I’m thrilled to announce that PROVOKED releases today.  This is Book 5 in the Dark Protector series, and it features Kane Kayrs, the dominant, scientific brother as the hero.  The heroine is Amber Freebird, a fun, spirited, vegan who likes to go her own way.  The two clash…yet somehow work together with humor and spice.  I hope you enjoy!

40 thoughts on “PROVOKED releases TODAY!”

  1. lori meehan says:

    I can’t wait to read about Kane and Amber.

    1. I hope you like Kane and Amber’s story, Lori! 🙂

  2. Lynn Rush says:

    Yay!! Super excited!

    1. Thanks, Lynn! 🙂

    LOVED this book!!!

    1. Thanks Kelly! I’m so glad you liked it!

  4. Huge congrats on the new release. Can’t wait to read it.

    1. Thanks so much, Savannah! 🙂

  5. Eva Luna says:

    Wohooooo! can’t wait to read it! Congrats Rebecca 🙂

  6. Jana says:

    Love this book!!!! Really I love all of them and can not wait for the next story 🙂

    1. That’s so nice to hear! I should have release dates soon.

  7. chitsuen says:

    Congrats on the new release. Can’t wait to read it. 🙂

  8. Tesa Devlyn says:

    On my way to Kindle! Provoked sounds fascinating!

    1. I hope you enjoy it!

  9. Mayra Maldonado says:

    I love this series!!! Can’t wait for the next book. I read it in 2 days. Had to go to bed, if not I would have finished it in 1!

    1. I’m glad you’re liking it! And missing sleep. LOL

  10. Krystle Nowell says:

    OMG!!!! I love this series and this book. The story line is amazing and very meticulous. I love how it all fits together…I can’t wait for the next one…when can I expect to see the next one?

    1. I should have new release dates soon. I’m glad you’re enjoying the series! 🙂

  11. Brenda Christiansen says:

    I should be reading books for my masters program…but I am obsessed with Kane. What a wonderful surprise to find Provoked auto-delivered to my Kindle! I loved it and CANNOT wait for Jase’s story…no pressure 😉

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! Good luck with your masters program…study hard! 🙂

  12. Kris says:

    Just awesome… Just like the others!!! I am so obsessed with this series its rediculous. How long do we have to wait for # 6? Cant find any info and I am going crazy! I need more… Like now!

    1. I’m so glad you liked it! We don’t have release dates yet on the next stories, but we should have soon. Thanks for the support! 🙂

  13. Lora Diaz says:

    love the stories , especially how they are continuing and advancing at the same time . Can’t wait for the next one . I am a fast reader, just started the series and caught up to quickly. Love the characters and can’t wait to see how Janie , Kalin and Zane end the war.

    1. Thanks, Lora! I’m gearing up to write Jase’s story right now, but have been thinking a lot about Janie’s story. I have the very end written, in fact. 🙂

  14. Kristen says:

    I’m not done with Provoked yet, but I’m so enthralled I find myself checking the clock for my next breaktime at work! I read in bits and pieces throughout the day and groan when I have to stop reading to go to do something else. I really love this whole series and can’t wait for the next one! I really can’t wait to see what happens with the Janie/Kalin/Zane story line.
    Keep writing and we’ll keep reading. You are awesome!

    1. Hi Kristen! Thank you so much for the kind words – I’m glad you’re enjoying the series! I’m pretty excited for the next few books, the final one of which will be Janie’s story. I hope you like it. 🙂

  15. Krisha says:

    For over a week now all I’m doing while being awake is reading this series !!! Omg talk about addiction.. I love the passion in these books. I’m sitting there either laughing to myself or squealing over something exciting as Kane looking at his mark for the first time or going red with anger and screaming at someone when something bad happens or crying because of Jase.. I can’t wait for the next book !!!!!!

    1. Hi Krisha! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series – thanks for letting me know! 🙂

  16. Karin says:

    Totally loved Provoked, I am hooked on this series. Cant wait to read Jase’s and story and Janie’s

    1. Thanks, Karin! I appreciate it. 🙂

  17. melissa says:

    I read all six books in less than two weeks, just finished provoked is there going to be more about janie?

    1. You bet! Here’s the order: Terrent and Maggie’s novella, Jase’s book, Lily’s novella, and then Janie’s full book. 🙂

  18. Toni says:

    The dates you have set up for Terrent and Maggie’s novella and Jase’s book are those tentative dates or set in stone?

    1. Hi Toni! Kensington (my publisher) sets the dates, so I can’t say they’re set in stone. I do believe TWISTED is set pretty strongly. I’d love to see SHADOWED come out earlier, but it’s up to my publisher. Have a great week! 🙂

      1. Toni says:

        Yeah, that is what I figured. I just love this series. I actually started reading them all from the beginning again lol. Thank you for your speedy response!

  19. April says:

    Really am enjoying the series, wondering when the next one will be out?

  20. Heather says:

    When I first read Fated I was not so sure I would like the book or the series at all. In the beginning of the book your thrown right into the thick of what the main story/plot is with not much character background to understand the goal of the story which is to save and protect Cara and little Janie (cutie she is). But then I read on, and got engrossed in the story and then gave the second book a try and now I’ve just finished the third book and I’m in love with all the characters and their quirks. I really like the pacing of each book, no real rushing the story and romance/love scenes (hot hot hot)/all around relationship development with each couple is very well done. I think there is a good balance of action, suspense, drama, intel and romance with it not being too heavy handed with the romance story part of the books, I think that flattens the story and not all romance stories need to be too heaving in the love stuff with no actual point to the story other than the main couple fall in love, and oh and btw, there’s all this other stuff going on in the background (not always a good read). I like the meshing of all these worlds and species and how different they are to each other but still have some things in common. I do find it refreshing that the vampires walk in daylight and that all the myths are bogus, too many stories go by those myths and it can be a boring read. I like a twist every so often on an old story. The fact that this other vampire like race are the ones that cannot walk in daylight is kind of cool but still follow some of the basic guidelines as the vampires. I love the Kayrs brothers, it took me a while to like their mates but I like that their mates mellow out and try to find balance with their man. I am trying to pace myself with the remaining 2 books so I don’t have to wait too long for the next ones to come out…but I can’t promise that 😉 I enjoy reading this series and I look forward to reading more!

  21. Rebecca Zanetti’s Provoked hit the USA Today Bestseller’s list – Check it out! –

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