Halloween Blog Hop: A stripper, a demon, and a serial killer walk into a cave…

UPDATE:  The book winners are: Samantha Gail and Dark Reader.  Congrats!

Welcome to the Halloween blog hop where you could win a Kindle–or a bunch of other prizes!  Click on the banner to get back on the hop!  We used a scene generator and my characters are: a serial murderer, a demon, and a stripper.  My adjectives are: undead, driven, and hungry.  Finally, the scene takes place in: a cave.

He may be a demon, but Brodey had the body of a God.

Andrea struggled against her chains, her gaze on the demon who’d stolen her heart months ago. Sure, it was the same old story. Stripper fell in love with demon, they had some amazing times, he left to fulfill his job of taking evil souls out of the world. It probably happened every day.

The chains rattled against each other, set so securely into the hard rock of the cave walls. She was a strong, driven woman, and again tried again to spit out the gag, to yell at Brodey for walking into what was so obviously a trap. Walking? Hell. The demon had sauntered.

He lifted an eyebrow. Arrogance cut hard lines in his face, an arrogance not diminished one whit by the fact that he faced her, naked to the waist, chained to the opposite wall. His legs were occupied by squeezing the life out of the man writhing on the floor. “You’re positively spitting mad, darlin.”

Low and deep, that voice cut through her memories as certainly as it cut through her heart. The scents of raw earth and powerful male comingled in the small space. She shoved out the gag. “You stupid son of a bitch.”

His smile failed to quench or even reach the fire swirling in his dark eyes. Real fire. The guy was a demon, after all. “At the very least, you might say thank you.”

Fury ripped through her so quickly her head might as well blow off. “Thank you? For what? For walking into an obvious trap and condemning us both to death?”

“I heard Marcel had you…the undead bastard.” The fire in Brodey’s eyes wandered a red flush down his torso—now he was getting irritated. “As I’ve already taken out the rest of his crew, as I promised you I’d do, I’m here for the last serial murderer in that gang.” Brodey twisted his knees, snapping Marcel’s neck. The body dropped to the ground. One more serial murderer taken out of the world. “I’m also here…for you.”

“We’re tied up, and you just killed the only guy who can get us out of here.” Sure, Marcel had planned to torture and kill her slowly, so his being dead set all right with her. But she hadn’t wanted to die in chains.

Brodey shrugged, the movement rippling solid muscles through his chest. A chest she’d spent hours resting on so many months ago. Amusement lifted his upper lip. “I remember our time fondly as well.”

“Stay out of my head.” All demons could read minds, a fact she’d learned the hard way. Why the heck wasn’t he more concerned? If anything, the demon looked hungry. For her.

“I am hungry.” He’d said he’d return after taking them all out.

She hadn’t believed him.

“You should’ve believed me.” He growled low, and yanked one arm free. The chain swept out. Rocks sprayed. His other arm followed suit. He was free. Two steps forward and he stood before her. Tall, strong, and male.

Relief made her shoulders sag. “Excellent. Now get me free.”

His slow smile warmed her head to toes…and everywhere in between. “Not quite yet, darlin. Let’s, er, talk first.”

Thanks for dropping by my blog on the hop today!  If you need to get back on the blog hop, here’s the link:  HALLOWEEN BLOG HOP.  Besides giving away a copy of CLAIMED on the big hop, I’m giving away a copy from my blog here to one commenter.  So…do you have any halloween plans?

46 thoughts on “Halloween Blog Hop: A stripper, a demon, and a serial killer walk into a cave…”

  1. Mary Preston says:

    I get my Halloween fix via the Internet. So no big plans.


  2. Regina Ross says:

    im taking my 4-girls trick or treating 🙂


  3. Regina Ross says:

    im taking my 4 girls trick or treating


  4. Amanda says:

    This was awesome 🙂
    My littleboy girls birthday is Halloween so we are having a party!

  5. Regina Ross says:

    im taking my 4girls trick or treating


  6. JeanP says:

    No big plans this year, just handing out treats to the kids that come around the neighborhood.

    skpetal AT hotmail DOT com

  7. Regina Ross says:

    im taking my girls trick or treating 🙂

  8. regina ross says:

    im taking my kids trick or treating


  9. Yadira A. says:

    I don’t really have any Halloween plans… just staying home and watching movies just vegging out with family. We live out in the country so not much by way of trick-or-treaters to have to deal with either. Thanks for the great giveaway & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


  10. We always have a housefull on Halloween! My daughter and her family and 3 or 4 other families always come to our house because we live in a good neighborhood to go trick or treating. 🙂 I hand out candy to about 100 kids each year and dress up in my witches costume and love every minute of it!! Enjoyed the blog and will look forward to the next!!

  11. Nina Pierce says:

    It’s a costume party tonight and then handing out treats on Monday. Not very exciting really.

