Halloween Blog Hop with Entangled Authors…and Giveaways

Entangled HopHi All!  Welcome to my blog on the Halloween blog hop.  I love October because of the changing of the leaves, and I love Halloween because of the thinning of the veil between the realms.  Okay.  I also love dressing up like Wonder Woman and eating candy.  Who doesn’t?

My family has fun decorating the house and then going trick-or-treating, and we catch up with family members and play a bit.  In the PAC NW, where I live, sometimes we have sun, sometimes rain, often snow, and once-in-a-while crazy hail.  Who knows what’ll hit us this year.

AtW 300px for websitesSo Entangled Publishing is having a fun blog hop for authors, and we’re all giving away prizes.  I’m giving away a digital copy of AGAINST THE WALL, which is my first book in the Maverick Montana series.  All you have to do to be entered into the contest is answer what you plan to do on Halloween this year…if anything.  After leaving your comment, click on the hop logo up to the left, and head on back to the hop to enter other contests.

Good luck, and have a wonderful Halloween!!!

39 thoughts on “Halloween Blog Hop with Entangled Authors…and Giveaways”

  1. Sue Ann says:

    work but as soon as 5 PM arrives we will dress up and party until we drop!

  2. Margaret says:

    I will be taking the kids around town for trick or treating – we live in a very small town so this entails driving around and letting the kids hop in and out of the car…always a fun evening!

  3. Krista says:

    Our son has his birthday party. So it is always loud and lots of fun.

  4. SnarkyMom says:

    On Halloween, I will be “Room Mom” for Little Dude’s 1st grade class & he’s already picked out my witch hat with the dangling skulls for me to wear [wink]… complete with spooky snacks, a ghost footprint craft, stories & TONS of games… Then home to feed everyone before everyone heads out. Sullen & Mouth don’t think they will t&t this year (8th graders) & they’ve decided they want to help hand out candy. (We’ll see if they hold to that the closer we get LOL!) We live on a cul-de-sac, so Halloween is actually a huge “thing” in our ‘hood. We all gather out at the top of the circle so that kids don’t have to walk around to all the houses – we just line up our chairs & they can just walk down the line to get their goodies :). After all is said & done… I then go in to set up for the next day’s Candy Swap party. We do a potluck/party & the kids bring 10 pieces of candy that they don’t like/want, draw numbers & line up. All the candy is put into a big pile on the table, and in order of their number, the kids walk by the table & pick out a different piece of candy that they WOULD like/want. It’s always a fun time & gives the kids that one last time to wear their costumes 🙂 !!!

  5. Missy says:

    Well we have a tradition that we do. I have a few friends that are a good as family so we all dress up take my son trick or treating and then we go get our pictures taken at one of the booths and that way no matter where we our next year we have these wonderful memories. …

  6. This year we’re going to dress up and spend the day at an amusement park. They carve thousands of pumpkins and play this horrid Halloween song again and again and again. . .

  7. Heather Fortman says:

    Well I’ll be moving the week before Halloween and trying to unpack while decorating our new house. I”m so excited about the move, we’ll actually have trees and bushes that we can decorate instead of a rented place that frowns on it! The day of Halloween I’ll be going to St. Joseph Hospital for a 3 part surgery to repair torn tendons and ligaments, as well as having me achillies tendon repaired and lengthened around 1:30pm. Since I’ll already be wrapped from knee to toes in gauze, I’m going to continue with it and wrap the rest of my body in torn and dirty egyptian type clothing (it gets awefully chilly here in Michigan!) and bits of gauze to look like Mommy the Mummy while sitting on our porch bench to pass out candy to the kids that come around since I won’t be able to walk around. I’m even going to wrap my crutches in the cheese cloth gauze. My husband is going to dress our two dogs up; our Harrier hound will have a gauze collar with “bunny fur” scatered on it, and our Austrailan Shepherd will have the same with bits of old doll limbs. Before our move I managed to make “toys” for them there were old stuffed animals (with the fuzz insides and button eyes taken out) so they’ll be playing with those while the kids run through the neighborhood. I love Halloween!

  8. Laura says:

    I don’t have any plans for Halloween this year.

