Naughty After Dark Blog Hop – He Caught her at the Sea

Hi there!  Welcome to the Naughty after Dark Blog Hop!  Click on the linky thingy above to jump back on the hop.

We’re supposed to give away something naughty, or slightly so, for the hop…so I’m giving away a signed copy of one of the Dark Protector stories (FATED, CLAIMED, OR HUNTED) because, hey, those vamps can get pretty naughty.  🙂

Now, to make things interesting and to give me a very brief break from the next book in the series, which is due on May 1st, I thought I’d show a very cool picture I found awhile back.  At some point, I’d like to write a scene about this one…but as it’s Valentine’s Day right now (although not by the time you’re reading this), I, uh, have a hot date with Big Tone.   🙂  But…isn’t this a cool picture?

I promise I’ll draft a quick scene about it sometime in the near future.  For now, just enjoy the hop and good luck with winning the prizes!  Please leave a comment below for a chance to win from me – did you have a nice Valentine’s Day?  Or…any big plans for the spring/summer?  Or…is it spring or summer where you are?  (Not here – it snowed today).  Thanks for popping by!  Click on the cute linky thing above to get back on the hop!

61 thoughts on “Naughty After Dark Blog Hop – He Caught her at the Sea”

  1. Fran Richards says:

    My husband didn’t say Happy Valentines Day, so I rang him and said “Do you know what day it is?” He said: ” Yes, it’s Tuesday!” I said :” Yes it is!” and then I hung up!! LOL Hope you had a Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Lisa Errion says:

    Yes, this ocean scene is hot…in fact it’s very “South Pacfic”!!

  3. mabledsoe says:

    We didn’t have plans as my husband worked late. He was sweet and brought home a little something for me, my daughter and our mothers. He is just the best…LOL

  4. miki says:

    I don’t have a boyfriend so i decided to spend some time just for me with agood book and a cup of tea. i really enjoyed the book ^^ so it was quite a good day.

    i hope the giveaway is open to international because i really hope to get one of your book one day and a signed one would be even better

    all the best


  5. Nancy Loughrin says:

    I’m married, but I always make Valentine’s day a day to show my friends I love them. It’s a day about love after all. Love the Hop and the beach photo… some photos can inspire a whole story don’t you think.

  6. Tina B says:

    I did have a nice Valentjne’s Day. Did you, Rebecca? Well, I live in SW FL, so it’s pretty much spring and summer tear round even though it’s technically winter! I l love it!!! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  7. stephanie wisecarver says:

    I spent my Valentines reading, after I gave my children there goodies. Rebecca I love these books. I can’t wait to read the next one. And the picture with the man and woman on the beach would be a wonderful part of a book. Nice!

  8. Andrea says:

    It was a normal Valentiine’s Day for us. The kids had parties at school and my husband made a special trip home for lunch and brought me Chipotle. That’s good enough for me.

  9. Amy P. says:

    My Valentine’s Day was nice and quiet. I spent the evening catching up on some reading. I don’t have any plans for summer, but I am thinking about taking my mom to an air balloon festival in the fall. She’s wanted to go for years and I’d love to take her.

    Hope you had a wonderful V-day and I’ll be waiting to read what scene you write up for that picture you posted.

  10. desiree says:

    I had a wonderful Valentines Day we celebrated a little early. Chocolate covered strawberries my favorite. We are taking the kiddos camping and fishing a few times this summer.

    It is not Spring here either kids got a snow day on Mnday. I can’t wait for it to be in the 90’s and humid!!

  11. The Hub was out of the country at work. He did call though & told me has has something nice planned for when he returns. I get to impatiently wait now.

  12. Barb P says:

    Hi Rebecca! I can’t say that I had a great V-Day. My husband didn’t even get me a card. We did spend a nice evening at home with our son, eating heart shaped pizzas and a bottle of wine. Oh well! We have no exciting plans for the summer I’m afraid. After we pay our taxes, we won’t have any money left for vacation ** Sigh**. I am looking forward to a little bit better weather, although for winter, it hasn’t been bad here at all. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  13. Anne says:

    I just got back from vacation (just a week and a half visiting the parents), so no plans in the near future for me.

    Thanks for participating in the hop.

  14. savannah miller says:

    Me and the hubby had a very relaxing V-day we sent the kids to a baby sitter 🙂 Thanks for being part of the hop!