  12. Regina Ross says:

    im taking my kids trick or treating

  13. UteH says:

    no plans, we don’t usually celebrate Halloween (I’m in Germany), but it becomes more popular every year.

    I’m waiting for St. Martin 11 November. The kids come with lanterns and sing at the doors for treats.

  14. desiree says:

    I am taking my youngest trick or treating and my oldest are going to hand out candy. We are going to do pumpkins tomorrow and watch Halloween movies all weekend. Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin.

  15. Elaine G says:

    No big plans here.just handing out candy.

  16. tamibrothers says:

    This was really good. The title stopped me. And the feeling had me reading all the way to the end. Great job.

  17. Martha Lawson says:

    Halloween is not such a big deal where I live! Have no plans at all. I’d love to be entered to win Claimed, I can’t wait to read it. Fated is awesome.

  18. Renee says:

    I have no plans, except to stay home and watch scary movies with my BFF, and eat junk food.
    I loved the snippet and want more of it. Is it going to be part of a book? Hint! Hint!

    Having a blast hopping with you!

    Thank you for being part of the hop AND for the chance to win!

    reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

  19. Laura Adams says:

    I get to work on halloween so no big plans. Hope yours is great.

  20. Patti P says:

    I love to give out candy and look at the costumes.


  21. Patti P says:

    No plans just giving out candy.

    musicalfrog at comcast.net

  22. darkreader says:

    We will just watch more horror movies as we have been all month long!

  23. Kimberly Wise says:

    Thank you… Happy Halloween! I just finished Fated last night and LOVED it… I put post on I’m Reading (on Facebook) and on Goodreads.com … I sooooo enjoyed it.. Talen is the perfect guy if you ask me… Can’t wait to read Dage and Emma’s story!!!

  24. lisagk says:

    No special plans except work for me, but another hot scene above, in a CAVE! thanks for giving away some goodies. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

  25. lisagk says:

    No special plans for me, just work, another hot scene above, and in a CAVE. Thanks for the giveaways, lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. June M. says:

    I don’t really have any plans except to stay home, read a good book with a hot vampire or demon or shifter, and try not to eat too much candy, LOL I live out in the country so I don’t get trick or treaters so this is my plans. Hope you have a great Halloween!
    June M.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  27. Gabrielle says:

    I am taking my youngest trick or treating.


  28. dbrown3400 says:

    Thanks for being part of the hop. We were going to take my 3 1/2 yo granddaughter out, but now she’s got an ear infection and it’s going to snow as well. Hope everything is back in place by Monday! ~Donna

    dbrown3400 at yahoo dot com

  29. Thanks for joining the hop. We were taking my 3 1/2 yo granddaughter out but now she’s got an ear infection and it’s supposed to snow. We’ll just have to see what happens. ~Donna

    dbrown3400 at yahoo dot com

  30. Eva says:

    Just out with friends, dressed in hilarious costumes, having fun! 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway, i really, really loved “Fated” and i can’t wait to get my hands on “Claimed”!
    Happy Halloween!

  31. Brooklyn Ann says:

    Tonight I’m going to the Powder River Saloon’s Halloween party. They’re the best!

  32. Chelsea B. says:

    My plans are to stay home with a movie or a good book. Perfect plans for me! 🙂

  33. jennifer mathis says:

    im staying in with the kids and watching halloween shows


  34. Rae M. says:

    I’ll be staying in passing out any candy to the trick or treater, then probably watch a couple scary movies.

    And I’ve got to say you got awesome words for your scene!

  35. Joder says:

    Great story you created with a sexy hottie pictured there too. As to my Halloween, I’m not doing anything except handing out candy to kids.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  36. Taking my girls trick or treating

  37. JessS says:

    Nope. I would love to do something fun for halloween but none of my friends are, so I don’t really have anything to do.

  38. Connie says:

    Nothing too exciting, I’m sitting home passing out candy treats! Really enjoyed the scene generated story, thanks! scoobeee3@gmail DOT com

  39. Connie says:

    Nothing too exciting, sitting home passing out candy treats! Loved the scene generated story, thanks! scoobeee3@gmail dot com

  40. DD Symms says:

    I like the line “arrogance cut hard lines in his face.” I learn so much from reading others’.

  41. retta l says:

    I love Halloween but do not have and kids show up at our door (to long a driveway) I still like to see how many kids there are out. My children usually go hang with friends. Last year was the last year my daughter went out. Hope all have a good Halloween and stay safe.

  42. Jessica B says:

    Great story! Don’t have many plans here. Handing out candy to trick or treaters. You?
    -Jessica B

  43. Miranda says:

    Great story! I love the same old story part “stripper falls in love with a demon” Lol!! I’ve got strep so I’m spending the holiday in probably reading 🙂

  44. confined to the house have infection in my system and i am doing blogs till latere

  45. Na says:

    No Halloween plans. I’m laying low and handing out the candies 🙂

  46. Stephanie M says:

    No Halloween plans. Just staying in and enjoying candy.

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