Legs? What Legs?

Hi all!  It’s spring break and I’m in Maui.  No, I don’t feel bad telling the world that I’m not at home.  We have a buddy (ex-soldier) house sitting and watching our two dogs (Dobermen).  So…anyone wanting to steal my very cool Krups coffee maker will be in a world of hurt if they try.  🙂

We’ve had a wonderful time so far–even went to dinner the first night and saw about five whales jumping and playing in the ocean.  It was amazing.  So I thought I’d share five things I’ve wanted to say but haven’t so far:

1)  Dude. If your speedo is so tight it disappears in rolls, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep wearing it.  (A.K.A.  My eyes!  My eyes…)

2)  Lady.  If you’re so intoxicated you can barely walk…don’t walk by the pool.  I mean, splash.

3)  Yes, honey.  Sand can get caught in all sorts of places.  But isn’t body surfing fun?

4)  To my sister who went running on the beach at 4:00am yesterday:  You’re freakin crazy.

5)  Hey buddy.  My eyes are up here.

This leads me to illustrate how cool my husband is.  If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I tore the tendons in my foot and have been in a boot since January.  Well, I took it off last week.  Keep in mind that January was months ago and I haven’t run, walked, or worked out in any way.  And now…I’m in bikini land.

I tried on one pieces and tankinis…and they don’t work for me.  Don’t know why, just wrong body type.  So I went with the bikinis…eesh.  Yesterday we sun-bathed out at the pool, and I yanked on shorts to go up to the little bar.  (Most of us always yank on shorts and don’t walk around in a full bikini, ya know).  Well, I passed several people, got my drink, and returned sighing about my not-worked-out-in-too-long thighs.

Tony lifted an eyebrow and said, “Honey, believe me, I was watching and nobody was looking at your legs.”

Oh yeah!  The benefits of a bikini.  HA!

I’ve been leaving a quick blurb from Tempted on my facebook page every day…as well as talking about the trip.  Drop on over there and ‘like’ to keep updated.  Have a good weekend.  🙂

7 thoughts on “Legs? What Legs?”

  1. Oh my gosh you are so freaking lucky…I’ve never been there and have always wanted to go. I hope the rest of your trip is fab and you probably look hot in whatever you are wearing…..

  2. Carol Evans says:

    Glad you’er having a good time! Come back all tan, rested and really to finsh Kane and start working on Jase.

  3. Tesa Devlyn says:

    I love it! And I’m brimming with envy over the tropical holiday while I work on a snowy mountain!! Tony sounds like a true keeper:)

  4. Lavonda44 says:

    Enjoy your vacation. Looking forward to new release.

  5. Julie H says:

    Your sister is nuts for getting up so early and going for a run its a vacation tell her take the time off and also you are very beautiful! Tell Tony he did good for once with what he said!

  6. Valarie says:

    Have you traveled the infamous “Road to Hana”? It is a long, tedious, scary, wet….simply splendid and totally romantic 4 to 6 hour drive to heaven. My husband and I vacationed in Maui some years ago and I must say…one of the best vacations we ever had!!!! Have fun. Lots of sunscreen. Do you have a good book to read? I could recommend a great author! ***grins***

  7. So jealous. lol have you seen the 7 pools? that’s my fave on that island.

    Also, am so curious – what were they looking at if not your legs? 🙂

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