Kelly from Books-n-Kisses Interviews Zane from MARKED!

zanetti_marked_ebookHi all!  Kelly posted an interview on her blog with Zane Kyllwood from MARKED, and she said we could post it here, too. She did her best to get some info from that man! 

Books-n-Kisses is super excited to have Zane from Rebecca Zanetti Marked on the blog today. Marked is the last book in Ms. Zanetti Dark Protector’s series.   While I am so very sad to see this series come to an end, I am excited to finally learn more about Zane.   There have been so many questions about what and who Zane is.  And how he will help or hinder the Janie Kayrs.   So let’s see if we can get some information from Zane so we can figure out what he is.

Kelly: Hi Zane, Welcome to Books-n-Kisses

Zane: Ah, Hi, Kelly. I’m new to the interview scene, so go easy on me, will you? 🙂

Kelly: Thank you for taking time away from your busy……. schedule to sit down with me to take to talk about…. well you.

 Zane: Sure. Not much is going on right now besides war, world catastrophe, and my unsettled love life.

 Kelly: Okay I have to ask because everyone wants to know. What are you?

 Zane: Just a regular guy, I think. I mean, I’m a soldier and part vampire, but really, I’m just a normal soldier with maybe a couple of secrets thrown in. I like beer, football, inventing new weapons. You know. Normal guy stuff.

Kelly: Okay, so that didn’t work. How about a game of 20 questions?

Zane: I do love a good game. Usually when I win, I take over a continent, though.

Kelly: Sounds good.

Zane: All right – shoot them my way.

Kelly: Questions #1: What is your favorite color?

Zane: Blue – the exact color of Janie’s eyes.

Kelly: Questions #2: Do you have any magical powers?

Zane: Yes.

Kelly: Questions #3: Who is your favorite person in the whole world?

Zane: Janie Belle Kayrs would have to be number one. But I also like my brothers, usually. Their names are Sam and Logan.

Kelly: Questions #4: What are you?

Zane: Just a regular guy.

Kelly: Questions #5: Who is your least favorite person in the world?

Zane: I’d have to say Kalin, who’s a Kurjan, is probably my least favorite person. It’s hard to completely hate him, though. We’ve known each other since we were kids, and even when you don’t like somebody, there’s a type of bond you get with people you’ve known forever, you know? I hope I don’t have to kill him, but to save Janie, I may have to. I’m prepared.

Kelly: Questions #6: How tall are you?

Zane: Last time I checked, I was about 6’6.

Kelly: Questions #7: Do you drink blood?

Zane: I’m part vampire, so I do drink blood during battle or maybe during sex. We don’t need blood to survive and can make our own. I plan on biting Janie, just so you know.

Kelly: Questions #8: Do you dream walk with anyone except Janie?

Zane: No. Well, Kalin shows up sometimes, but Janie’s the draw for us both. Kalin and I have never met in the dream world without Janie.

Kelly: Questions #9: What are you?

Zane: A realist. I enjoy the romances throughout the Realm, but really? I don’t see myself having a happy ending. Of course, I hope I’m wrong about that.

Kelly: Questions #10: Tell me your favorite thing about Janie?

Zane: She’s smart as hell and a complete smartass. The smartass part is just a cover-up to keep everyone around her calm. She really has a huge heart, and she’s incredibly fragile but has no clue how true that is. Fate and destiny weigh heavily on her, and I have a feeling she’s about to meet both. She’ll win, though. She has to.

Kelly: Questions #11: Football or Basketball?

Zane: Football. I have two brothers, and we like to hit things.

Kelly: Questions #12: What do you do for a living?

Zane: I’m a soldier and a pretty damn good assassin. That weighs on me, to be honest.

Kelly: Questions #13: How much can you deadlift?

Zane: Two vampires and a Kurjan.

Kelly: Questions #14: What are you?

Zane: A guy about to make a move to get the woman I’ve loved for years. That makes me more dangerous than I’ve ever been, but I’m okay with that now.

Kelly: Questions #15: If you could go anywhere in the world for one night where would you go?

Zane: Well, okay. Don’t tell anybody, but I do have a retreat in the wilds of Alaska where I just get away from everybody and everything once in a while. I love that place.

Kelly: Questions #16: Whom would you take with you on the one night?

Zane: Janie Belle Kayrs, but she’d probably be mad if I kidnapped her. Not that I kidnap her or anything. Really. Trust me.  🙂

Kelly: Questions #17: Whom do you work for?

Zane: If I told you who I worked for, I’d have to make sure you couldn’t tell anybody else, and I don’t know of any nice way to do that. So let’s just say I do have a job, and it’s bloody.

Kelly: Questions #18: Naughty or Nice?

Zane: Naughty. Life is too short for Nice.

Kelly: Questions #19: What are you?

Zane: Who are any of us? I guess it’d depend who you asked as to who I am. I’ve got friends, I’ve got enemies, and I’ve got Janie Belle Kayrs. Whether she considers herself friend or enemy, I don’t know yet. But I do know that she’s mine, so we’ll have to figure it all out, won’t we?

Kelly: Questions #20: Okay fine. Final question Boxers or Briefs?

Zane: Who has time for either?

Kelly: Okay seriously Zane, Off the record.  What are you?

Zane:  Okay, seriously. Off the record. Read MARKED. At the end of Chapter 1, both you and Janie will know exactly what I am. Let’s hope you’re not as pissed as Janie is. I do have a plan, you know.

 For my first interview, this is been a lot of fun. There are some tense moments in MARKED, and I’ve posted one.  It’s when I first meet Talen, who’s Janie’s dad.  Things, ah, didn’t go well.

 The damn earth ground to a stop. A weapon hit the pavement a yard away. Dage Kayrs’s eyes widened, and Moira Kayrs gasped.

Zane sighed and focused just as a locomotive the size of Talen Kayrs tackled him midsection, throwing him ten yards and landing hard on his chest. Zane’s head crashed onto the asphalt. Stars exploded behind his eyeballs, and unbearable pain cut into his brain. He tried to concentrate, to say something, when a fist plowed into his face.

Unconsciousness was a fucking blessing.


4 thoughts on “Kelly from Books-n-Kisses Interviews Zane from MARKED!”

  1. Janice Hougland says:

    OMGoodness, this interview with Zane got me all revved up to read the entire story…again! Probably anything about the Dark Protectors would get me revved up though, to be honest. The stories are all amazing. Don’t know how Zanetti does it. Her imagination is phenomenal! Thanks for the post and the lure to read to the end of Chapter 1 in marked! 🙂

  2. Stephanie says:

    Even funnier the second time around! Terrific Job with the interview!!

    And I have to say I can’t picture that whole scene in my mind without any trouble at all!! LOL I can just see the steam coming out of Talen’s ears.

  3. Elizabeth H. says:

    I love the answer to the question, “How much can you deadlift?” LOL!

  4. Lori Meehan says:

    Love the interview. Starting Marked tomorrow

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