Labor Day Blog Hop–Woman on the Run

UPDATE:  The winners from my individual blog are:  ARC of Claimed = Ragan Cornell.  Signed copies of Fated = Becky Ward and Christine Hundelt Hirth.  CONGRATS!

The winner from the overall blog hop is:  Laura Dunks

Hello and welcome to the Labor Day Blog Hop!  I thought I’d write a scene from a picture.  Besides the prizes I’m giving away on the entire hop, I’ll give away two signed copies of FATED and one signed ARC of CLAIMED to randomly chosen commenters on my blog.  Comment about anything.  Tell me if you liked the scene, or what you’re doing for Labor Day, or just say hi.  🙂  You have until late on Sept. 5th to enter.  If you’ve fallen off the blog, just click on the “Hard at Work” blog hop photo to jump back on. 

ALSO:  The Darker Temptations scavenger hunt is still going on for the rest of the day-click on the link for directions to win great prizes!

WOMAN on the RUN:

It was ironic he’d caught her on Labor Day. A national holiday most people took as a day
of rest.  Ronan never rested.  Lucy had known he’d find her…it was just a matter of time.

Time was up.

In fact, time pretty much stopped.  The lantern’s golden glow dimmed to a light haze.  Music receded.  Even the boisterous college guys at the bar seemed to quiet.

The second he grabbed her hands, the world narrowed to him.  Even though it was futile, she tried to yank  back.  “Let go or I’ll scream.” 

He smiled, his gaze dropping to her mouth.  “You know I like it when you scream.”

Jackass.  Heat flushed through her as memories clouded her mind.  Ronan, in the shower, steam and sex.  The man kissed like a god.  And he just got better from that point.  “I’m fairly sure I don’t remember.”  Yeah, right.

The scent of man washed over her as he stepped even closer, heating her entire front.  His grip tightened and raised her skirt. “Maybe I should remind you.”

Low, gravelly, his voice slammed need into her abdomen.  “Leave me be, Ronan.”

“You told me to hunt you.  Consider yourself caught.”

She stiffened.  “I did not.  I never said to hunt me.” 

His eyes warmed in equal parts amusement and warning.  “You said it was either the jewels or you…that I could only pursue one path.  Here I am.”

Her breath caught in her throat.  The man chased treasure like a dragon…he was made for the quest.  When the information on the rare yellow diamonds came in, she’d known he’d head straight for the last known location and forget to come home.  So she’d emailed him her goodbye.  Or her challenge, depending how one choose to look at the situation.  “You were overseas.”

“Yes.  It took me a week to catch your trail.” 

“You chose me?”  Confusion had her clearing her throat.  She’d known he’d eventually seek her…after he found the diamonds.  “I mean, first?”

“Of course.”  One dark eyebrow rose.  “You’re everything.  I believe I’ve been more than clear on that point.”

Romantic words, yet he sounded seriously pissed.  “Yeah.  Until you left me behind last time to go searching.”  For five months, they’d had to text and email.  They were supposed to treasure hunt together.

“The last quest was for the government and had nothing to do with treasure.  It was blood, death, and futility.”  His gaze hardened to a look she’d never seen before.  “You don’t know me very well if you thought I’d put you in that situation.”

She did understand.  His protectiveness had never bothered her before.  But five months was a long time.  “So.  What now?”

“Well…now I was thinking about how a yellow diamond would make a perfect jewel for an engagement ring.  If we can find one, that is.  What do you think?”

The world finally stopped tilting.  Her world finally calmed.  She smiled.  “So, is that a proposal?”

His grin shoved the shadows out of his blue eyes.  “Yes.  From now on, all hunting is done together.  I promise.  What do you say?”

Warmth and love settled in her solar plexus.  The man was just too much.  She leaned up to brush his lips with hers.  “Well, now.  It turns out I have a lead on the diamonds and am supposed to meet a source in an hour.  As to the proposal…I accept.”

So, leave a comment below for more chances to win.  Now, if you haven’t commented on my blog before, it takes awhile for a new comment to show up.  So no worries…I’ll get it in time.  Also, I may be camping without internet service, so I won’t be able to respond to comments until next week.  But thanks so much for stopping by!  🙂

42 thoughts on “Labor Day Blog Hop–Woman on the Run”

  1. Mary Preston says:

    The whole time I was reading the scene I kept thinking how clever you are to pull all that together from a picture. Brava!!


  2. Darkreader says:

    Hope you have a wonderful time camping.

  3. Jess says:

    I’m excited for CLAIMED! Have a great Labor Day weekend, and enjoy camping.