  9. gibbs936 says:

    I will be working during the day, but no plans for the evening this year.

  10. Carol says:

    I will be staying at home so that I can hand out candy for the trick or treaters. Then around 8 that night, we will visit the grandkids to see their costumes.

  11. Cassandra B. says:

    I don’t have any plans. I work until 8 pm. I think I will likely watch Ghostbusters after my shift. I don’t like horror movies, so Ghostbusters is my go-to Halloween movie (plus Ghostbusters 2, of course).

  12. Ann Fischer says:

    Giving out candy to a few trick or treaters!

  13. jennifer A says:

    I love Halloween !! On Halloween , I’ll be passing out candy , then I’ll watch a horror movie with my mom and brother !!

  14. Sherry Mello says:

    I always dress up and spend the night handing out candy to all the kids. I also live in the Pacific Northwest. Northern Oregon Coast area. Usually rain but it comes with the area. What can you do.

  15. I plan to give out Treats to the neighborhood kids and watch some vampire movies.

  16. I’ll be working on the day and at night give away candy to the children of the neighbors. 🙂

  17. BookLady says:

    I plan to decorate the house for Halloween and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters.

  18. Mary Preston says:

    We actually don’t celebrate Halloween here. Love the books that come out though.

  19. Lili says:

    We will be taking the kids out for tick or treating, after work.

  20. Gretchen says:

    My friend Sara and I usually host a murder mystery party for Halloween. Sadly we aren’t able to do that this year. I will probably take my kids trick or treating in my sister’s neighborhood. Her street is really into Halloween. The adults dress up and hand out candy, bags of popcorn etc. etc. It’s awesome and my kids love it!! It’s hard not to have fun. My sister and I usually dress up as well. Her kids are younger and get a kick out of it. Halloween is one of their favorite holidays:)

  21. Natasha says:

    No plans this year for me, but my dog has a devil costume and my guinea pig has a witch costume.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  22. bn100 says:

    Eat candy

  23. jackie woodland says:

    Don’t think I’ll be doing anything this year, my kids are in there 30’s so I kinda lost the memento to do anything….

  24. Halloween is actually my mother’s birthday, so I’ve had a lifetime of pretending it’s NOT a fun holiday of dressing up and overdosing on chocolate. 🙂 That said, now that I’m all grown up, it’s no hardship to forgo a costume and instead spend my time with one of the most awesome women I know.

  25. Jeana says:

    I actually have class Halloween night, but I’m thinking of skipping so I can walk around with my kids instead of letting my boyfriend do it…

  26. donna says:

    We will set up a table in the front yard and hand out candy with the neighbors

  27. Amy Ryan says:

    well I’m a complete wimp I’m scared if someone so much as whispers “Boo!” so my friends have decided to lock me in the living room while we watch horror movies! I’m not looking forward to it! lol


  28. Nicki Bland says:

    I plan on taking my kids trick or treating, we do it every year

  29. I’ll be dressing up with my children and taking them trick or treating. Great fun! Of course, it’ll probably be 15 degrees and I’ll freeze pieces of my anatomy off I’d rather keep, but it’s all in the name of fund, right? michelle_willms(at)yahoo(dot)com.

  30. Emily says:

    I’m going to go trick or treating with my cousin’s and uncle’s going to be awesome!

  31. First of all, no need to enter me because I have Against The Wall and that’s what I’m reading right now. OMG I LOVE it! I’m definitely hooked on the series!

    I don’t do the whole dress-up thing at Halloween. My kids are grown now so they don’t either. I stay home and enjoy passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters.

  32. Going to a fun party with friends!

  33. Casey says:

    I have to work. 🙁 It makes me sad. Once I get home, I’ll eat a ton of chocolate to make myself feel better. *grin*

  34. BookAttict says:

    This Halloween, I’ll be at a Nine Inch Nails concert (Trent!!).

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  35. My youngest is now 18 and does her own thing, so I’ll just hand out candy at the door.

  36. Jessica D says:

    Our town had candy night this past Saturday. Other than that we don’t have other plans

  37. JanD says:

    Will be handing out candy.

  38. Daniel M says:

    just giving out candy

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