Tempted Releases Today!

Hi all! I’m still enjoying the very nice weather in Maui but wanted to take a moment and celebrate Tempted’s Release. YAY! I’ve been waiting for Max’s story to be available since turning it in last September.

The first chapter is actually a prologue where it shows the first time Max met little Janie and agreed to be her bodyguard.  This was entirely off the path he’d chosen to go hunt Kurjans.

Then the book starts with Max having to hunt down feisty Sarah Pringle, a teacher who’d been unfairly sent to an insane hospital because she saw a Kurjan and nobody would believe her.  Of course, Max may have an ulterior motive for seeking out Sarah…

Here are the ‘buy links’ in case you’re interested.  Tempted is an e-novella (Currently priced at $2.99) that you can download to any of your e-readers OR your computer.  I hope you enjoy!

10 thoughts on “Tempted Releases Today!”

  1. Huge congrats on the hot new release..I wish you all the best and many sales. I can’t wait to grab a copy…

    1. Thanks so much–and right back at ya! 🙂

  2. HAPPY RELEASE DAY!!!!!!!!

    Got my copy last night!!!

    1. Yay! I hope you like it! My copy arrived when we were eating at Bubba Gump’s last night. 🙂

  3. Brooklyn Ann says:

    Oooh, how exciting!!!

    1. Thanks! I’m going to force myself away from the computer (and novel rank) soon and go to the beach…too much pressure. 🙂

  4. Ute Carlin says:

    Just discovered that series and had hardly to wait for Tempted – love, love,love it …..but now I am tortured to wait for the next one ;(

    ….and I hope you had a wonderful day at the beach, because you had nothing to worry about 🙂

  5. Putting up my review today. I hate when I sweat while I read – it’s gross! lol, but tells you how steamy it was and in my delicate “condition”, heat is welcome but needs to be counteracted with a stiff (virgin) daquiri. And I’m jealous you’re at the beach.

    But CONGRATS! yay on your release and yay for me as a reader of yours! woot!

  6. asabradley says:

    I loved to read about Janie and Max meeting for the first time and also loved Max and Sarah’s story. Can’t wait until the next book gets here. Thanks for the novella to tie me over. 🙂

  7. asabradley says:

    I loved Max and Sarah’s story and also loved reading about Max and Janie meeting for the first time. Can’t wait for the next book. Thanks for the novella to tie me over. 🙂

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