My Book Boyfriend Blog Hop

UPDATE: has spoken and the winner is:  Vamped Chik.  Congrats!

Welcome to the Book Boyfriend Blog Hop!  I will be giving away a signed book to one randomly drawn commenter on my blog.  The winner can choose Fated, Claimed, or an ARC of Hunted.  This contest is open internationally.  Leaving a comment on the blog gets you one entry, “liking” me on facebook gets you another entry, and following me on twitter gets you a third entry.  You can do just one or all three…totally up to you!  Good luck!

If you need to jump back on the blog, or go back to find all the links, just click on the hot guy to the left.  He’ll take you wherever you want to go.  🙂

So, TEMPTED will be available on March 27th, and I thought I’d post a new excerpt.  Here it is:

Biting back a sigh, Max stalked over uneven concrete and deep puddles. Maneuvering around to the rear of the paint-chipped building, he found his prey.

Two long legs led up to a heart-shaped ass trying to wiggle out a window.  He let her drop to the ground, waiting until she turned around.

“Please don’t run.”  His boots were made for kicking down doors, not running.

Sarah yelped, pressing back against the worn shingles, hand to her chest.

It was the worst self-defense move he’d ever seen.  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Eyes the color of deep chocolate widened.  Dark circles marred the smooth skin over her delicate features.  Running had taken a toll.  Sandy-blond hair framed her classic face.  She stood much taller than Cara and Emma, the new mates of his friends and the only human females he’d been near in over a century. 

This woman, the one he hunted, she stood tall with legs long enough to give him pause.  Yet, even at about five foot eleven, she was several inches shorter than him. 

Something sizzled along his spine.  His body reacted to the gentle vibrations cascading off the woman.  Instinct honed his focus on her.  Special.  He should’ve known by his obsession with her picture.  The woman was a potential vampire mate.  Enhanced.  Maybe an empath?

He waited as she settled her stance.  Then went for a knee shot.

It was the worse side kick he’d ever seen.  Her worn tennis shoe bounced off his knee, causing no more hurt than a breeze.  She stumbled, and he reached out to steady her.  His hand easily wrapped around her bicep.  “Where the hell did you learn to fight?”

“The internet,” she gasped, trying to jerk away.

That explained it.  “The knee shot was a good move. You just didn’t aim the kick right.”  He was a big guy.  If she dropped him, she’d be able to run. 

“Should I try again?”  Fire lit her eyes while a small smile flirted with her pink lips.

The humor caught him off guard.  He matched her smile.  “You’ll just hurt your foot.”

My Book Boyfriend Giveaway Hop Hosted is by Reading Between the Wines Book Club & As the Pages Turn Giveaway.  The hop will run from 12:01 AM February 1st through to 11:59 PM February 5th, 2012.   Remember:  If you need to get back on the hop, click on the hot guy in the picture.

ALSO- I’m over at the Book Boost talking about my recent tumble down the stairs and giving away books – drop by and say hi.  CLICK HERE   AND:  now I’m at the Brava blog giving away books (yes, I’m almost out of books):  CLICK HERE.

So…leave a comment for a chance to win.  Feel free to just say hi.  Or, if you’d like to answer a question, go ahead and pick one of the following:  Have you ever climbed out a window?  How about in a window?  Any great plans for Valentine’s day? 

121 thoughts on “My Book Boyfriend Blog Hop”

  1. Nikki says:

    Hello!! Your book sounds fab!! As to the questions yes, I have snuck in and out of a window before. I locked myself out of the house and ended up crawling into a window on the second floor. It was hilarious!! I had to jump the fence, get the ladder, prop the ladder up(praying the whole time that it didn’t fall!), jimmy the window open and pull myself through it! Its much easier sneaking out of a window than sneaking in 🙂 LOL!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  2. Julie H. says:

    Wow! I’m going to love this! Can’t wait to read the rest! 🙂

  3. Julie H. says:

    I love this excerpt! I can’t wait to read the rest! Oh, and I locked myself out of my house once and had to climb in through the kitchen window. There were no hot looking guys around though! 🙂

  4. lisagk says:

    I’ve never climbed in a window, or out. I also have no awesome plans for Valentine’s Day… but I hope to have a nice quiet dinner at home with my hubby. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com follow twitter

  5. I’d like to have that boyfriend for Valentines Day… I doubt my husband would let me keep him though. Darn!

    As a girl I had a cat that I adored, alas my sister and I shared a room and she was allergic… so I trained the cat to scratch the window screen… every night she’d scratch and I’d open the window, lift the corner of the screen and let her in to sleep in my bed with me. Sis would wake up with red scratchy eyes and a runny nose… they never figured out that Tanna Banana (my cat’s name) was the culprit. Does that count for a window story?

