GraveTells Reader Choice Awards

LOGO-ReadersChoiceAwards20121Hi all!  The Dark Protector Series is up for a bunch of awards at the GraveTells site – here’s the list.  If you get the chance and are so inclined, cast a vote or two.  If not, no worries.  Have a safe and very happy Holiday Season!

  • Most compelling hero:  Conn Kayrs from Hunted
  • Favorite Heroine: Amber Freebird from Provoked
  • Hottest Couple:  Connlan Kayrs and Moira Dunne from Hunted
  • Sexiest Geek:  Kane Kayrs from Provoked
  • Most Memorable Book:  Hunted and Provoked
  • Sexiest Story:  Hunted
  • Most Outstanding Series:  Dark Protectors
  • Most original story universe:  Dark Protectors
  • I’m also up for favorite author and most engaging author.  Who knew?  🙂
  • Best collaberative interview:  Zanetti with DaVinciKittie

Again, here’s the link:  GRAVETELLS if you’d like to vote.  🙂  Thank you!

13 thoughts on “GraveTells Reader Choice Awards”

  1. Faith says:

    Rebecca, congratulations! But then I already know you totally rock! I’m doing the whole Yweey/FB/vote thing.

    1. Thanks, Faith!!! I appreciate it all! 🙂

  2. Voted for my DP boys!!!!

    1. Kelly M says:

      And you my Cray Cray Friend!!!!

      1. Shhh…the cray cray is a secret. Right? I mean, right? Or is it out? Oh man, it’s out. Darn cray cray. 🙂

    2. They appreciate it and will love you always. 🙂

  3. Anna-Marie Buchner says:

    Okay I voted YES

    Anna-Marie Buchner



    Have a positive day!

  5. Lori Meehan says:

    I voted!!

  6. Martha Lawson says:

    Oh yeah, I cast my votes for you last night!! HOpe you win. Your books are awesome! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  7. lorileamy says:

    Ok I could since was my favorite series.  When do we get the next book????  ~ Lori

    Sent from my Galaxy S®III

  8. Tesa Devlyn says:

    I voted! Love that Kane!!

    Sent from my iPhone

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