Things NOT to tweet if your book is late…

So…my book is in and I have no deadlines hanging over my head…for now.  Let’s have a fun blog.  So many editors are on twitter, I thought it’d be fun to discuss:  


1.  I just can’t get past level 70 on Cake Mania 3.

2. I know I should be doing something right now…what was it?

3. Ohhhh.  A Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon just started.  Have to watch!

4. I think maybe I’ll switch jobs now.

5. I know I have a book due, but I just can’t stop writing this other genre.  Maybe I’ll get back to the other book soon.

6.  I should’ve been writing today…but Macys had an awesome sale!

7.  I just had my third coffee with Rumplemintz in it.  Is it 10am yet?

8.  Man…I’ve been drunk for almost a week.  Not long enough.

9.  Involuntary committment isn’t so bad.  I like crazy people.

10.  Darn it.  My boyfriend refused to bail me out.  I’m here in jail for another 48 hours.   HAHA

(For the record, I’ve never tweeted any of the above and my book was on time.)  🙂

14 thoughts on “Things NOT to tweet if your book is late…”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Oh my WORD this is funny!!!

  2. This was freakin funny as heck! Loved it !

  3. Bonnie Paulson says:

    hahaha, here’s another one – My editor is nuts if she thinks this is coming any time soon.

    I hate my book hahahaha that would be bad.
    lol, you’re so funny!

    Congrats on getting it in, I never doubted you for a moment!


  4. LOL urm so right…..

  5. LOVE IT!!! I wonder…

  6. Great post 🙂 Thanks for the smile and congrats on getting your book in 🙂

  7. Lisa Kessler says:

    Ha! This was a fabulous list!!! 🙂

    Thanks for the Friday giggle!!!

    Lisa 🙂

  8. Karen Cote says:

    Wow! These sound like great tweets. Can I use them? hehehe thanks for the laugh

  9. Julianne says:

    That is funny! I actually think #7 could work in your favor though, in a roundabout way….Three coffees, would leave me wired enough to work on several books at once. 😉

  10. jeff7salter says:

    # 12 — I’m dumping my editor and switching publishers as soon as I get this dreary piece of crap into her ham-fisted hands.

  11. LOL – there are ears and eyes everywhere these days.

  12. Ha, ha.

    Although #10 might be good for writing as long as they’ll give you pen and paper or you don’t mind typing on your phone. 🙂

  13. Danielle Mulcahy says:

    These are hilarious!

  14. Sarah Raplee says:

    What a hilarious post! Thanks for the belly laugh!

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