  6. Carol Thompson says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

    Much appreciated.

    Carol T

    buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

  7. miki says:

    I would be delighted to discover your books

    thanks you for opening this giveaway to international

    all the best


  8. I became an expert at both climbing in and out of windows when I was younger. Not necessarily something to be proud of, but I was kind of a rebel.

  9. Nancy Loughrin says:

    I’m new to this whole hop thing, but I think its a great way to get great writers out to the public.

  10. Veronika says:

    I loved the excerpt!Thank you! I have no plans for Valentine’s day yet. Also I’ve never climbed out the window 🙂 Oh, wait, I just remembered! haha…I DID! Once 🙂 When I was younger and my “lovely”brother locked me up in our room xDD So I climbed out the window 🙂
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. Veronika says:

    Oh, I forgot..I ‘liked’ also the Facebook page :))

  12. Filia Oktarina says:

    WOW!! I love this excerpt! I can’t wait to read the rest! I’ve never climbed in a window, or out.
    Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

  13. kah_cherub says:

    Hi! Thanks for the chance! I really enjoyed Fated and would love to see what happens in Claimed. 🙂
    I have jumped in a few windows, but only when I forgot my keys and had no other way to get into the house. LOL. It wasn’t exactly easy, but…
    +1 FB like: Kah Cherub

  14. Andrea says:

    I’ve definitely climbed in and out of windows especially in my teenage years.

    andreagrendahl AT gmail DOT com

  15. Jamie says:

    I’ve climbed out a window a few times in my day, lol! Mostly just because it seemed like a fun thing to do (when I was younger) – either the house windows or the car windows. Haven’t done that in quite a while! Nothing for Valentine’s Day – my hubs in on a business trip that week 🙁

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  16. DeAnn G. says:

    GAH! Your killing me! When my hubby is deployed, mommy’s “quiet” time in the evening is reading before bed. I have had Tempted pre-ordered for FOREVER, it seems. These teasers are just making it worse! LOL But please don’t stop ! 🙂

  17. Teo Pei Yun says:

    Wow, that except from tempted is nice!!!
    ANd thanks for the giveaway

  18. Hi! No I have never climbed in or out of a window. lol

    You should put a cover of your books in the blog post. I’m a cover girl and it would have been nice to see them. Good luck with your blog hop.

    another_look_book_reviews at hotmail dot ca

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve never climbed through a window. 🙂 Shame.
    I followed on twitter. 🙂

  20. Diane says:

    Never been in or out a window. No special plans that I know of for Valentine’s Day and Hi!
    Great hop by the way!

  21. you are a new to me author so I would love to win the first book in the series. I have climbed out of many a window 😉 back in the day of course. I am surprised I even made it out of my teens!

  22. JeanP says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Yes have climbed out a window, in high school, teacher left, so the class climbed out the window.

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  23. Veronica De Luna says:

    Hi! Loving this blog hop! As for Valentine’s Day, I’m not sure what I’m going to do that day. My hubby is the one who usually plans that day and since it’s also my anniversary, he usually tries to make it extra special. Hope you have a great Valentine’s Day yourself!

  24. Books sounds great. Not planned much for valentines as i am pregnant so could be in hospital. If i am not will be going out for a meal with my lovely hubby.

  25. Amy P. says:

    I am as excited to read Tempted as I am for Hunted. Thanks for the excerpt. Can’t wait for March!

    The only time I remember ever climbing through a window was as a kid after school. My older sister had the house keys but she’d lost them that day so she lifted me up to a high window with a faulty lock so I could let her in through the door. Not that fun and our parents were not happy to learn about the missing keys.

