SHADOWED is available NOW!

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I am so excited that SHADOWED is finally available to readers.  A lot of us have been through some difficult times with Jase Kayrs, and it’s so nice to see him finally get enough page time.  The guy has certainly earned it.  🙂

Here’s an excerpt that you haven’t seen yet:

Jase slid to the edge of the chair and loomed over her, his thighs bracketing her. Trapping her. Then his mouth covered hers. The kiss the other day had been nothing. A mere meeting of mouths.

Night owl top pic reviewsThis one was Jase Kayrs in full force. Deep and hard, he took. Holding her where he wanted her, he did as he pleased. Dark pleasure cascaded from him and heated the air around them.

Brenna opened to him, helpless beneath his onslaught. His tongue claimed her mouth, learning every curve. Firm lips, strong hold, devastating motions. All she could do was feel. So much pain, so much pleasure, so much damn demand. He tasted of red wine and determined male. The world narrowed to him.

The kiss went on forever. He didn’t touch her anywhere else, yet her entire body burned for him. Desperate and primed. Slowly, he softened his assault and leaned back.

Clarity rushed into her brain. She’d never be able to match him. He watched her, his eyes hard, his sharp features wearing that male expression that said, I warned you. Now you’re on your own.

9 thoughts on “SHADOWED is available NOW!”

  1. jeanniezelos says:

    Hi Rebecca, first of your books i’ve read and loved it. i’ve added my review to amazon com and uk, goodreads and my blog this morning jeannie

  2. Lori Meehan says:

    I’ll be reading it soon. I can’t wait.

  3. Geena says:

    Yay!! I’m getting it now!! 🙂

  4. Deborah Steinmetz says:

    I love this series and pre-ordered Shadowed. I can’t wait to read it, as it just downloaded this morning. I have no doubt it will be just as great, if not better than the other’s in this series. I’m also addicted to your Maverick series! Thank you Rebecca for all your hardwork!!

  5. Congrats!!!!!! Look out world Jase is here!!!!!

  6. Linda says:

    Got my Kindle download last night! So excited!!! 🙂

  7. ronnie cornett says:

    LOVE Rebecca’s Dark Protectors series!!! I read, reviewed and gave it 5 stars!!!

  8. Ezinwanyi says:

    finished it and loved it. they are my second favorite couple after Conn & moira! How many book are left in this series?

  9. Guest says:

    I’m am so sad that we have to wait over a year for Janie’s story…. Fast forward please.

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