My Mom taught Me to read and write for safety reasons

It occurred to me earlier today that I was a clutz.  Well, I kind of knew it, but sometimes we deny certain things about ourselves.  When I dropped my computer mouse in my coffee an hour ago – there was no more denial.  I liked that mouse.

For some reason I flashed back to childhood when my mom taught me to read.  Well, she taught me to love reading and getting lost in a good story.  Being the wise woman she still is, she might’ve been trying to save my limbs from disaster.  I still remember the first Nancy Drew book she put in my hands while I sat safely on the sofa surrounded by nice, soft pillows.  If I fell, no harm done. 

As I grew up, I used to sneak into her romance pile and read those wonderful love stories.  Sometimes I still feel like I’m getting away with something when I find myself lost in a steamy romance.  Then the day came when I was old enough we could pass books back and forth.  She gave me one of Nora Robert’s MacGregor stories – and I was hooked for life.  Remember those?

And now, my mom has read my book.  I asked her if she thought it was too steamy and she said that it was wonderful.  Then she said, “Oh my.”  🙂  So here’s to our moms:  When they ensured we survive childhood, they may also have given us the key to a happy adulthood.  Thanks, mom.

So question: Who taught you to read and what book do you most remember?

8 thoughts on “My Mom taught Me to read and write for safety reasons”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Great post!

    I giggled at the, “Oh My.” 🙂

    I didn’t really fall into the reading-thing until a few years ago.

    I’m one of those writers who didn’t grow up surrounded by piles of books I’d read. But I do remember one as a kid, “Dear God, It’s Me Margaret.” I have no idea who the author was/is…but I remember that coming of age book. And it was GOOD!

    But then, I ditched reading and fell into the world of sports. So I spent my hours rough-housing instead of reading. 🙂

    Enjoyed this post. Have a great day!

  2. Brandi Hall says:

    Mine was definitely my mother as well. And yes, Nora Roberts was in there a LOT. But I do beleive the first book she got me into was Anne Rice, The Mayfair Witches. I LOVED that series.

    Thanks, Mom!


  3. saydegrace says:

    Wow, I don’t remember reading anything as a child but Rapunzel(spelling??) and it was read by my mom but thats about it. I too fell into sports and horses so much of my childhood was spent on the road sleeping(yes I sleep when I am in the car, I can barely make it to Walmart!). But I do remember my elderly aunt, whose husband had died in the late 70’s, reading Harelequin novels all the time. It now amazes me that she read those novels all alone for over twenty years and gives me a much better appreciation for all those authors who kept her company with their stories.

    And I laughed at the “Oh My” too, I bet I know why she said that!

  4. Suzanne J says:

    I laughed at the “Oh my” but also at the mouse in the coffee. That sounds like something I’d so, except mine is usually Diet Coke in the keyboard (it’s ugly). My mom read to me a lot as a kid. When I took up the voracious reading mantle myself, I blew through the Beatrix Potter books and then The Secret Garden. Great memories!

  5. LOL! Poor mouse! Drowned in coffee. What a way to go. I escaped into the world of books thanks to a wonderful neighbor from my childhood. Great post…thanks for the giggle. 🙂

  6. Deb says:

    How come she never taught me to read? Oh ya- I was the one sneaking out at night 🙂

    1. Rebecca Zanetti says:

      Hey! My sister Debbie finally found my blog! Go Deb… 🙂

  7. Home Design says:

    I taught myself to read :D. But it was my parents who provided the readings. I wish I can write a book also.

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