    Valentine’s Day plans might consist of vegging out with my roommate and/or going to the movies. “This Means War” with Reese Witherspoon looks hilarious.

  26. Gloria says:

    FB-Gloria Sell Schumann
    Thanks for the great excerpt!

    geschumann at live dot com

  27. stephanie wisecarver says:

    I love your books. I can’t wait to read Max’s story.

  28. Timitra says:

    My Valentine’s day plan is to relax with a great book!!!!

  29. Sebrina says:

    Hubby and I aren’t big into Valentine’s Day, I always tell him not to worry about it. But sometimes he doesn’t listen, imagine that? *laughs*
    Thank you for being a part of the hop, and for a chance at your giveaway. 🙂

  30. Danielle says:

    Hello!!!! Funny thing is my hubby and I have been together since we were kids.. I use to to climb in and out of his window and in and out of mine in the middle of the night to sleep at his house.. My mother nearly killed me when she found out what I did as a kid, even though I am no longer a kid and we are still happily married.. haha great giveaway!!


  31. Melissa says:

    I cannot wait for Tempted to come out. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your books! Your books are much much better than alot of these authors out there who dont stick to the story and have made so many books they just start sounding the same. Keep up the great work! Oh also any chance you can get Conns book out sooner 🙂

  32. sue says:

    amazing giveaway, i follow you everywhere lol. i really would like to win this one. it looks amazing.

  33. Great excerpt! Commented, FB liked, and twitter follow! Thanks!

  34. Ada says:

    @R…Mamma Mia quand e bello! =) Can I win him? *naughty grin* Luv ur bks. So look 4ward 2 read more. Gr8 excerpt!

  35. Alex W says:

    I had to climb INTO my window one morning when I accidentally walked out and let the backdoor slam shut behind me. The LOCKED backdoor! 🙂 Thank you for this great giveaway!

    I’m a twitter follower! as alli_cat_08

  36. Megan says:

    Great giveaway!
    Twitter Follower- mekyser
    liked on FB- Megan Kyser

    AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

  37. Barb P says:

    I want, I want, I want!! I’ve only been able to read the first book and loved it! Due to lack of funding, and a job, I haven’t been able to get the second ** SIGH **. Valentine’s Day for us has become a family affair. We order heart shaped pizza etc. Open a good bottle of wine, but we usually stay home. Thanks so much for the fantastic stories and the awesome giveaway!

  38. Sarah Bibi Setar says:

    Hi Rebecca! Thank you for participating in this hop and for your generous giveaway:)

    I follow you on Twitter: @SweetNSensible
    I follow you on Facebook: Sarah Bibi Setar

    Thank you:)

    Best wishes for 2012!:)


    sarah DOT setar AT gmail DOT com

  39. Yadira A. says:

    For Valentine’s day I plan on spending it in the hospital with my sister as she prepares for a C-section:) Then by afternoon I should be spending it with my new little nephew!

  40. Jessica B says:

    Love the excerpt! I haven’t climbed in or out of a window before. And I don’t have any plans for Valentines day. I hope that you have a happy valentine’s day tho! I’m a Twitter follower.
    -Jessica B
    jessangil at gmail dot com

  41. Your book sounds GREAT!!! I can’t wait to read it and the others. When I find an author I like, I have to read “every” book they have written. I don’t know why! I just feel like if I don’t, then I might miss something really great. Good for you authors out there 🙂 I don’t ever stop at one. No window incidents and no big plans for V day. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaways!!!

  42. latishajean says:

    Thank you very much for the great giveaway! I have always wanted to read your books sound so good! Thanks for the fun blog hop!
    Follow Twitter – latishajean
    Follow Facebook- latisha D

  43. Hi:) Enjoyed the sneak peak excerpt.

    Okay so, when I was in my not so early twenties my BFF decides that her bf is acting strange so she against my wishes she does a driveby and sees him leaving his house with a girl…*such an embarrassing story* She then takes it upon herself to use the key to get inside his house to “get her things” ya right to stalk..LOL…well anyways she hears him come back home, and she now realizes she’s acting psycho and goes and hides in his bathroom while they’re inside the house. (I would have just walked on out) but instead she’s inside the bathroom with a small window up high……So she calls me in a panic and a couple of our gf’s and I go together to help her…two of us had to climb through the window after scale-ing a wall as if I were Spiderman…then we climbed through the window to rescue her….Such a shameful story but so funny now! LOL. So, yes I have climbed through a window!;)

    P.s I follow you on twitter! @SooooVain

  44. Mary Preston says:

    I’ve climbed in & out of windows. Mostly as a child. The front door seemed too much bother & too far away.

