I’m Heading to Vegas, Baby!

Hello!  I’m off to Vegas with twenty other women for a weekend of fun.  Yes, 20 other women!  We’re surprising our friend, Brandie, with a birthday weekend in the city of slot machines, shopping, and shows.  And sin.

I haven’t mentioned it before now because it’s a surprise, and it has been SO difficult to keep quiet.  But, we headed off early this morning to the airport, so I can finally say something.  I’ll try to take a before and after picture of the group, but we all promised that no pictures would show up anywhere (especially FaceBook), so I’ll have to make sure it’s okay.

Debbie (my sister) organized the trip, and we have goodie bags with itineraries.  We’ll be at the piano bar, Thunder Down Under, and the spa.  As well as shopping.  And gambling.  Last I heard Brandie was going to wear a tiara and we all have sashes.  Those poor people on the airplane have no clue what’s coming their way.  But no matter what… Lucky Sevens, here I come!

We get home late Sunday night, and then I leave for New Orleans and the FF&P conference on Thursday.  I’ll blog about that as well.

For now, wish me luck!

9 thoughts on “I’m Heading to Vegas, Baby!”

  1. sayde grace says:

    Its official, I hate you. 😉 be safe and have fun.

  2. Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lavonda44 says:

    Rebecca, have fun. I went 3 yrs ago with my girlfriends and had a blast. Stayed at the Hotel Mandalay Bay. Spa Day, Sting in concert and Zoomanity.

  4. Are we going to see a Hangover part 3 after your weekend is done? LOL

    I hope you have a blast…

  5. Kimberly Wise says:

    Hope you have a wonderful time and bring home money and memories!

  6. Thunder Down Under — yummy. Bring one home for me. Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Oh shoot, guess no Thunder guy for me. Have fun anyway.

  7. I’m soooo jealous! I’ve been to Vegas twice, both times it was for bachelorette parties and both times I had so much fun I didn’t have time to gamble. 🙂

    If you have a chance, take your party to the Olympic Gardens. It’s a strip joint with women undressing downstairs and men undressing upstairs. For an extra $20, they’ll put Brandie on the stage and incorporate her in the show.

    You’re welcome. 🙂

  8. Dawn Sullivan says:

    You are soo lucky. Hope you enjoy! Have lots of fun you so deserve it 🙂

  9. Christine Sheets says:

    Ohh How lucky you are!! I hope that you have had a fabulous weekend!

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