GIVEAWAY – Blind Faith ARC and dog tags

Grand Central StationUPDATE:  Congrats to LACEY JONES for winning the giveaway!  Enjoy!

Hi all!  I’m back from New York, and it was an absolute ball!  I’ll have pictures and an update soon, but for now, I have a book due a week from Friday.  (TOTAL SURRENDER).   Here is one shot of Grand Central Station I took right before I met my agent for coffee.

Also, there’s a sale going on at Barnes and Noble – buy two books and get one free.  FORGOTTEN SINS is included in the promotion…HERE’s the LINK.

 So, for now, I realized I haven’t done a giveaway on the blog for a while.

Here’s a print ARC (Advanced Reader’s Copy) of BLIND FAITH, along with cool dog tags that I gave out at the BEA conference last weekend.  All you have to do to enter is comment below – on anything.  I’ll randomly draw a name by Friday at noon.  I am curious…what is your favorite television show right now…and why?

Blind Faith giveaway

158 thoughts on “GIVEAWAY – Blind Faith ARC and dog tags”

  1. pageprincess says:

    i really don’t watch TV, but my son is using Netflix to watch all of the Once Upon A Time series. He’s absolutely obsessed and is trying to convince me to put down the books and start watching. LOL

    1. Bettina says:

      I have two favorite TV shows. One is Castle and the other is NCIS. Castle has a lot of romance as well as action and NCIS has a tsseam that really works well together and has each others back.

  2. I love watching Pawn Stars because I like to see all the neat things people bring in and learn their history!

  3. Jean R says:

    my favorite program on TV is 24 because I love action

  4. kp says:

    I love NCIS…..The show keeps telling great stories!

    1. Melissa S. says:

      i love NCIS too!! and NCIS LA

  5. Ann-Marie Gagliano says:

    I still enjoy NCIS. All because of Mark Harmon.

  6. Kelly Hopkins says:

    The Orignals….I love some bad boy vampires.

  7. Cindy Tibbitts says:

    Game of Thrones. It is all complicated and beautiful and disturbing at once. Glad you got to enjoy NYC, it’s a lovely place to visit!

  8. Lisa W says:

    Chicago PD and Chicago Fire.. got some hotties on there and great story arcs

  9. Reese Monroe/LynnRush says:

    SWEET!!! Happy writing. 🙂 I love ARROW right now. That show rocks. But now I have to wait all summer until the new episodes start!!! 🙁

  10. Carol says:

    I love Blacklist with all the twist and turns.

  11. Melissa S. says:

    Favorite television show right now is The Blacklist because well James Spader…need i say more 🙂

    Also finally getting around to watching Dr. Who and I love it!

  12. Damaris says:

    Hi Rebecca! Glad you had a great time in NY. I watch very little TV, preferring to read instead. So the only show I watch regularly is Bitten, based on Kelly Armstrong’s paranormal series on SyFy. Of course, when Outlander starts in August, I’ll be glued to the screen for a second night.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. noraadrienne says:

    We love CBS. The CSI show, the NCIS show (all of them) and Elementary… They just take our minds off the crap of daily life.

  14. Mary Shomin says:

    Favorite television show Vikings, great adventure and great bodies:-)

  15. I wish I got to go to NYC there is so much I would like to see. I look forward to seeing pictures. 🙂 I am so jealous that you went to the conference. I’d love to get to go to any event but I haven’t had the chance to. I am really glad that my state now has AZ Dreamin’ so that’s exciting. I want to go there one of these days.
    I watch quite a few shows but my favorite at the moment is Scandal. It’s am amazing show with a fantastic ensemble cast that mesh well together and I absolutely love the diversity of personalities in the characters. I love the plot in every episode because it always gives you something more each time but also leaves you wanting more every time. Its sexy, its suspenseful, its intelligent, its exciting. I love it.
    I’d really enjoy getting to read an ARC copy of your books to review. I love your work.
    Thanks for the Grand Central pic share!


  16. trish says:

    My favorite show on tv right now is Marriage Boot camp:Reality stars. Because I can’t get enough of my trashy reality tv. 😉

  17. Sony Killian says:

    Supernatural, love Jensen Ackles! And show is great too!

    1. Geena says:

      I love Supernatural too! Jensen❤️ Yum!!!

  18. Jodi says:

    Love Big Bang, and Once upon a time.

  19. Cindy T says:

    Not watching much tv right now. Too busy reading 🙂

  20. therocknmama says:

    My favorite tv show right now is The Blacklist. It’s one show that Hubby and I make sure we watch together even if it’s been on the dvr for a week, we will only watch it if we are together. Hubby is an LEO so this show would be considered our “date” nights 🙂

    1. therocknmama says:

      Ugghhhh stupid word press told me it could not post this comment!! Sorry for the duplicate reply’s

  21. Love Big Bang, and Once upon a time!

  22. melissa c says:

    I love Guy Code and Girl Code. It is soooo funny and they keep it real about things.

