Lucky Seven – I’ve Been Tagged

There’s something fun going on right now where authors are tagging other authors.  If you get tagged, you have to put page 77, line 7 and the next 7 lines on your blog.  Bronwen Evans tagged me.  So here’s my entry:  it’s from HUNTED and it looks like seven lines in the book, though more here

She jumped up.  The bedroom door probably held a lock.  “Yes.”

The plane rocked when he slid to his feet, blocking her path to the bedroom.  “Then apparently I’ve ignored my responsibilities long enough.”

He loomed over her.  She had two choices – either knock him aside or take a step back – and only a split second to decide which one to make.  The rational decision was to step back and reason with him.

F*!* reason.

Now, I think I need to tag some folks.  So I’m going to tag Sayde Grace, Bonnie Paulson, and Lynn Rush.

2 thoughts on “Lucky Seven – I’ve Been Tagged”

  1. Lavonda44 says:

    Rebecca, you are a tease! LOL! Can’t wait for the 24th.

  2. Brooklyn Ann says:

    Oooh, hot stuff!!!!

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