Shoes, pretties, hats, and updates…

shoesWe’re about half way moved into the new house.  When we bought it, we decided to kind of take our time and keep the pressure off by just moving a little bit at a time, and we’re almost to the point where we can hire a couple of movers for the heavy stuff.  Except…Big Tone and Junior Tackle (14) keep moving the heavy stuff.

prettiesI have no chairs, no tables, no sofas still in my current home.  We’re sitting on the floor.  Plus, I truly had no idea how often I drag a chair somewhere in this current house to get something off a top shelf.  Without chairs, I have to ask either Tone or Tackle to get stuff down for me.  I’m starting to feel really short.

viewTony was a bit, er, surprised by how many pairs of shoes I’ve had in my shoe closet in the other room, and I’ve been shocked by how many dang hats he has.  Hats! 

I’ll take some pictures of the house when I get the chance – right now there are boxes everywhere.  Though my office is awesome, and the new pottery barn desk fits perfectly.  Tony keeps joking that we moved so the furniture would fit.  LOL!  Okay, maybe…

Just kidding.  We moved for the view and the extra room, since we’ve doubled our square footage.  And, BIG UPDATE, now we have Internet at the new house.  So…we can move now.  🙂

Other than that, here’s an update:

  • Rising Assets released and hit the top 100 in Amazon overall, and is still there four days later
  • Marked (Janie’s story) was sent to my publisher…it’s all written – yay!
  • Blind Faith releases on May 6th (Nate and Audrey’s story from Sin Brothers)
  • Tamed releases on May 15th  (Caleb and Lily’s novella)

Everyone have a wonderful beginning of April!  Also, Rising Assets is still on the special sales price of .99¢ and will be going back up to three dollars any day now.
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7 thoughts on “Shoes, pretties, hats, and updates…”

  1. Dorothy Joanna Brasher says:

    Congrats on the new house!

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Debbie Steinmetz says:

    You can never have too many shoes! Good luck finishing the move in….

  3. Janet Boutillier says:

    What a beautiful view, congrats on the move.

  4. Ezinwanyi says:

    Even though I preordered Blind Faith, i saw it at Netgalley today…and I couldn’t resist.

  5. Julie says:

    Glad you are all doing good love the name tackle!

  6. Damaris says:

    Love that view! Enjoy your new house. It’s always fun to decorate a new house. Sounds like you can use a little step ladder 😉

  7. Debra Elise says:

    I want to see the Manolo’s!!

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