Izzy’s Insights – Interview with Character Cara Kayrs


Sergej Khakimullin

My name is Izzy and I interview book characters.  Many people say I’m a character, myself.  *Snort*.  That’s nice of them.  I’m hoping Rebecca lets me interview a bunch of her characters–I can’t wait to be in the same room with all of the Kayrs brothers.  MEOW.

So, I had so much fun interviewing Talen last week, I thought I’d try to get Cara to sit down with me.  Cara is a plant biologist, single mother, and wife of vampire Talen.  We met at a new coffee shop in town…as I’ve been banned from the one where I met Talen.  TOTALLY his fault.  Cara was five minutes early, and is quite pretty.  For some reason, I expected her to be scientifically nerdy, but she has curly brown hair and huge blue eyes.

ME:  So.  Congratulations on your recent marriage.

CARA:  Thank you.  It was quite the whirlwind…but I think things have calmed down a bit.  I mean, we’re still searching for a cure to the virus that attacks vampire mates, and I’m still sick…but the treatments are going well so far.

Okay.  I was happy to have an interviewee who actually talks.  Talen was difficult, to say the least.

ME:  I interviewed your husband a week ago—

CARA:  Yeah, sorry about that.  I heard Talen attacked some guy going for a cell phone.  (She snorted.)  Being the head of Realm security makes him twitchy, to say the least.

ME:  I was a bit surprised you agreed to meet for an interview. 

Okay…I was surprised Talen agreed.  But there didn’t seem to be a smooth way to say that.  Well, until Cara threw back her head and laughed.

Cara:  I didn’t tell Talen I was coming.

Oh crap.  Something told me to get a move on there.

ME:  I’d like to discuss the virus created by Kurjans to attack vampire mates and bring them back to human genetics.

Cara:  Yes, it’s quite interesting, genetically speaking.  What the virus does is—

At this point, the door slammed open.  I knew.  I knew without turning around who stood in the doorway.  But you know what I did anyway?  Yep.  I turned my head.  In fact, the entire coffee shop turned in unison to see a six and a half feet, packed hard, pissed-off vampire staring at Cara with golden eyes shot through with metallic green.

ME:  Ug.

A portly gentleman near the doorway dropped his coffee, splashing up his khaki pants.  He shoved his glasses up his nose, backing carefully away.  For the first time I noticed two hulking men on either side of the door.  Vampires?  Ah.  Cara had brought some protection.  Smart woman.

Cara:  Well, isn’t this sweet.  Talen showed up for the interview.

Holy freaking crap.  Sweet???  My heart pretty much stopped beating as he stalked toward us and stopped next to Cara.

Talen:  Hello, mate.  Forget to tell me something?

I should mention here that Cara rolled her eyes. 

Cara:  Now Talen, come on.  Didn’t you read that goodreads review of FATED by that twenty-year old living across the world?  She was quite upset you don’t use my name more…that you call me ‘mate’.   Like you can’t remember my name.

Talen:  I don’t give a holy fu—, er heck, what that woman thinks, mate.  For the record, not only do I know your name, I usually know exactly where you are.  Unlike today.

Cara:  I brought backup.  Your brother, Jase, is by the door.

We all looked.  Jase is hot.  I know, how unprofessional.  But hey, he’s seriously hot—thick brown hair, copper colored eyes—body tight and ripped.  And when Talen sent him a deadly look, I swear Jase flipped him the bird.  It was vampire quick, but I caught it. 

Then things got interesting.  Talen sighed and dropped into the chair next to Cara, his hand reaching for hers.  No wonder Cara wasn’t afraid of the soldier.  He was kinda…sweet.

TALEN:  Okay – let’s get this over with so I can beat the crap out of my younger brother.

CARA:  Leave Jase alone.  He’s going off by himself to fight the demons soon…and something tells me things are going to get tough.  Really tough.

ME:  Uh, well…about Jase.  Does he have a mate?


CARA:  Maybe.  Rebecca has someone in mind for him…I think the woman may make an appearance in HUNTED.  Well, if Rebecca’s critique partner, Sayde Grace, has her way.  Sayde is convinced this woman would be perfect for Jase.

Then, well…remember the guy with the spilled coffee?  Turned out he was a shifter…a bad one…and he made a move on Jase. Jase took him down rather easily, and the guy’s three companions jumped in.  As did Talen.

Tables went flying, coffee drenched the floor, and let’s just say that the windows shattered from bodies flying through.  There’s another darn coffee shop I won’t get to visit again.

Talk to you soon!

3 thoughts on “Izzy’s Insights – Interview with Character Cara Kayrs”

  1. Lynn Rush says:

    Wow, your interviews are dangerous for you, Izzy!! Be careful. This was great. I love Talen and Cara. They ROCK as a couple. Can’t wait for the next interview, Izzy. Say HI to Rebecca. 🙂

  2. Ciara Knight says:

    This is so much fun. LOVED this interview. Lynn’s right though, wow, dangerous.

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