    FB: Mary Preston


  45. booksaver says:

    Yes, I have climbed in a window when I was in my 20’s and I’d locked myself out of the house. I’ve never climbed out one though.

    Facebook like as Linda Henderson

    Twitter follow as @BookOwner

    seriousreader at live dot com

  46. vhubler says:

    Hello!! Yes I have climbed in a window when my parents had accidently locked the door when I was a child

  47. Anne R says:

    Wow, this story sounds fantastic. You are a new author for me, I love finding new authors to follow. Yes I have climbed in a window-probably should not talk about that story, it was probably illegal. It was fun and we did not damage anything just look around.
    I am following on twitter & facebook.(annereeths)

  48. Sophia Rose says:

    I enjoyed the excerpt. Your questions about windows made me laugh. I’ve done both climbing out and climbing in. Both as a result of a locked door.

    Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

  49. Loving this blog hop!!!!! To answer the question about ever climbing out or in a window. I’ve climbed out of my bedroom window as a teenager and climbed back in. LOL
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  50. i all most done and then i now i done the hop in one night
    and i love the hop and then love what you ladies are givng away

  51. Sara Kovach says:

    I can’t say I have climbed out a window, but I have climbed in a window when I was locked out.

  52. Amanda says:

    awesome! lovin the blog hop 🙂

  53. savannah miller says:

    I have climbed into a window…. but only because my bratty little brother locked me outside!! Thanks for the chance to win

  54. Maritza Robinson says:

    Thanks so much for this great giveaway!
    twitter- mara80cullen

    mararob80 at gmail dot com

  55. Pamela says:

    Loved the excerpt. Would certainly love to read the rest of the story! 🙂
    I have climbed in and out of a window before. Last time was when I went out onto my sister’s porch roof to clean the gutters for her. LOL
    No plans for Valentine’s Day. Just another day really.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Like on Facebook: Pam Rosensteel
    Twitter follow: @VanillaOrchids


  56. cathy m says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    Thoroughly enjoying this series and looking forward to Tempted.
    No window climbing for me, lol.

    Caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  57. JessS says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Your books sound awesome.

  58. June M. says:

    Hi! I don’t recall ever climbing in or out of a window (going out the back door quietly yes, lol). Thank you so much for the great giveaway!
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  59. Ashley Applebee says:

    Hi! Sounds like a great book! I have never crawled out/in a window, but I know people who have lol. I dont have any plans for Valentine’s Day…just me and a big box of chocolates I guess….
    Thanks for the joining the hop!
    Ashley A

  60. Kimberly Wise says:

    I did get “kidnapped” by friends through the window and was so excited that my mom didn’t know… for days every time I looked at the window I would smile thinking I had gotten away with something and then we were at dinner when my mom said “so you never told me did you have fun the other night?”….. apparently my friends (who loved my mom) did not want her to worry so they ad told her everything they were planning…. it is a better memory that way then if I had just sneaked out the window with friends!

  61. Joanne Acosta-Bang-o says:

    Can’t wait for Tempted! SUPER EXCITED!

  62. Ren says:

    Hi Rebecca!
    Alas, no plan for Valentine’s Day. Guess I will spend that day alone 🙂

  63. Susan Dobroff says:

    I’ve never climbed in or out of a window. But I did get in trouble when my younger brother and his friend kept jumping out his window onto the shrubbery covered with snow. They then tramped back into the house and did it again and again. I knew I was inn trouble, so I locked myself in the kitchen and cried, knowing that I would get the blame. Oh well, now he has his own monsters to corral.

