Hi all! Welcome to the very exciting Love’s a Beach Blog Hop. I’m in the midst of copy edits for Provoked, which is Kane’s story that will be released on November 1st. For a short time, it looks like the book is at a hugely discounted price…and since I’m never in the loop about these things, I truly don’t know how long my publisher will keep it there. So, how about a quick glimpse at a scene in Provoked? And I’m giving away a signed copy of my back list to a commenter on my blog here, as well as a copy on the main page of the blog hop. Here’s the excerpt:
Kane peered down at her. “Amber?”
“If you’re going to attack with whatever’s in your right hand, could you hurry it up? We need to get going.”
She started, her gaze slashing up to him. “How did you know?”
He shrugged. “What kind of a knife do you have?”
Her cheeks pinkened, and she drew her hand forward. “I have a pen.”
A blue ballpoint pen. He blinked twice, his gaze on the harmless tool.
Maybe it was the ridiculousness of the pen. Maybe it was the woman’s courage in planning to use it on him. Or maybe it was the sheepish half-smile she gave.
Either way, his heart rolled over.
Warmth flushed through him, so hot, so fast, his ears rang. His mind blanked. For the first time in centuries, his brain shut off. The woman was crazy. Stepping in, he grasped her chin, tilting her head back.
Her eyes widened, and then her gaze lowered to his lips. A soft sound of surprise emerged with her breath.
He dove in, allowing the animal within to awaken. For the first time in three centuries, there was no thought. All instinct ruled as his mouth took hers…no finesse, no calculation, just pure, raw need. He shoved her against the truck, his other hand clutching her hip as he went deeper.
Honeysuckle exploded along his taste buds as his tongue swept inside her mouth. Not gentle, not persuasive, just taking. Claiming.
And it wasn’t enough. Not even close to enough.
Pressing into her, body to body, heat to heat, something clicked. Beyond his brain, beyond his body…somewhere deeper.
Finally, he found home.
To purchase Provoked:
So, did you have a nice summer? Was it summer where you live? Any fun plans for fall? To jump back on the hop, click on the picture below:
I’m just glad summer is almost over… too hot for my taste:) Good luck with your copy edits for Provoked, Rebecca! Looks and sounds good so far:)
I hate to rush time but I can’t wait for Provoked, I sent you a tweet and I write reviews of your wonderful books on Amazon and Goodreads, under my pen name Edwina I love books.
Provoked looks awesome. I can’t wait to read it. I missed Consumed, so I don’t want to miss this one. I loved Claimed. I can’t believe that summer is almost over. We’ve had record breaking heat where I live. The heat lasted way tooo long. I don’t have to many plans for the fall. Mainly just planning on attending a conference in October.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
Actually we had a pretty wet summer, but it looks up!
emiliana25 at web dot de
I had a pretty good summer. It was very hot to hot to read outside which is one of my favorite summer pastimes. As for fall I’m hoping to take my vacation. I can’t wait to read Provoked. I’m so glad Kane will finally his mate and hopefully some time out of the lab.
Awesome excerpt!! I love all the brothers!! And I just preordered Provoked!
ehaney578 at AOL dot com
Summer was very busy. I lost my mother-in-law, and had a son in baseball and a daughter in basketball. I was gone every weekend, sometimes two tournaments in one weekend. Fall is all about football. I am so glad the kids started back to school. I am so going to enjoy the peace and quiet in my house!
sorry forgot my email address slinkydennis@yahoo.com oh and I loved the excerpt!
Yay! Can’t wait to hear what Kane’s been doing for 6 years…. besides probable torture!
Thanks for the giveaway. I love summer and don’t ever want it end. Of course, I spent most of it working and when I wasn’t working I was keeping the kids from fighting. I’m not looking forward to the sports starting up in the fall (too busy).
kesummer69 at gmail dot com
Had a fun, busy summer. Waiting for Fall, which is my favorite season, but even more so this year because my debut novel is being release October 8—yay!! Loved your excerpt! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hello Rebecca, I just “found’ your books this summer. So that being said…I purchsaed them all. Smoked that credit card right up, and pre-paid for Provoked with out blinking. I am 42 and on disablity from the Sheriffs Office. I once was very active and now not so much. Love Love your books. Love reading but with my disability I listen to books alot too…are any of your books in MP3 ect..formats? And if so where can I puchase them. Well until the next “BIG'” one hits..Im off to chase the grandson…he is such a joy.
Many Thanks,
WHEW. Loved that excerpt. SWEET. Just pre-ordered Provoked. Can’t wait to read it!!
I’m glad summer is coming to an end because that means we can finally go outside again and use our patios, etc. It’s been so hot here in the desert lately it’s painful to be outside. 
That’s a great excerpt. Good luck with the book- sounds terrific!
I cannot wait for PROVOKED!!!! Summer went by super fast but was enjoyable, especially since we got to read Katie and Jordan’s story
Now I need to rush us into fall to get to Kane and Amber’s story, lol.
Can’t wait for this book…Love the excerpt. Summer has been busy..Would have loved to travel some but probably won’t happen this year.
So excited, can’t wait to read this story.
mmmmm very nice excerpt! Can’t wait for it to come out I am marking my calendar. My summer has been spent on bed rest with two broken feet (I am the biggest klutz on the planet) thanks Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com
Hi! I had a good summer. It’s been kind of hot but hopefully cooling down. I have a head cold so it’s been a little miserable with the heat. It was wonderful meeting you at RWA this past July. That was a highlight this summer. Love reading your books! Looking forward to Provoked. Fall is coming and hopefully milder weather.
Oooo! I just love it when the ‘animal’ steps in! It’s one of the best reason for summer to end! I can’t wait! I can’t wait! I can’t wait!!