  23. Betul E. says:

    I love Modern family, Big bang theory, masterchef and Hell’s Kitchen 🙂

  24. therocknmama says:

    My favorite tv show right now is The Blacklist. This is mine and Hubby’s date night show. We make sure to watch it together, even if it’s been sitting in the dvr for a week. Since Hubby is an LEO we don’t get a lot of “date” time, so watching this show together after the kids are in bed is a great way to have a “stay-date”.

  25. Tina McClay says:

    Favorite show, once upon a time, love Captain Hook!

  26. Geena says:

    OMG I love those dog tags!! Can we buy them? I don’t watch TV as much as I used too, but love Hallmark movies❤️ Another huge fave is True Blood!! 🙂 Thx for chance to win & love all ur books!! Keep em coming!!! 😉

  27. Lynne Costa says:

    Waiting for Sleepy Hollow to return and like Chicago PD and Blue Bloods.

  28. Kathy Appley says:

    NCIS…. They solve crimes

  29. Heather Fortman says:

    I’m glad you had a great trip and wish I could have gone. I’m hooked on Dallas/Detroit SWAT and the other shows like it. I have my degree in Criminal Justice and one of my old professors and a friend got me and DH hooked on the show .. which is kind of sad for hubby as he was forced into early retirement from the PD in a small town in Pennsylvania after a highspeed chase ended in him pitting the car and sliding into a guard rail 🙁

  30. Carmen says:

    Well right now I’m all about Game of Thrones (IT WAS MIND BLOWING) and then it will be True Blood with it’s final season. I have several regular season shows like Castle. Love the giveaway and love your work!

  31. Tammy H says:

    The Originals, Once Upon A Time, Vampire Diaries, Reign

  32. Jackie Boston says:

    Walking dead is about the only show I keep up with now days. I usually just read.

  33. Robin says:

    I’m in love with supernatural, Bones, and NCIS, they are tied for top one. I also love Longmire, I guess that one is tied for #1 also 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Patricia says:

    I just got back from vacation (Florida and a cruise and it was great), so I am catching up on my TV shows right now. One of my favorite TV shows is Bones. I really enjoy the science, suspense and the characters. The best episodes are those that are part of an arc (hunt for serial killers), because it gives you a change to follow a story over time and gives them time to crank of the suspense.

  35. Laura Lovejoy Brunk says:

    right now this Tv season, its gotta be Game of Thrones

  36. Sandra deMiranda says:

    The Big Bang Theory. Funny and smart! Sheldon Cooper is my favorite character.

  37. Lynde S says:

    I don’t watch much tv, but one show I’ve seen on Netflix that I love is Arrow!

  38. my favorite TV Show is Law and Order: SVU -because it has gotten much better since Warren Light has come on as a writer and this season was so good and tight. loved it. cant wait to see season 16 in sept. :-)–also like judge judy and people’s court…and love Chopped on Food Network…

  39. Wendy humbarger says:

    Loving the new showtime series Penny Dreadful…and NBC night shift..who doesn’t love sexy doctors?

  40. MaryC says:

    Love NCIS – wonderful cast!

  41. Lisa says:

    Fav TV Show — The Walking Dead — Gotta love those Zombies!!!

  42. Annetta says:

    I don’t watch to much TV I do a lot of reading!

  43. JoAnna B says:

    Since most of the shows have ended for the season, I’m going to go with Game of Thrones.

  44. Donna says:

    Been watching Leverage on Netflix, from the very beginning love it!

  45. Lori Meehan says:

    I don’t watch T V really at all. A little news but that’s it. I read. It’s far more entertaining then any television show could be.

  46. Suzanne Favreau says:

    The Good Wife!

  47. I haven’t had time to watch any of my shows so I’ll have to buy them when they come out on DVD. My nose has been in books like forever and lovin it

  48. Tammi Dugas says:

    I love all crime scene shows like csi and ncis. But I love me my vampire movies too!!!!! Anything paranormal

  49. I am an avid TV watcher so it is hard to pick just one. Off the top of my head I really enjoy Game of Thrones, True Blood, The Originals, and Arrow. I am also super excited for Outlander to start.

  50. bn100 says:

    Arrow for the characters

  51. Sayde Grace says:

    True Blood is still my favorite but as this season it’s ending I’ve started watching Penny Dreadful.

  52. Kristie Koste says:

    Reruns of “Chuck”. It has it all! Romance, suspense, action, and comedy!

  53. Cheri says:

    Love the Free Dog Tags! I don’t watch much TV, but do like watching NCIS on demand once in awhile, but I can’t wait for Longmire to start up this month. Didn’t see the first season but was totally engrossed in last season, and was keeping my fingers crossed that it would be picked up this year on A&E.

  54. Debbie Steinmetz says:

    The Following is it for me right now. You can never go wrong with Kevin Bacon. Throw in some more good looking co-stars and a plot that keeps you on your toes and you have something to look forward to…much like your books!

  55. Deborah Whaley says:

    My favorite tv show right now is MasterChef. I enjoy watching all of the home cooks step up to the plate and create amazing dishes as well as flops.

