Izzy’s Insights – Interview with Characters Conn and Moira


Sergej Khakimullin

My name is Izzy and I interview book characters.  Many people say I’m a character, myself.  *Snort*.  That’s nice of them.  I’m hoping Rebecca lets me interview a bunch of her characters–I can’t wait to be in the same room with all of those hot vampires.  MEOW.

So, I’ve been wanted to meet Moira Dunne ever since I read Hunted and the scene where she threw a plasma ball at Connlan Kayrs, the most dangerous fighter alive.  Sure Moira’s a witch…but Conn’s a freakin vampire!  So, when Moira and Conn agreed to meet with me for an interview, I was ecstatic.  We met at a dive of a pizza joint on the other side of town.  They drove up on pretty awesome street bikes–looking like the power couple they are.  Here’s the transcript of the interview, with a couple of my thoughts thrown in:

ME:  Thank you so much for meeting me here!  I know how busy you are with both of you needing to fight for your people right now.  How goes the war?

CONN:  We’re winning.

At this point, Moira tossed red curls over her shoulder and snorted, rolling her eyes at the vampire.  I doubted many people rolled their eyes at the guy.  He’s well over six feet tall, packed hard, and with green eyes that probably make women swoon.  Women much weaker than me, of course.  I may have drooled…but I did not swoon.

Moira:  Well, we’re working on it.  The Kurjans are stepping up their game a little bit, and I’m afraid the demons are about to make a move against us.

CONN:  There’s no need to be afraid.  The demons are having some problems of their own…we’ll find the allies we need.

Moira:  I didn’t mean ‘afraid’ of the demons…I could blow several up in a moment.  I just meant it as an expression.  Stop being a dork.

CONN:  I didn’t think you meant ‘afraid’ like you feared the demons. I was trying to be reassuring and positive.  You’re the dork.

Okay.  You really haven’t lived until you’ve seen one of the toughest guys alive use the word ‘dork.’  And the grin that accompanied the insult was just charming beyond words.  Even pretty Moira blushed as Conn yanked one of her curls.

ME:  So, how’s it going marriage-wise?  I mean, with the witches and vampires and the war?

CONN:  Good.

MOIRA:  I think maybe more info is required…dork.  We, ah, are doing…just fine.

CONN:  Yeah.  That was a lot of info.

MOIRA:  Well, okay.  The witches are hanging in there – but if you’ve read Hunted, you know we have some issues right now.  And I put my younger sister, Brenna, on the Council, and she’s working hard, but something’s going on with her.  I’m not sure what.  But as soon as we get things settled with the vampires, I’m going to go figure it out.

You know, I’ve always wondered about Brenna.  She seems like a sweetheart, but she’d have to be rather tough to live the life she’s living.

ME:  So what about Brenna?  Is there a mate in her future?

CONN:  Well, according to Dage, who’s psychic, there’s a mate in her future.  But Dage won’t say who.  And whenever he talks about it, his eyes flash blue through the silver, and that’s always a bad sign.  So we don’t ask.

MOIRA:  Dage has always been really fond of Brenna, so if there’s a difficult path for her, he’d be worried.  But I also trust him to tell me when it’s time for me to get involved.

CONN:  Yeah, right.  I know you.  You’re getting involved the first second you get the chance.

MOIRA:  Yeah, I am.

ME:  So, it seems like a lot of the Realm leaders are finding mates.  How goes it with Katie and Jordan?  Are those two ever going to get together?

CONN:  Sure.  Fate is fate…

MOIRA:  I’d like to be so confident.  But, well, their path is a tough one…much tougher than most people know right now.  You’ll know more after reading chapter 1 of CONSUMED…oh yeah.  If they can figure it out…wozza.  What a life.

Which reminds me.  I think I read somewhere that if Consumed gets 100 ‘likes’ on Amazon, the first chapter of Consumed will be put up on Rebecca’s FB page.  Hmmm.  I need to head to Amazon after this interview.  Speaking of which, this is the longest time I’ve managed to keep interviewees in the chairs.

ME:  I have high hopes for Katie and Jordan…always have.  What about Kane?  I’ve heard a rumor that he’s maybe found a mate.

MOIRA:  Well, there’s a possible mate.  It’s my understanding the woman is very powerful…but doesn’t know it?  And she’s some sort of Vegan.

CONN:  I’m not giving up meat.

MOIRA:  Nobody asked you to give up meat.  Geez.

ME:  So, Moira.  I was wondering.  Obviously you’ve read Hunted.  What’s your favorite line from the book?

MOIRA:  That’s a great question!  Well, I don’t want to give anything away here…but things were looking bad and I was fading fast…here’s the line:

With a flash of speed and the shattering of glass, Connlan Kayrs leapt through the window.

MOIRA:  I know that doesn’t give you a lot of insight…but it pretty much represents Conn.  He’d sacrifice anything for the people he loves.

Okay, I melted a little.  I mean, who wouldn’t?  They’re such an awesome pair, and the affection and love is there.  As well as an edge…these two have enemies and they know it.

ME:  Okay, that is really sweet.  What about you, Conn?  Have a favorite line?

CONN:  What book?

Oh yeah.  I’d forgotten the vampires either didn’t know about the books, or they just didn’t want to talk about it.  These guys aren’t exactly the type to share their lives with the world.

Just as I was about to sigh…Jase Kayrs walked in.  Man, if you haven’t seen Jase, you’re missing out.  The youngest Kayrs brother is sexy as sin.  Wide shoulders, charming grin, danger glints from his eyes.  Yeah, I might have a crush.  But, then he told Conn that something was up and they had to go…something with the demons and a mission…and just like that, quick goodbyes were made. 

Although I’m no psychic, I suddenly had an odd thought.  I wondered who Jase’s mate would be?!?

12 thoughts on “Izzy’s Insights – Interview with Characters Conn and Moira”

  1. Lavonda44 says:

    Izzy, great job. Enjoyed the interview and heading over to hit the LIKE button. I need the 1st chapter.

    1. Awesome – thanks!

  2. Lavonda44 says:

    Rebecca, you’re at 80 likes. Very cool.

  3. Phyllis M says:

    Izzy, you did a really great job with this interview! It was so fun to get too talk with both Moira and Conn, especially since I read the book and Jase…can’t wait for his book. But then again, can’t wait for Kane’s or Katie and Jordan’s either! 🙂

    1. Hi Phyllis! Thanks so much! I hope you like the upcoming stories. 🙂

  4. Alexandra Uribe says:

    Izzy I love it! Being able to talk to Moira and Conn in my opinion makes readers feel more closer to them.. Can’t wait for consumed to be release I’m counting the days !

    1. Thanks, Alexandra! I’m excited for the release, too. 🙂

  5. Ciara Knight says:

    I’m 114. Yay!! This sounds like a such a fab story. I can’t wait to read it!!

    1. YAH! Thanks for being 114! For some reason, the 113 was bugging me. Now I can relax and write. LOL 🙂

  6. Elaine says:

    ah! I can’t wait for consumed to be released! Katie and Jordan have always been my favorite couple! I was wondering if they would get a book themselves (I’ve been following their progress since the first book!) I can’t wait. After reading the interview, I’m just spit balling here but is Brenna Jase’s mate?

    1. Hmmmm. Good spitball! 🙂 I won’t guarantee it because sometimes my books take a different turn when I’m writing…but I’m thinking they’d be perfect for each other! Of course, they probably wouldn’t agree. Yet. HAHA

      1. Lavonda44 says:

        Cool! I can go with a Jase and Brenna hookup. They’re both a little different in the family dynamic.

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