Great excerpt! Thanks for sharing =D
Rebecca, I don’t know your work but the excerpt from provoked was “smokin”! Nice to meet ya. I’ll look for your books in the future.
Thank you for sharing a peek at your new book! It sounds awesome!
We went to New Orleans this Summer– haven’t been in forever and had a BLAST! Even though it was hot as sin…
Provoked sounds amazing!!!
smurfettev AT gmail DOT com
Summer has been too hot here to do anything but stay in the house and read if you didn’t have to go to work. That’s my idea of a good summer! Love the excerpt for Provoked!
I love The Dark Protector series and have re read all the books. I really cant wait for Provoked to come out on Nov 1st. I have it on pre order at amazon.
Actually our summer here in the deep south has not been as hot as it usually is. We had a really wet June so my flower garden is gorgeous(my water bill thanks the rain). I have ready all your books except Consumed which is on my Nook ready to be read. Must go pre-order Provoked. I do love summer because of the bright sunny days. Winter is do blah and gray for me.
clarkac64 AT yahoo DOT com
I love summer and am sad it is coming to an end. I love spending the time outdoors and with my boys. We do more in the summer than during the school year.
bournmelissa @ hotmail . com
I am waiting very impatiently for fall because of 2 reasons, cooler temperatures and this book!! I love this series….
susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com
This excerpt was such a tease! Would love to read one of your books.
smwr324 (at) yahoo (dot) com
This excerpt was such a tease! I would love to read one of your books.
So glad summer is coming to a close. I can’t take much more of the heat. I’m convinced people really do melt. And I love this series so much. Can’t wait to read Provoked!
The excerpt was great, can’t wait til November for Provoked to come out.. It will be nice to have a great book to read when it FINALLY cools down : )
Best wishes
really hot scene – sounds like a great read!
Great excerpt! I been wanting to read this series for awhile, i need to push them up higher on my list asap. Good Luck with the edits.
That excerpt is the kind of heat I can handle, not like the crazy hot weather we had most of the summer! I can’t wait for the leaves to fall and Provoked to be released.
emmasmom AT wi DOT rr DOT com
Just getting into summer here and its sweltering hot! Hopes fall comes soon. Thanks for the snippet. Sounds like a great read. Thanks you for sharing.
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i didn’t do anything this summer as we are going to my brother’s wedding in September so we are saving for that.
love the cover and the book sounds wonderful. i can hardly wait to see what happens with these 2.
tammy ramey
I love this series!!! I can’t wait to read Provoked! I preordered it on amazon yesterday
Have loved my summer. I am sad to see it coming to an end. But I have more time to read in the winter..so looking forward to that! Thanks for the blog hop!
Love your cover! Blog hop is not only great for getting new readers to my blog, but I’m also meeting fellow authors and adding them to my TBR pile.
Was it Summer? Boy was it ever! I’m not a big fan of heat. And unfortunately where I live it tends to be humid too. I will admit it hasn’t been as bad as it has been in the past. But our Summer whether did start back in May instead of waiting for July and August.
As for Fall, my plans as always are to revel in the weather!
I had a nice but HOT summer. Just sent my oldest off to college and took a week off to take my youngest to the city museums.
It went by way too fast, but it was a good summer. We had one of the hottest summers on record here in Minnesota. Next week starts our state fair and then summer is over. I’m not happy with how fast time seems to go by.
I haven’t read any of your work yet. Fun excerpt!
mcv111 at hotmail dot com
Loved the excerpt. I live in WI, so our summer is fast. Its been great so far. Thx for giveaway and I look forward to starting this series.
blinkysthebest at aol dot com
I love your writing and can’t wait for Provoked. I had a great summer so far. I traveled somewhere I hadn’t been before and had an awesome time. Yes it is summer in Illinois. I don’t have many plans for the fall. I plan on taking the GRE again and eventually going on for my Masters degree but at the moment it’s working 2 jobs 7 days a week. Thanks for being a part of the hop. I hope that you have a great weekend!
jessangil at gmail dot com
In Australia it is still winter. I cannot wait for summer, so that we can go to the beach. Mind you, the beach in winter is a different experience- shows how wild the elements can be ,fascinating. Have read your book Fated, loved it, and cannot wait to read more of your works
I’m having a great summer! i love the warm weather so I hope it stays for a while.. Provoked sounds like a great read, it’s on my TBR list! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com
Summer’s too hot for me, I wilt
Good luck with your books!
Provoked sounds like a fantastic read!
I live in Florida, so it’s going to be Summer here until were get our couple of weeks of Winter in December…..
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
Summer is the busy season where I work so thats all Ive done all summer butI love my job working at a doggie daycare .My free moments at home as always have been spent reading lol .Im looking forward to winter though lots more reading time .
Loved the tease excerpt. Putting this on my wishlist.
Working all summer with a day off here and there.
Reading outside is one of my favorite pastimes, but this summer is just too hot for that, so I’m reading on the couch under the air conditioner and imagining I’m at the beach.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
We are still on our summer holidays here in the UK, but to be honest, it’s not been the best, the weather is rubbish, but it has led to alot of nights sat cuddled up by the fire,x x
Wow! I love those aggressive men! Fabulous excerpt! We went swimming and did activities with the kids this summer. I have plans to go to New Orleans in October so I am REALLY excited!!! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway and sharing the excerpt.
trb0917 at gmail.com
I can’t wait for this book!!!! I loved Jordan and Katie’s story…November seems SO far away.
I soooo love your books!
Summer can stay as long as it likes! This is my first year with a boat and I am loving it! I hope it is warm till mid Oct. I also hope it is another mild winter because I have to drive further to work and hate driving in bad weather. Thanks for the chance! =)
OMG! i can’t wait to read the book~
great blog thanks for the chance to win