  4. Joder says:

    That’s a great snippet, very sexy and romantic! I hope you have fun camping and admire your willpower to be without the internet. I’m afraid I’m not that strong.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  5. Sexy!! Have a great week-end!!

  6. Jacki C. says:

    I loved it! Now I need a whole book of it!

  7. Jacki C. says:

    I loved it! now I need a whole book of it!

  8. Cathy M says:

    Oh I loved that Rebecca, thanks for sharing it with us. As for Labor Day, today is quiet, but tomorrow will be a big family bbq at my folk’s.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  9. I would love to win, thank you for the wonderful giveaway! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom

  10. I’m in, Thanks for giving away signed books. 🙂 That’s so awesome! Hope it’s not burning up there were your camping. It’s a real hot one again in St. Louis.


  11. Great excerpt. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win. No plans for the holiday, just relaxing in the yard with hubby and dog. ^_^

    reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

  12. wendydbooks says:

    Have a blast camping…hope you don’t have heat index warning like we do here. The excerpt makes me want more!

    books4me67 at

  13. Cheryl Lynne says:

    I enjoyed reading your scene. I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com

  14. I love the scene. My DH and I pan for gold when we can. We live in the interior of Alaska and the places to pan are awesome. Wishing you have a great labor Day weekend…*S
    Thanks for the blog tour!



  15. Yadira A. says:

    Loved the scene… fit perfectly with the pic you posted! All I can say is where is the rest of the story because it sounds like there is a lot more where that came from;)

  16. Gabrielle says:

    Love the excerpt. I hope you have a great time camping.

  17. Ronan-Ronan-Ronan-now that’s a marriage proposal. I would love to read what happens when they go looking for the diamond! That was great! Have fun camping.

  18. Suzane says:

    Thanks for the picture scene. Amazing how a picture can say a thousand words…or less. Enjoy your Labor Day.

  19. Scene and picture went great together. Can’t wait to read some of your books!

  20. Chelsea B. says:

    Loved it! 🙂 And that picture– from one of my favorite movies 🙂

  21. I loved that story! I love a man who knows what he wants.

    It was my son’s 9th b-day on the 2nd so this is his b-day weekend. we just got home from watching the Blue Angels airshow. Good times. men in flight suits . . . : )


  22. Spav says:

    i liked the excerpt.

  23. JoAnna B says:

    That was a great story. I loved Fated and I’m looking forward to reading Claimed!
    Have a wonderful Labor day weekend!

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  24. Robin D says:

    Oh, great scene!

    Robin D
    robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

  25. Kari says:

    Oooo, sounds like a yummy book! I wanna read it!

  26. Pati says:

    Great Scene! I loved. Hope you have a spectacular weekend!!

  27. Martha Lawson says:

    Loved the excerpt! Can’t wait to read your books. Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  28. Stacy Wilson says:

    Loved the excerpt! Loved the pic, too.

    Have a great time camping! If I can’t have running water, a shower and a toilet, I ain’t goin. LOL! LOVE the country, but not the camping. Have FUN!

    Stacy Wilson

    dragn_lady at yahoo dot com

  29. Dawn says:

    Hi 🙂 great excerpt and I’m not doing much this weekend it’s too hot! maybe next weekend I will go to Disneyland 🙂

  30. Megan says:

    Happy Labor Day! Can’t wait until Claimed comes out!! Thanks for the great giveaway.

    megonski216 (at) yahoo (dot) come

  31. Karen C says:

    Bless you for enjoying camping. Without air/heat, indoor plumbing, and a decent mattress, I’m not much fun! Hope you are enjoying yourself. What a great scene you wrote – nice job!!

  32. Marty says:

    Thanks for sharing! We are going to spend some time with family this weekend.

  33. MJB says:

    That was a great little scene from a cool pic. Thanks!
    msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com

  34. Jessica B says:

    Love the scene and the picture!
    jessangil at gmail dot com

  35. Enjoy reading the excerpt. A picture does paint a thousand words and can certainly inspire an idea to an author. I’m enjoying this holiday blog hop. Have a great long weekend all!

  36. Becky Ward says:

    Loved reading the scene. Hope you have fun camping. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day weekend.

  37. Rae M. says:

    Very cool scene! I enjoyed that.Thanks for writing it.

  38. Fedora says:

    Ooh, I quite enjoyed the scene, Rebecca! And needing to pack this weekend, but taking a break 🙂 Ahh….

  39. Stephanie M says:

    I love the scene and cannot wait for Claimed.

  40. Brandi says:

    Love the line “You know I like it when you scream”!

    Brandi Roberts

  41. Ragan Cornell says:

    I loved Fated, and can’t wait for Claimed. Have a great Labor Day!

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