  15. BJ says:

    Spent V-day with the book Boyfriends…..hope to have a new house soon and have the hubby back together with the family because this 1500 miles apart thing is for the birds!!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win

  16. My husband bought me a BIG red heart with candy and we shared it and got all sugared up together.

    Thank you so much for getting naughty with us. 🙂

  17. Eva Luna says:

    Please …do write that scene!!! :))
    thanks for the chance to win:

  18. Julianne says:

    I had a very nice Valentine’s Day. I was taken out to a nice dinner and got some chocolate and some nooky afterward. 🙂

  19. DarkBloodyVamp says:

    I spent my Valentine with my husband and the kids and we had lots of fun joking around.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp

  20. Thanks for the great giveaway!!
    And I did nothing for Valentines day cause I have no boyfriend T_T oh well! next time maybe!

  21. Hillary Curran says:

    Well, there was nothing special on Valentine’s Day. Hubby admitted he just wasn’t feeling romantic. As for plans for the summer, the hubby and I are going to be flying out to the West Coast to visit family but also to check out the area for when we’re ready to move again. Yeah I lead a boring life, which is why I read so much, especially the naughty books 😀

    Thanks for the chance to win, I look forward to reading your work!


  22. Rhonda D says:

    I spent VDay snuggled up with my hubby! I love him so much. Thanks for the great giveaway and hot pic. I would love to read about it.

  23. Kendra says:

    It is winter hear, albeit an unseasonably warm, rainy winter. My Valentine’s day was like any other day, except that I bought stuff for my husband. Oh, I did get a “Happy Valentine’s Day” from him. But he didn’t even get me anything from the kids. yep, the romance is gone. Thank goodness for these books!

  24. JeanP says:

    Had a nice Valentine’s Day, pretty low key, quiet dinner
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  25. Mary N says:

    Hey Rebecca! Had a great valentine’s day. Hope you enjoyed yours! Had some yummy red velvet bars! =) HOpe to win!!!! thanks for your books!

    mknguyen228 at yahool dot com

  26. me i did hops and then waiting on the winning i l love the hop i had to emial
    my bd on sar told him i want this for valentine day and this for my bd on sat
    todl him i wnat the bear and necklace and then i want my bear i get them tomorrow

    desi the blonde at msn dot com

  27. Juana Esparza says:

    I spend Valentine’s Day with my mom we stayed home and watched tv.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  28. cathy m says:

    I had a great Valentine’s Day, even had both my boys come by with roses and candy, so bonus points for them, lol. Hubby and I had pizza and watched a movie together, nice and low key.

    Cathy m
    caity_mack@yahoo dot com

  29. I take care of an elderly parent so Valentine’s Day was pretty quiet. The only thing I did was work on my book reviews for blogs that I write for.

  30. Yadira A. says:

    I did have a great V-Day… my nephew was born!

  31. donnas says:

    Thanks for the chance!

    Valentines Day was quiet. Just me this year.

    And so far so plans for summer. Have to see how it goes with work and money.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  32. Helen says:

    my boyfriend had to work so we haven’t had the chance to do anything yet
    helldog3 at

  33. thanks for participating in this blog hop!

    Valentine’s was kind of a wash this year as I had to work. By the time I got home, hubs was already asleep and I didn’t dare wake him as he gets up about 5 hours after I get home so he can go to work at his job. We are truly ships that pass in the night (at least 5 nights a week). We celebrated earlier over the weekend with a nice dinner out!

    mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com

  34. JessS says:

    I didn’t do anything for valentines day, and although it’s currently Spring where I live, it hasn’t been too hot, but I haven’t really been doing anything spring-ish, though I did go to the beach a few times during summer. Thanks for the giveaway, is it open internationally?


  35. Nenna says:

    My valentine was nice, even though I was alone at home 😀 I´m gonna have “A new Valentines Day” tomorrow with my bf, hhihi :b


  36. June M. says:

    I am single so I just spent the evening with a good spicy book.
    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

  37. Barbara says:

    I had a nice V-day…went out to dinner with the hubs and then we dropped by the local casino for a little while before heading back home. Thx for the giveaway op!

    barbbattaglia @

  38. Vanessa N. says:

    Great giveaway. Love the pictures. Thanks for the chance.

