Reviews for Claimed are pouring in

Hi all! First, thanks for the incredible support during the first week of CLAIMED’s release!  If you get the chance to read the book, drop me a line and let me know what you think.  I just (about ten seconds ago) sent the copy edits of TEMPTED to Megan at Kensington.  This is the first time we’ve had electronic copy edits instead of hard copies, but I think I got the hang of it.

If any of you are anywhere near Cd’A Idaho next Wednesday, (Nov. 9th, 4:00pm to 7:00pm) we’re having a signing party for CLAIMED at Gourmet Way in Hayden.  There will be wine, yummies, and books…as well as some door prizes.  I’ve found if you ply people with wine, they buy even more books.  Who knew.  🙂

So, I’ve been getting google alerts from different reviews for CLAIMED, and thought I’d share a few.  Click on the review name for the entire review.  Here they are:

Good Choice Reading:    I consider myself a HUGE fan of Rebecca Zanetti’s “Dark Protector’s” series. Which is Fated now Claimed. Before I started blogging, I wasn’t a paranormal fan. And now I’m hooked. Not only am I hooked but I’m hooked on this series. Rebecca’s books have a little bit of everything. It has Action, Science, Romance and my favorite it’s sexy! It’s so sexy it’s steamy. Though it has sexy and steamy scenes, it’s written very tastefully. I love her writing. PERIOD. This series has become one of my favorite series.

Hanging with Bell’s Review: This series is different and I just so happen to love different so this series is a win/win for me. The men in the story are sexy and so alpha that they will have you falling hard and fast. The story sucks you in from page one and just keeps on going. Not only is there action and heat but the sexual energy will capture you from page to page.

Reviewer Nikki Brandyberry:  Emma and Dage burn through each and every page! His push and her pull creating an incredible friction that lights the page on fire! Rebecca Zanetti combines excellent story telling and incredible world building to give readers a sexy thrill ride wrought with action they won’t forget!  I give Claimed by Rebecca Zanetti 5 stars!

EBook Obsessed: 5 stars.  The science introduced in the changing DNA and the effects and development of the virus add a unique and very interesting aspect to this series which keeps it from being just another vampire story.  Add to that the impending war between the Vampires and the Kurjans.  This all makes for a very exciting series.

Lynn Rush:  5 out of 5 stars. I really love Rebecca Zanetti’s writing. So visual and engrossing, I can’t put her books down until I’ve read just one more chapter (and lost hours of sleep!)

Anyway, those are a few of the recent reviews I’ve found.  Thought I’d share.  🙂

4 thoughts on “Reviews for Claimed are pouring in”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Yay. How exciting!! Enjoy the journey, Rebecca!!

  2. I was never in doubt that you’d get rave reviews. Your characters are delicious! Emma and Dage (even the names are fab) were electric with each other. Congrats in your success, very well deserved.

  3. I FORCED myself to set aside CLAIMED until I’ve gotten some serious “TO-DO’s” done on my MUST DO list. I read the first chapter and now I’m hooked. I feel like a smoker or an alcoholic dying for that fix. I know when I pick it up again – I won’t put it down until I’m finished. Love the way your write, Rebecca!!

  4. Shelley says:

    You have such talent for making a woman fall for a steamy alpha male! I love your books because I know they will always be FUN! I was sad when I finished it. Can’t wait for more.

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