SWEET REVENGE – Cover and Back Cover Blurb Revealed

Zanetti_SweetRevenge_Ebook[1]I am so excited to show everybody the cover for Matt’s story!  Sweet Revenge is book 2 in the Sin Brothers series, and it’ll be released in digital form on December 3rd at a discounted price.  The price will go back to normal when the print book is released about six months later.  Here are some quick buy buttons, and then there’s the back cover blurb, which tells a bit about the book.  What do you think?  🙂
 Amazon iTunes  Barnes & Noble

 Barnes & Noble


 GooglePlay  Kobo

Sweet Revenge Back Cover Blurb

8 thoughts on “SWEET REVENGE – Cover and Back Cover Blurb Revealed”

  1. Lori Meehan says:

    Oh I can’t wait to read this book. I loved the first book.

  2. Geena says:

    I can’t wait!!! Just put it on preorder 🙂 Great cover, by the way!

  3. phyllislm52 says:

    Love this cover, Rebecca! Just pre-ordered my copy and I am chomping at the bit for Matt’s story!!

  4. Wow, just had chill bumps reading about it, hope that is good, knowing Rebecca she will put a good twist in the story. It’s bad when I can’t wait for any book she write to come out. Hate to hurry time along, but I can’t wait.

  5. ronnie cornett says:

    I can’t wait til this book comes out….the cover is soooo HOT and STEAMY! The story sounds incredible!

  6. Elaine Gamble says:


    GREAT cover!

    Lainey Gamble

  7. Lilian Gitto says:

    Hi, there!! I’m so disappointed I haven’ t been able to purchase Forgotten Sins for Kindle yet! What happened? According to previous posts it’s been available for months now but I couldn’t get it from Amazon and the same happens with this one when I try to pre-order it. Please tell me there’s some other store where I can get them for my kindle or tablet!! Thanks a lot! Lilian, from Buenos Aires, Argentina.


  8. Sophia Rose says:

    Love it! I’ve been eager to read this one since I read the excerpt in the back of book one.

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