  39. Ashley Applebee says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway! My Valentine’s Day was okay, I got to eat lots of chocolate and that’s ALWAYS a good thing lol
    Ashley A

  40. lisagk says:

    VDay at our house was quiet. thanks for the blog hop. lisagk@yahoo(dot)com

  41. JoAnna B says:

    I had a nice Valentine’s dinner with my family. We went out to a restaurant and it was not crowded! I will have to remember that place for next year! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Beckerjo at verizon dot net

  42. I’m single, so I just hung around the house with a good book and some exceptional chocolate!
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  43. books4me says:

    We have GREAT plans for this summer!!! The whole family (all 3 of us) are going to Europe with for 10 days with other middle schoolers, parents, and a teacher!!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  44. Ronda Tutt says:

    I agree with you, that is a cool picture of making love on the beach, so romantic. I had a pretty good valentines day. Hubby and I get up and the first thing he does is pull me to him and give me a great big ole hug and then ask me to be his valentine – I laugh and say yes, I get a nice kiss for a reward of saying yes – LOL My valentines gift was not having to cook, we got a pizza and watched a movie – LOL that was it, but it was a real nice day here and was nice to just enjoy the fresh air through the open doors and windows.

    Would love to win any of your work, thank you for the oportunity.

  45. booksaver says:

    Thank you so much for the giveaway. I didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. Normally I babysit my grandkids so my daughter and son-in-law can go out but this year my granddaughter was sick so everyone stayed home.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  46. bn100 says:

    We had a nice meal at home on Valentine’s Day. Thanks for the giveaway.

  47. LadyVampire says:

    Its supposed to be snowing here but we have rain instead. It’s been a wet, rainy, weird winter in Illinois. As for Valentine’s Day, it was a nice one. I hope yours was too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. No big plans I had to work on V-Day but I did have a good one with my hubby. Watched movies and gave gifts to each other 🙂


  49. one of my bestie’s birthdays is that day so we went out to celebrate that : )
    thanks for the giveaway!

  50. Maritza Robinson says:

    My family and I always celebrate Valentine’s together. My birthday is 2 days before Valentine’s so we sometimes celebrate both together. We went out for dinner this year to celebrate both days. Thanks for giveaway!

  51. mbourn says:

    Thanks for being part of the blog hop. I am enjoying learning about authors that are new-to-me. My TBR list is getting longer!!
    Summer plans??? We are going to Santa Claus, Indiana. More specificially…Holiday World. We have heard so many good things about it, that it is time to go see for ourselves. The kids are very excited.


  52. Anne R says:

    Our Valentine’s day was quiet, we spent it at home. We will be getting belated V-day night soon, we have a sitter set up for Friday night. We will go out to eat and enjoy our company.

    areeths at new dot rr dot com

  53. latishajean says:

    I had no plans just read a great book and did some blog hopping!
    Thanks for the great giveaway and for taking part in this Fun blog hop!

  54. Krysykat says:

    I’m planning of finally having everything in my garden the way I want it 🙂


  55. My Valentines was just like any other day. Not a big deal. Yes, we are going on our frist family vacation this June. We are soooo excited!!


  56. Gabrielle J. says:

    My valentine’s day was alright, my brothers and I did something sweet for our mom on that day so it was nice. How was your Valentine’s Day?

    The beach scene is very contemporary, it’d definitely make a great story!

  57. vampedchik says:

    I didnt do anything for Valentines but my big spring plans are that I plan on going to the RT convention. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
    goodblinknpark @

  58. Eva P. says:

    I usually don’t celebrate, since I don’t have a special someone at the moment, and if I do, it’s spent with my sisters or with my friends 🙂 I livein Phoenix, and the weather is just perfect right now, I wish it coulod stay like this forever!

  59. Gwen LTP says:

    Had a nice homemade dinner for valentines day. Sometimes homemade is the best way to celebrate 🙂 Thansk for the giveaway!

  60. Shadow says:

    I didnt do anything for Valentines. I cuddled up on the couch a read a really good book! 🙂 I have no big plans for this summer. OH! Scratch that, i just remembered, my mom and i are going to a convention. Its about wicca, and where going to meet people who practice this religion and were going to learn and find out more about it. Were very drawn to it and we have several questions. Were hoping that this trip will help us understand more. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing and for the awesome giveaway!

  61. My ex had stopped acknowledging Valentine’s Day several years back but when the birthday acknowledges stopped, he became an ex. So I spent Valentine’s Day this year was spent reading a good paranormal romance. They get their HEAs usually,
    Thanks for sharing and for the offer to win.

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