First, before I forget, starting Tuesday I’ll be posting a quick blurb from Tempted each day on my facebook page as we count down the week until Max’s story is released…so make sure you click ‘like’ below. I thought this would be a fun countdown in addition to driving my friend at eBookObsessed crazy with the teasers. 🙂 Isn’t it fun to be my friend?
Now, I’ve been promising pictures from New Orleans since I returned, and instead of blogging, I’ve been playing catch-up with Book 5 of the Dark Protectors (Kane’s story). I have a moment to breathe now and thought I’d post those pictures.
I loved New Orleans! Loved the people, loved the city, really loved the food. I want to go back right now. I was there for the FF&P conference ( Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Special Interest Chapter of RWA) along with several of my friends. The workshops were fantastic. One of my favorites was a workshop
about music and your muse given by Danica Avet – I took great notes and am ready to rock. Liz Pelletier from Entangled Publishing gave another wonderful workshop all about the publishing process – and I learned tons.
The keynote luncheon speech was given by Maggie Shayne, and she was beyond spectacular. She made us laugh, made us cry…then made us laugh again. If you ever get the chance to see her speak, GO! She was that good.
The ghost/vampire tour was full of thrills and chills – and I know more than a couple of us came up with future story ideas. How could we not? We also saw a werewolf with a saxophone, a haunted house, a bar so old there isn’t electricity…and some crazy drunk people getting busy in a truck. I could’ve done without the last part.
We also hit Bourbon Street, which was already crazy as of 5:00 pm on Saturday night. And when I say crazy…I mean crazy.
Danica and I sat by each other during the book signing. She looked lovely…and I looked puffy. We were pretty tired by Sunday morning. I loved Nolo, though it’s good to be home. 🙂
That’s it. I’m flying out there. I’ll bring some hot NY bagels. I’ll be your “proof reader.”
I’ve always wanted to go there…It sounds like the event was wonderful. Glad you had a great time..
I love that you’re going to do posts! I can’t wait to read excerpts!
I had so much fun that weekend. I’ve been talking about the ghost/vampire tour nonstop ever since, LOL. I can’t wait for a repeat in Seattle!