They say Moving is Stressful…

viewWhat do they know?  Just kidding.  We just bought our dream house up on a hill overlooking a gorgeous lake and mountains reaching to Canada.  The perfect place to write!  The only downside?  Yeah.  We need to pack, move, and unpack.

How hard can it be?  LOL!

Here’s a picture of the new view.  Canada is the other way, BTW.  We’ve lived in our current house for more than eleven years.  That’s a lot of time…and a lot of stuff.  The good news is that we’re only moving a few miles, so we can take and unpack as we arrive, until it’s time for the heavy stuff.  Then we’ve hired movers.

So, my blog may be full of mishaps, stories, and pretty views for the next bit of time.  But one of the cool things about this new property is you can just imagine the cowboys who have ridden through there.  You all know I like a good cowboy!

Other than that, I’ve turned in Page Proofs of RISING ASSETS, Copy Edits of BLIND FAITH, and am now writing MARKED, Janie’s story.  It’s almost finished.

So really, how hard can it be to move?

11 thoughts on “They say Moving is Stressful…”

  1. Lucy Dosch says:

    I think your husband needs to move you. You need to focus in Janie. 😉

  2. Geraldine Blanton says:

    Beautiful area! Good luck

  3. noraadrienne says:

    I would hate to think what I would have to go through if I moved. I’ve been in this co-op apartment for close to FORT YEARS.. I have over 2000 books, all my electronic goodies, and 5 rooms of furniture.. not counting all the things stored in my basement bin. You have my sympathy and hopes for a safe and secure move.

  4. Teri Gomez says:

    So excited for you and your family. Although I am with you on the whole packing and unpacking…that sucks the big one…lol. I wish you great happiness in your new home!

  5. Shirley Long says:

    Not sure I’d ever get anything done with a view like that. Totally breath taking. Congratulations on getting your dream house.

  6. Gorgeous view! Enjoy your new location!
    I’ve been waiting for the release of Rising Assets for what seems like F-O-R-E-V-E-R!! Very interested in catching up with the Lodge family.

  7. Peni Anne says:

    I have moved over 40x. It’s not so hard, although haveing a family and responsibilities can make it more difficult, it is just time consuming if you haven’t done it recently. If your anything like me, I take it as the oppotunity to purge, donate or sell stuff I don’t use or want anymore, get rid of the broken iron I was always gonna fix, ect. I used to actually enjoy ir (until kids) then it became more stressful and more of a pain. Or maybe that’s me getting old? … Nah, I didn’t think so.

  8. Nancy says:

    Love your books! But moving? Ughhhhhhhhh my husband and I are retired military and we with our 4 daughters had moved a lot ver the years. Military packs most for u but as u know, there is always a lot u need to pack yourself. But a good piece of news though, is that it’s easier to unpack and faster than packing. Have fun, lol.

  9. judy contino says:

    Know what you mean. I hate moving too. We just moved last June from a 2 story home to a mobile home. Talk about purge! Although I think with that view it would be worth it!!!

  10. Ezinwanyi says:

    I have to be honest. Last time we paid people to pack and move us. I moved my special items, kitchen, clothes but the rest, I was like “this packing stuff is for the birds”. I freaking hate moving.

    On another note…will you please get your books on audio. I just finished Forgotten Sins last night and I am about to start Sweet REvenge. I think I am in love with you, LOL. Get the audio guy, Kaleo Griffit,h who narrates I-Team by Pamela Clare, NOT the guy who does KGI. Anyone but Harry Berkeley, he wasn’t good

  11. Virginia says:

    Congrats on the new home. The view is beautiful. Best of luck with the move. 🙂 Looking forward to Janies story. Can’t wait for Dec. 🙂

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