Summer Soltice Blog Hop – New excerpt of CLAIMED

Welcome to the summer solstice blog hop!  If you’ve fallen off the bus, here’s the link:

I had some blog issues and lost my solstice blog…so thought I’d give you a sneak peek of CLAIMED, which will be out in November.  Here’s an excerpt:

Several hours after dinner, Dage stood near the bar and tipped back a bourbon on the rocks, half-listening to Jordan’s good natured recap of his speech.  The tables had been
cleared from floor to make space for dancing.  He nodded at his friend while his gaze remained on the woman across the room.  Emma.  So close.  Finally.

The chandelier cascaded light down to create shimmers of movement in dark hair she’d pinned up in an intricate knot, leaving her delectable shoulders bare.  Even with the
distance between them, her heartbeat echoed within his own chest.  Her eyes a sapphire blue, her skin the purest of marbles, even without knowing her as he did, he’d be interested.  But he did know her.  A fierce intellect pounded behind that pretty
face, outmatched only by the spirit of fire held within her breast.

His mate.

She tossed her head, laughing at something Katie said next to her side.  Then Katie gave a nod and wandered toward another bar in the far corner.

A man approached Emma and Dage fought the urge to growl.  A vampire, a young one.  Tall, blond and from somewhere in the eastern district.  What the hell was his name?

The young vampire took her hand and leaned over to brush a kiss on it.

Dage let a snarl loose.

Emma laughed and tugged her hand away, smoothing her hair back before speaking to the interloper.

Dage would kill him.  The bastard had touched his mate. 

Setting the glass on the bar behind him, Dage shifted his stance and set his feet, his gaze focused on his prey.  All sound receded into the background.

The young vampire turned and Dage caught his eye.  A slow smile slid over the king’s face,
menace tinged with a promise of pain.  For a brief moment he let a hint of his power glint in his eye and glow from his skin.  He’d have the young buck fearing his own shadow by the end of the night.

Blood drained from the vampire’s face until his lips turned purple, his eyes wide.  He stumbled away from Emma, a placating gesture sweeping his hands out.  With a bow of his head toward his king, he backed away several feet until turning on his heel and dashing for the nearest exit.

Emma fought to keep her balance, the abrupt departure of her companion startling her.  Suspicion filtered in and she turned to look where Dage stood across the room.  His dimples flashed when he grinned at her, pure innocence shining in his deep eyes. Baloney. 
Next to him Jordan struggled to contain his laughter, studying the floor. 

20 thoughts on “Summer Soltice Blog Hop – New excerpt of CLAIMED”

  1. Yadira A. says:

    I have got to get my hands on this book!

  2. I’m looking forward to this next book…

  3. Amanda says:

    this was great, can’t wait to read the whole thing!

  4. Laurie says:

    Great excerpt.

  5. Lynn Rush says:

    Wow. This is gonna be good! Can’t wait!

  6. I can’t wait to get my eyes on this one!

  7. Excellent excerpt!

  8. Xakara says:

    I always appreciate a good interloper-smack down! I definitely want to read more.


  9. JeanP says:

    Great excerpt, Dage sounds like he is a powerful character.

  10. Alanna Coca says:

    Love this! September is soooo far away 🙁

  11. katsrus says:

    Great excerpt. Love the cover.
    Sue B

  12. Love the excerpt and the cover. This one will go one my gotta have asap list
    I love the wolf shifters and of course that alpha male stuff.
    Thank you!

  13. Lisa J says:

    Great excerpt. Makes me want to read it now.

  14. Amy S. says:

    Excerpt was great!

  15. Rae M. says:

    Yay! Thanks for the excerpt.

    Wait how many more months until November?!

  16. Sherry says:

    I can’t wait for this one! 🙂

  17. Ooo Fantastic Except! This goes into my *must* read pile for sure!!


  18. Carla says:

    Wowza, what’s not I love about an alpha be willing to fall?

  19. Dabs says:

    Anxiously waiting!!!!

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