How to Make it as A Writer

successI know a lot of authors, and like most writers, I study people.  At conferences, at book signings, at the grocery store…you name it.  And I’ve found a few similarities in behavior in authors that most of us agree are making it.

1. They work their asses off. Yeah, there might be some major talent there to start with…but every author I know who’s doing well is working hard. Really, really hard. No, they’re not digging ditches. But they’re upping the word count, they’re in the chair, they’re traveling to conferences, and they’re meeting deadlines. Self-imposed or contractual, they’re meeting those deadlines.

2.  They’re accepting fear and shoving past it. I think everybody in the creative field battles fear. Fear of rejection, fear of appearing foolish, maybe even fear of success. Fear can paralyze you, or you can use it. Take it, mold it, and put it in the current book. You know what’s worse than fear? REGRET. Don’t have that.

writing3. They use the NOW. There’s no waiting until Monday, or next week, or when the kids are back in school. They write now. While the kids are napping, in the line at school, in the doctor’s waiting room, during lunch break at work…they’re writing now.

4.  They’re kind and give back. I know I write romances and see the world as a happy place, but look around. The authors doing well are helping other authors with judging contests, giving workshops, even just giving encouraging words. There’s no competition here. If a reader likes a book, they’ll like another book, and the more readers, the better for all of us. Karma is out there, if you ask me.

5.  They never quit. I recently read a blog by a writer that said a couple of her critique partners didn’t understand her book a few years ago, so she stopped writing in disappointment for a while. How is that even possible? The only person who can make an author stop writing is…that author. Period. If somebody isn’t following their dreams…it’s on their shoulders, and their shoulders only. Either quitting is an option, or it isn’t.

perseveranceIT Isn’t.

To quote Mary Janice Davidson, ““Never, EVER give up. Not ever. Not EVER. Ever EVER!”

And here’s the biggest thing I think successful authors do: They Write. The focus is on the next book, and everything else slides away for a while. If you’re an author, and you’re struggling, go back to the book. It’s all there.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. – C. S. Lewis

6 thoughts on “How to Make it as A Writer”

  1. Ezinwanyi says:

    Writing is hard and that’s why I cherish great authors. I love the Sin brothers and wish book 3 was on audio.

    1. I think it will be soon – I’ll update the website as soon as I know a date. 🙂

  2. M. Lee Scott says:

    I Am A Writer. There, I’ve said it! Doing my best to follow your 5 steps. I’m also a reader…waiting for Dawn and Hawk’s story. How late into 2014 do I have to wait?

  3. I love this post and want to thank you for saying it. I’ve just released my first book and I knew it would be hard, but I didn’t realize HOW hard. Personal fears kept me from doing anything for YEARS!

    Another author friend told me to stop being afraid of taking chances, and to just do it. So I did, and I am soooo glad that I did! I’m lucky enough to have a wonderfully supportive husband and family, fantastic friends, and now I’m getting fans.

    I never, EVER, thought I would see a book with my name on the cover but I get to now. Even if it flops, I’m doing something I’ve dreamed of since I was a little girl. I help others whenever I can, in whatever way that I can!

  4. I so needed this kick in the pants today. Am now getting back to the words after procrastinating on social media all day. 🙂

  5. debraelise says:

    Me too Asa! Isn’t Ms. Rebecca just the best? Thanks for the boost *Hugs*

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