Saturday is for Writing?

It occured to me that I may have an entire Saturday to write.  Big Tone took our son to get the camper all set up for Memorial weekend, so they should be gone all day.  Our daughter is asleep but has a play date later today.  So…what to do.

I wrote a blog and published it.  Then I spent some time trying to figure out how to advertise the blog on my FF&P Loop which has new rules that you can’t advertise your blog except on Wednesday.  By Wed., my blog will be old news.  Finally gave up and didn’t advertise.

Then I emailed back and forth with writing buddies mentioned in the blog.  Now I’m looking through cool quotes about writing.  Here’s a good one:

If you start with a bang, you won’t end with a whimper.
T. S. Eliot

Isn’t that good?  And timely for me because I’m reworking the initial scene in DEMI.  Too slow.  And as my crit partner pointed out – “You’re trying to hard.  Remember that the books you sold were ones you wrote for fun.  For you.”   Note to self…crit partners remember stuff.  And nail you with it.  🙂  But as I’ve now learned that ‘Roll Tide, Baby’ refers to Alabama, Jenn is once again happy with me. 

So, now I should take advantage of this quiet Saturday and start writing.  Well, as soon as I check out  Rumor has it shoes are on sale…

2 thoughts on “Saturday is for Writing?”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    SWEET. Enjoy your day of writing! Sunday will be mine. I have a new story nudging my brain and my fingertips are itching to tickle the keyboard for sure!

    Yeah, crit partners are invaluable, huh? They can remind you of stuff that can get you back on course.

    Have a great one. Can’t wait to read what you end up with as your opener.

  2. saydegrace says:

    Yes I’m happy again. And you’d miss me if I didn’t throw those things up at you! You know you would 🙂

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