  64. joy says:

    I cant wait to read it! I think its going to be steamy and funny!

  65. Diana says:

    Hi, I loved the excerpt! I’ve never climbed out the window and no plans for Valentine’s day.
    Liked you on facebook as Demitra Giote

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    artgiote at gmail dot com

  66. Stephanie Christensen says:

    Love the great read! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Follow you on Facebook as Stephanie Christensen

  67. Tess says:

    Love the excerpt!!! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
    following you on twitter @TessMWatson
    liking you on fb Tess Watson

  68. latanya says:

    no, I have not climbed out of a window

  69. Carol L says:

    This series sounds awesome Rebecca. It’s now on my TRL.
    As for climbing in and out of windows I’ve done so a few times during my teens and then later on when I found myself locked out. But the best was when my sister and I snuck out and coming back home we had to climb through the window to get in and not found out. I pushed my sister up first so she could then unlock the door for me. Well she kept trying to push down on my hands and I kept trying to push her through until I literally heaved and she went flying in. When the door didn’t unlock and I called her name from below the window I saw why… There stood our father offering a helping hand just to let me know we were in deep crap. lol After a month of punishment and new window locks we learned the hard way. lol
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  70. Carol L says:

    Forgot to mention I’m an email subscriber.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  71. Miranda says:

    Love the giveaway! That pic is hot!! Love your Dark Protectors 🙂 I have climbed in and out of a window. My friend used to have these bay windows I think we were 12 and thought it would be a good idea to climb out. So we opened the window and popped out the screen, climbed out of course we didn’t take into consideration that we locked her bedroom door to keep her little brother out so the only way back in was through the window! I had to boost her on my shoulders to get her through the window. We thought we were home free until we tried to put the screen back in and realized how heavy it was. We had to enlist her brothers help to get it back in and then he blackmailed us LOL! The things we do as children 🙂

    I like you on FB and follow on Twitter
    FB Miranda Grissom

  72. Kayla says:

    Great Giveaway!
    FB: Kayla Graham
    Twitter: @KaylaShantee

  73. Diane Sallans says:

    Loved that excerpt! Want that book!
    FB: Diane Sallans
    Twitter: DianeSallans
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  74. Alaina says:

    yea i have climbed both in and out of a window!! (my bedroom was on the ground floor and a great source of sneaking out.. lol).. and i would love to win book 1!! thanks for the chance~

  75. Zany RiN says:

    Hey Mrs. Zanetti uber thanks for having such a fun contest! I Love Love Love the Dark Protectors Series!! The excerpt is a tease and leaves me wanting to read Max & Sarah’s story now … hell it makes me want to dive into the Dark Protector world period! Can’t wait for the rest of the series to come out. I think Moira is going to make an awesome sidekick for Emma. The 2 of them are feisty enough on their own so I can just imagine the trouble this tag-team will get into as the series goes along. And the mysterious Zane has me going crazy wanting to know his specialness other then Janie Belle’s future protector.

    FB … Erin Cavin
    Twitter … RiN_7X

    As for windows I have only had to sneak back in after getting locked out which really isn’t a good thing if my neighbors know how easy the front window is to open. LoL!

    Happy Reading

  76. This book sounds amazing!! I’ve never climbed in or out of a window and so far no Valentine’s plans.

  77. Vanessa N. says:

    Love blog hops. Thanks for the chance.
    I follow on twitter as @mythic021

  78. antane says:

    I have climbed into windows and out of them. Sometimes because I forgot my keys, sometimes because i was the smallest person in the group of people who forgot their keys. Thanks for the giveaway!

  79. vampedchik says:

    Your books sound amazing!!! and yes plenty of times I’ve found myself locked out of my house or having to crawl into someone elses house to open doors. I keep waiting for the cops to get called on my for breaking into my own house. 🙂 Thanks for the contest!
    liked on FB-Amber Hall
    Twitter- @VampedChik

  80. Stephanie M says:

    I have never climbed out or in a window. Thanks for the giveaway.

    FB follower: Stephanie McCarthy

    smccar1 at hotmail dot com

  81. Juana Esparza says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    The only time I’ve climbed a window is to get inside because I forgot the keys that just happened last week.

