Grave Tells – Reader’s Choice Awards

Hi all!  It looks like Hunted is up for a Reader’s Choice award, and I’m up for a favorite author award over at Grave Tells.  Voting ends May 30th at midnight.  I’m neck and neck with a couple of my friends.  🙂  If you get the chance, CLICK HERE TO VOTE.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Here in the states we celebrated Memorial Weekend.  I celebrated, wrote a bit, and watched some movies.  ‘One for the Money’ and “This Means War’ kept me more than entertained! 

Finally…later this week we’ll have a character interview with Moira Dunne  – the witch from Hunted.  And…chapter 1 from Consumed should be posted soon on my FB page – so keep an eye out!

5 thoughts on “Grave Tells – Reader’s Choice Awards”

  1. Barb P says:

    Done!! I can’t wait for Moira’s interview.

  2. Hello Rebecca,
    I just voted, you have my vote.
    I’m bummed that I’m going to miss your character interview with Moira Dunne  & chapter 1 from “Consumed” because I’m not a member of Facebook. 🙁 ….but I’m glad I could help by voting.
    Take Care & Good Luck,
    PaParanormalFan Renee
    paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

  3. Huge congrats…You got my vote….

  4. Amanda says:

    I can’t wait! I love the character interviews 🙂 Do they ever hijack your twitter or Facebook page?

  5. Lavonda44 says:

    Done. Looking forward to Moira’s interview and the 1st chapter of Consumed.

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