The Cover for Hunted is Here–want a coverflat?

UPDATE:  Congrats to Asa, Bonnie, and Mel for winning coverflats of HUNTED!

First, let me say happy holidays to those of you in the USA celebrating Thanksgiving.  While I rarely re-use posts, I wanted to show off the cover on my blog as well as the Darker Temptations blog.  If this is a duplicate for you…sorry about that!  But…I’m giving away signed coverflats to three commenters on my blog– will choose names next week.  So…leave a comment.

If you’ve ever read my blog, you know I’m surrounded by family, which is such a blessing.  I’m thankful for my crazy family, my wonderful friends, my terrific readers, my agent and editor, and my writing buddies.  I have a few minutes here before I need to go make the appetizers to take to my sister’s house and wanted to post a blog today.

Well, I’ve been so busy with promoting CLAIMED and writing book 4 of the Dark Protectors, I haven’t had a chance to show off the cover for HUNTED, which I received last week.  Here it is:

Ready or Not

Moira Dunne is a witch–the quantum physics kind.  Time and space are her playthings.  Which might explain why her one-night stand from a hundred years ago has turned up to “claim” her–and request her family’s assistance with the war he’s brewing.  But the more she learns about Connlan Kayrs, the more she comes to think this is normal behavior for him…

There’s Nowhere to Hide

When Conn and Moira tumbled on the moonlit grass, Conn hadn’t meant to mark her for his mate for all time.  She was only twenty!  But it wasn’t easy to wait for her.  It was even harder to forget her.  So when he finally returns for his wicked-hot witch, he’s ready to let the sparks fly.  Even if he burns up in flames…

So…when you get the chance, draft a quick comment below for a chance to win a coverflat.  Are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  If so, what are your plans?  If not, what are you up to this week?  Everyone stay healthy and safe!

9 thoughts on “The Cover for Hunted is Here–want a coverflat?”

  1. Sheila says:

    Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Happy Thanksgiving and to keep up the wonderful work.

  2. It’s beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving. I love this holiday. I’m grateful for friends, family and my faith.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Eva says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hope you have a great time and i totally loved Claimed!
    I can’t wait for Hunted to come out 🙂

  4. Adaiah La Vonda says:

    Love the cover of Hunted and look forward to reading Conn’s story. Enjoyed talking to you on the Writerspace chat last Sunday.

  5. Amanda says:

    LOVE the cover!! so excited!

  6. 6 hours of cleaning, 5 hours of cooking, 4 hours of visiting, 3 hours of waiting (for everyone to show up), 2 hours of eating, 1 hour of tearful good-byes… that was my Thanksgiving and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.

    Love the book cover!

  7. Would love a coverflat. Love the cover to “Hunted”. Father was sick so Thanksgiving was very quiet.

  8. Lori says:

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We had a great time, went to my sisters and her boyfriends (pays to have a Caterer in the family now. LOL). Ate to much food as usual and then went somewhere else for dessert. The cover for “Hunted” is great.

  9. Looks awesome! Can’t wait to read Connlan and Moira’s story.

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