t dress a pony in doll clothes 😛 ).

  27. My fav birthday was when my hubby gave me a diamond ring on my 50th, which was more awesome because it was an exact replica of the engagement ring in Twilight (my fav movie!), even down to real diamonds!

  28. I was born in January and grew up in Vegas. In a town that was so hot that almost EVERY house had a pool, I was one of the few of my friends who never had a pool party for their birthday (it’s COLD in January!) So one year my mother threw me a Hawaiiian themed party (with lei’s and coconuts and grass skirts and tiki masks), it was awesome. Second favorite was my “sweet 17” (we were a year late), when my mother took my and 3 of my best girl friends up to the snowy mountains to spend the night in a cabin. It was like a sleep-over, but way cooler (hot tub! snow!).

    Anyway: i have a totally non-related question (and I hope you’re the type of author that responds to all your comments!): I actually haven’t read any of your books (yet), but the premise for “Claimed” sounds like a great read. My question is: do I have to read the Dark Protector books in order? Or do you think I’d be OK jumping right in with “Claimed” and then maybe going back to the first in the series?


    1. Hi Laura! Well, I think you can jump right into Claimed because it’s a complete story in itself. However, at my book signing the other day, I did overhear one gal tell another gal that she’d want to read the stories in order just to get the timeline perfect. So…up to you. The main characters in Fated (Talen and Cara) are also in Claimed, but Claimed is mainly about Dage and Emma’s romance. Either way, let me know what you think. 🙂

  29. Brooklyn Ann says:

    I hope you had a great birthday! I’m reading CLAIMED right now and loving it. Last paragraph of page 66 OMG, OMG! ::fans self:: HOT!

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