    I follow you via Twitter = @jmesparza821
    I liked you on FB = Juana Esparza


  82. Lori says:

    Cant wait to read the rest. I’ve preordered
    the book. Just bidding my time until its ready

  83. eli yanti says:

    wow.. that’s a great giveaway, thank you so much, hope can win your signed book 😉

  84. BJ says:

    one word “Awesome”
    it totally looks good 🙂
    beejee77 at gmail dot com

  85. Patricia says:

    Wow, I’m so glad I found this blog hop! And ha, the question! I actually recently did climb out of w a window. A friend of mine didn’t find her keys, so I had to climb. God, my feet hurt.. I thing I haven’t figured out how to jump out of a window without feeling like I broke my legs yet.. *g*

  86. I keep hearing about this hop all over the blogs..Very cool..

  87. Hi!
    Thanks for this giveaway! Climb out of a window : oh yesss! When I was younger of course! LOL Just to ba able to reach some guy… LOL BAD GIRL 😀 And your series sounds awesome BTW

  88. JoAnna B says:

    Hi Rebecca. Love your books and cannot wait for the next one. 🙂
    I have never crawled out or in a window that I recall. I’m trying to remember if I have crawled in a window because I locked myself out and I can’t remember ever doing that. And I no special plans for Valentine’s day at this time, guess I should start planning.

  89. Nita S says:

    sounds great! thanks!

  90. Denise Z says:

    Thank you so much for participating in this fun hop – what could be more special than winning a copy of one of your awesome books. Thank you for the opportunity.
    Facebook – Denise Zaky
    Twitter – @ZDz59001

  91. Dinda says:

    Thanks for the giveaway !!!
    Yes, I’ve climbed out and in a window.


  92. Anne says:

    Hi, I’ve only read Fated so far, but I really emjoyed it. looking forward to reading the next two.

  93. I have climbed in a house window, but I don’t really remember it. From what I’ve been told, I was 5 years old & my parents were looking at a house to buy, but the realtor didn’t have the right key with him. They were able to get a window open & helped me climb through so that I could go unlock the door.

    One window I do remember climbing in & out of, was in the car I was driving shortly after graduating from high school. The drivers door handle had broken off, so the only way to get in the car was to climb through from the passenger side or go through the drivers side window. All summer long, provided it wasn’t raining, I entered & exited the car through the drivers window.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

  94. Eva Luna says:

    Blog hop with a giveaway? Man, you’re on a roll lately :))
    GREAT EXCERPT!!! Max deserves a crazy sexy lady by his side, doesn’t he? He’s been so good to Janie after all 😀
    i’m already following you on twitter and FB, it’s always good to keep an eye on one of my fave authors, keep it up Rebecca! <3

    1. Eva Luna says:

      I forgot something, geeeeeesh, what a good excerpt can do to someone :))
      Now i just gonna think about it till march.
      FB: Eva Luna
      Twitter: OEvaLunaO
      whatever_eva_wants(at)yahoo .com

  95. fahlinstar says:

    When I was younger and still living with my parents I used to pull the screen out of my window and just sit on my window sill when I couldnt sleep at night. I had always wanted a window seat and never got one… maybe my husband will put one in for me 😀

    megnate at telus dot net

  96. indiebookibc says:

    My plans for valentine’s day? Eat lots of chocolate, LOL! Thanks for the giveaway =)

  97. Climbed out of a window… I have I was seeing if I could fit through this tiny one in our school room, I did, then had to double back outside and almost missed the class. 😉

  98. anna says:

    Figured I’d answer the climbing in a window question since I have a good one.

    645am. In my pjs with a grey lace top. Purple sequin flip flops. My hair all tumbled in a bun with orange drop earrings for some reason I can’t for the life of me remember. All because I went out to feed 2 ducks in their little blue dog pool in the front yard and forgot that the new locks I installed on the doors locked automatically.

