My 2012 letter to myself: where I succeeded, and where I totally did not.

So, at the beginning of the year, I sat down and typed myself a letter of things I wanted to have happen in 2012.  Here’s the letter with my comments on whether I made that goal or not:

Dear Me:

It’s January 2nd.  Sure, you probably should’ve written this yesterday on the first of the year, but hey, who’s counting.  What’s one day?  Here’s what is going to happen in 2012:

1)       You’re going to finish Dark Protectors book 4 and turn it in to your editor on February 1st.  She’s gonna love it.  And yes, considering you only have 63,000 words of a first draft written, you’re going to be stressed out for the next month. 

I did finish CONSUMED and get it in on time – no problem.  Consumed is Katie and Jordan’s story, and is now available in both print and e-book form.

2)      You’re going to finish book 5 and send it to your editor on May 1st.  Yes, you’re going to be stressed out about it because you have work, family, and stuff to do.  You’re also going to Las Vegas in February, New Orleans in the beginning of March, and Maui the end of March, so time…isn’t your friend.

I did finish PROVOKED and get it in on time…while also having a blast in Vegas, Nolo, and Maui.  Good times were had by all.

3)      Switching to Kensington’s new E-book line for books 4 and 5 will be a huge career move…one you don’t regret.  I SO hope.

Well…PROVOKED hit the USA TODAY Bestseller’s list…so I’m thinking it was a good move.

4)      Your agent will sell the soldier story to another publisher, and all of a sudden, you’ll have two series going.

The soldier story (FORGOTTEN SINS) sold to Grand Central Publishing at auction in a four book deal.  I also sold a three book trilogy to Entangled for their Brazen line.  So now I have three series going.  Yes, I’m crazy.

5)      Your Facebook likes will double.  You have 600 fans now—you’ll have 1200 by the end of 2012.

It looks like as of today we have 5,114 fans.  Yay!

6)      You’re going to lose 25 pounds.  Yes, you heard me.  25.

Boy, did I fail on this one.  I did lose 10 pounds…nowhere near the 25 I wanted to lose.  2013 is my year, baby.

7)      You’re going to write an entirely new book/series beginning.  On something.

Yep – did this a few times over.  Can’t wait to see where these books go.

8)      You’re going to contract with Kensington again, because the e-book line has been so awesome, for the rest of the Dark Protector series.  Right now you think that will be 2 novellas and 2 novels to finish the series.  But, you’re open to altering this plan a little.  At the most, it will be 4 novels.

We signed the deal for 2 novellas and 2 novels.  Twisted (novella one) has been turned in.  Shadowed, Tamed, and Janie’s book are the remaining four stories in this contract.

9)      Your editor, Megan Records, will have a healthy baby boy in June.  You’ll send a very nice baby package her way…within two weeks of her having the baby. 

Megan had a very healthy boy named Max.  YAY!  I did send a gift, but I think it may have been in September.

10)  Christmas cards – this year you’re going to send them.  You haven’t for two years because you’ve been so busy writing—this year family and friends are receiving cute cards with pictures of your kids in them.  Maybe you should have somebody take a family picture in Maui.  Sure, you won’t have lost all 25 pounds yet, but I’m sure you’ve lost some by March. 

Failed on this one, too…and I hadn’t lost an ounce by March.  Next year, I’m so sending Christmas cards!

Very sincerely yours,


So, now I’m off to write myself a letter about what I hope to see happen in 2013.  Wish me luck!  Please have a very safe and wonderful New Years…and I’ll see you in 2013.  Rebecca

7 thoughts on “My 2012 letter to myself: where I succeeded, and where I totally did not.”

  1. Judy Contino says:

    I am so glad you hit most of your goals ( I SO get the weight thing!). I am glad there are more Dark Protectors coming, but wish it was more. I’m sure going to check out the new series! Love your books.

  2. ronnie cornett says:

    Happy New Year Rebecca! Can’t wait for your new books in the new year!!!

  3. Julie says:

    Just send us your kids! You did good your a busy wife ,mother ,friend plus on top of that you had writing and work I dont know how you do it!

  4. Julie Hinsz says:

    I meant to say send us your kids instead of pics I know they are getting so big! They could help Uncle and Aunt with chores!

  5. Virginia says:

    Happy New Year – 2013. I truly enjoy reading your blog. I can’t wait to get my hands on Consumed and Provoked. So glad they are finally in print. 🙂

  6. M Maldonado says:

    I love the Dark Protector series! I began reading them when I left my husband. It was a very trying time for me. The books provided a great escape from reality. Something to look forward to at the end of the day. Fortunately my husband and I worked out our issues and are back together. I dare say the series assisted in us getting back together. They are quite arrousing and sexy, which was missing in our marriage. Thank you for the great reading, and great tips! I dare not say more!!! 😉

    1. Glad the Dark Protector boys could help out! 🙂

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