So, we decided to kind of interview each other in celebration for ON THE HUNT by emailing questions back and forth, and this is what we came up with. Enjoy!
REBECCA: So, Alexandra. Why paranormal, lady?
ALEXANDRA: Buffy!!! I was busy writing historicals when I found Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I knew I had to try writing that fabulous combination of horror, humor, and sex.
What’s your favorite genre to write?
REBECCA: Oh, that’s a tough one. I really like both paranormal and romantic suspense…and pretty much combine the two in most of my books. I loved Buffy, too. And Angel. Definitely Angel.
Question: What’s the weirdest experience you’ve had as an author?
ALEXANDRA: After I started writing my Guardian series I received a letter from a lovely reader who said that her family in Hungary were vampires, and wondering if my vampires might be related to them. I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or lock my doors.
Question: If you could meet any writer (dead or alive) who would it be?
REBECCA: Definitely J.D. Salinger. I’d take him a bottle of something good and then sit and hopefully chat for hours. I think he’d be so fascinating if he were still around and would see me.
Question: Tell us about your hero in ON THE HUNT.
ALEXANDRA: Mika is a hunter Sentinel who allowed the love of his life, Bailey, to walk away years ago. When he runs across her in the Louisiana swamps he’s determined not to lose her again.
Question: What’s the schedule for your typical writing day?
REBECCA: I love the idea of having a typical writing day – lol! I think when school starts, things get a little more organized. So I’d get to the kids off to school, have coffee, answer emails, and then sit down and write, write, write.
Question: What’s the coolest fan letter you’ve received?
ALEXANDRA: It was my first one lol. It took me years to finally get published, and even then I could quite believe it was real. When I received that letter it was proof that I was actually published and someone who wasn’t my family had actually read the book!
Question: If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?
REBECCA: Well, I’ve been a lawyer, art curator, Senate aid, college professor, and hearing examiner…so I’d probably try something totally new in the sciences. It’d be fun to study genetics, I think. Or physics.
Question: Okay. Tell us something odd about you.
ALEXANDRA: I’m a huge punk rock fan. I love listening to the Ramones and Green Day and even Sid Vicious.
Question: Do you create female characters that are like you?
REBECCA: I’m not sure, to be honest. My female characters usually have it more together than I do, I think. Sometimes I’ll pick a trait from one of my sisters and incorporate it in a heroine, but just a trait or two.
Question: Tell us about ON THE HUNT.
ALEXANDRA: Mika is on the hunt for a young Sentinel who is missing from the monastery where he was being trained. The clues lead him to his ex-lover Bailey who healed the young warrior before he disappeared into the swamps. Together they must halt the human cult who is determined to destroy their people.
Question: Your turn! Tell us about your story in ON THE HUNT
REBECCA: I’m so excited about this one! It’s the beginning of a new series. A terrible bacterium has been let loose and quickly kills people. Survivors are different…but we don’t know how yet. The hero in Scorpius Rising is Deacan McDougall, a badass soldier from Scotland, and the heroine is Nora Medina, a brilliant scientist and his ex-wife. There’s a lot of tension and unfinished business between these two, and they heat up the pages, I think.
Question: A lot of fans think we marry or date guys like the heroes we create. True or false…and expand. J
ALEXANDRA: True! Granted, my hubby and I have been married for over thirty years, so neither one of us would grace the cover of a romance novel, but all of my males are more beta than alpha. They tend to be nurturers, and protectors, and sensitive, just like my husband. I love to read dark, tortured heroes, but I just can’t write them.
Question: Which of your characters is your favorite, and why?
REBECCA: Oh man, that’s such a hard question! I like all the characters. Right now, the first one who springs to mind is Cee Cee, the heroine in WICKED EDGE, which will be out in November. I just finished edits for that one, and I have to tell you, she is crazy wild. Or just crazy.
Question: If you could be anybody else, just for a day, who would you be?
ALEXANDRA: Kate, Duchess of Cambridge. Yep, I’m shallow. I would love to be married to a prince and live in a castle. And all those servants…sigh. If I never have to wash another dish, or clean another bathroom I’d be a happy lady.
Question: Tell us your favorite dating story. It can be romantic or horrifying
REBECCA: I’d love to be Kate for a day, too! More because she just is so put together and graceful, you know? The woman can play sports in wedges, for goodness sakes. My favorite dating story is when I ran into Big Tone (my hubby) in a bar after we hadn’t seen each other since childhood. He had on a leather jacket with a motorcycle helmet under one arm. We went for a ride…to see my grandma.
We hope everyone enjoyed our dual interview – it was tons of fun for us! Enjoy ON THE HUNT!
That was so cool can’t wait to read the books
i loved the interview. the questions were spot on.
I just loved the Interview between you and Alexander. I was very interesting and I really enjoyed the questions and responses.