    Love giving my neighbors something to talk about 😉

  99. Tracey D says:

    I have climbed out of a window. As a kid, my cousin, a friend, and I somehow got locked in the high school. So we climbed out of a first story window. YOu should have seen the two guys’ expressions who were playing frisbee at the end of the building when we walked by! LOL

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 at gmail dot com

  100. deanna_boocock says:

    He looks sooo yummy
    deanna_boocock (at)
    Hope open to canada

  101. Traci Goodwin says:

    THanks for hosting in this giveaway.

  102. Barbara says:

    GREAT giveaway…LOVED the excerpt! No specific plans for Valentines Day…probably go out to dinner with the hubs, pretty standard. I have both climbed in and out of a window. In…when locked out of the house…out, well…to sneak out and scare someone…worked too! Happy Valentines Day <3
    Already 'liked' your FB pg.

  103. Vickieann says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    I am loving this blog hop, I have met so many interesting people. Shauni and I have a new blog site for new and semi new authors, come on over and say Hello everyone!

  104. Kara says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway.
    Twitter follower- Kara_Leigh94

  105. ladyvampire says:

    I climbed out of my bedroom window one time when the door got stuck. Thanks for the giveaway.
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  106. Climbing in and out of my window was a pretty regular means occurrence when I was younger, but mostly it was to lie on the roof & look at the stars….(yup! I’m maintaining “plausible deniability” on this one!)

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  107. donnas says:

    Great excerpt! Thanks for sharing! I have not done any of those things. Maybe someday you never know. And I have no exciting plans this year for Valentines Day.

    Like on FB – Donna S
    twitter follower – @donnas1

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  108. bn100 says:

    I enjoyed the excerpt. I’m looking forward to reading the book.

    I’ve never climbed out a window.

  109. Jolene A says:

    ooohhh, I would love love love an ARC of Hunted!!! Crossing fingers, thanks for the chance


  110. Hi Rebecca! I discovered you thanks to the hop and liked you on FB and am following you on Twitter from now on. I love excerpts as they give us a glimpse of the story, and you got me hooked!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!

  111. Pam S (pams00) says:

    HI Rebecca, your books sound awesome – loved the blurbs for them. Congrats on Hunted and Tempted. Also thank you for sharing that great excerpt for Tempted.

    Only time I’ve climbed into a window was when I accidentally locked myself out of the house without keys – yah klutzy lol.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

    pams00 @

  112. Gina Hamm says:

    Would love to read this book!!!

  113. Rachel V says:

    Hello! I havent had to climb in or out a window but my husband has many times. He has had to climb through the back window of his two pickups when the keys have gotten locked inside. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Rachel V
    pefrw (at) yahoo (dot) com

  114. AsianCocoa says:

    Thank you for the giveaway. Valentine’s day plans are dinner and a movie with my BF.

  115. Kerry-Ann McDade says:

    Awesome Giveaway! Your books look and sound amazing so gona check them out after this.

    Twitter: KerryAnn93
    Facebook: Kerry-Ann McDade

    Thanks xx

  116. Shadow says:

    Hi! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Actually, i have climbed in the window a couple of times. I always forget my keys. Oops! ;D

  117. Julianne says:

    I climbed in a motor home window a long long time ago. Was vacationing in FL with the in laws and my husband and I got back to the motor home before his parents did. We didn’t have a key, so he got one of the back windows opened and we crawled in through the window. Ever had to go potty so bad you’d do this??? LOL!!!

  118. Lori Z says:

    Well, I’ve never climbed out a window, but I’ve climbed in one – a few times when I’ve locked myself out of the house.

    I’m following in FB, twitter -Lori Kraft Zalewski/@LoriZalewski.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    Lori Z.

    knitrix29 at gmail dot com

  119. wyndwhisper says:

    thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway.
    when i was 15 i use to sneak out of my bedroom window to see my friends and then back in before morning. i finally got caught because i forgot that it had snowed in between the time i left and the time i came home.LOL! grounded for life held new meaning for me at the time. 😀
    i follow on facebook,and this blog, and fan/friend on goodreads under tammy ramey. also follow on twitter under name wyndwhisper

    tammy ramey

  120. Patsy Hagen says:

    Happy Valentine’s Month! No, I have never climped in or out a window. Sounds kind of fun, though!LOL I love the sound of your book.
    I’m a GFC follower and email subscriber.

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