  56. Lita Esposito says:

    I like NCIS and Agents of SHIELD

  57. I Like a good comedy the Big Bang Theory always makes me laugh.

  58. Laura says:

    Elementary. Mystery/police dramas are my favorite TV and I also love the British-isms along with the general quirkiness of the main character.

  59. Rose Foster says:

    Devious maids

  60. Trudy Dowling says:

    Sometimes judging a book by its cover is the right thing. Yum!! Yum!!!

    1. Trudy Dowling says:

      WOW! This isn’t what I replied with. This season I enjoyed watching Bitten, just to see how far off the TV series was from the book by Kelley Armstrong.

  61. Wendy Durham says:

    I work 3 jobs, so tv is tight. But I always tried to make time for the Voice and LOVE Modern Family!!!

  62. Kelly Vilches says:

    My favorite TV show right now is The Big Bang Theory, because you can never have to much laughter in your life 🙂

  63. Cassandra B. says:

    Longmire! I love this show. Fabulous characters.

  64. Shirley Long says:

    My very favorite above all else is Downton Abbey. It just doesn’t stay on long enough.
    Gotta say at the moment my favorite show is 24. So glad Jack Bauer is back, at least for a little while. During regular season, it would be a toss up between Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, Blue Bloods and NCIS. Love all 4 of those.

  65. Alice says:

    Game of thrones

  66. Susan O says:

    48 Hours: Live to Tell. This is a true life compelling drama about people who have been seriously hurt, but survived and we learn their stories thru personal interviews and how they put their perpetrators away.

  67. Linda Morris says:

    Orphan Black, lots of drama and intrigue (and clones) like your books!

  68. Alexis Penn says:

    My favorite show right now is Doctor Who…but favorite is not the correct word i use for this show. Obsession is the more apt name! <3 <3

  69. blender2007 says:

    Lots of drama and intrigue (and clones)- like your books!

    1. blender2007 says:

      Orphan Black is the show…

  70. marie powell says:

    rizzoli & Isles i love the fact that 2 women from differeny backgrounds can be good friends

  71. sgatlantisrulz says:

    I am watching Game of Thrones. I read 4 of the books in the series and I am comparing the book with the TV/Cable show.

  72. Kim says:

    Catching up on Covert Affairs before the new series starts. Love the fact that the sweet girl next door is a kick butt spy with baggage like everyone else. Also waiting for the last season of True Blood,

  73. SnarkyMom says:

    It’s hard to say what my favorite TV show is right now simply because I really am not that vested in watching TV. To me, the TV is background noise while I’m reading :). So… at this absolute exact moment, I am “watching” America’s Got Talent. It’s easy enough to enjoy what is going on without missing out on anything if I’m reading LOL!

  74. Robin B says:

    Currently I am watching Penny Dreadful and The Game of Thrones

  75. Denise Rand Huebner says:

    My favorite tv show right now is “Once Upon A Time”. I love their take on the classic fairy tales. Rumplestiltskin (which never looks right so I never know if I spell it right) is one of my favorites. He is not one to mess with due to magic always having a price. There is love, suspense, action and a great story that keeps me plugged to the tv when it is on.

  76. vivienne stephen says:

    I am going to have to go with Downton Abbey and Person of Interest

  77. Ezinwanyi says:

    Favorite TV show right now is Game of Thrones, but I am trying to watch Scandal on Netflix so I can catch up to this season.

  78. Tonya Hooten says:

    My favorite show right now is Penny Dreadful. It is dark, and captivating. It keeps you guessing, and I like that.

  79. Michele Harper says:

    Love Castle!!! What isn’t there to love about Castle, suspense and sexual tension 🙂

  80. My favorite show is NCIS. I’ve always loved Mark Harmon!!

  81. Marnie S says:

    I am loving Penny Dreadful right now. Mystery, horror and literary characters. Great combination.

  82. Shannon VanSach says:

    I LOVE Da Vinci’s Demons!!!

  83. Sue S says:

    Loved BF can’t wait for next and LOVE the dog ags

  84. BookLady says:

    My favorite TV show is Supernatural.

  85. gamistress66 says:

    not watching much tv right now so currently don’t have any ‘much watch” shows

  86. nikkiphilton says:

    I have the TV on pretty much all day, but really only for the noise. I watch NCIS (both of them), CSI and 24.

  87. Michelle says:

    I’m happy “So You Think You Can Dance” is back on! Along with “The Voice” and “The Sing-Off,” it is among the best competition shows on the air today – showcasing real talent.

    I got hooked on “Chicago Fire,” and love the sexual chemistry and love connection between Gabby Dawson and Matt Casey. Physically they represent my ideal couple and I like how their friendship evolved into a love match.

  88. sheba holman says:

    Since it is off season, I am watching family feud with Steve Harvey

  89. Eve adams says:

    I love Burn Notice! It just makes a bad day go away for a little while.

  90. Adaiah says:

    I love The Blacklist! James Spader is a fantastic Redman. Red takes no prisoners. He’s quiet but deadly when he takes people down. He may not look like Talen or Conn but Red acts like the Karys when it comes to protecting those he loves!

  91. April Wood says:

    Modern Family, because the characters are hilarious! 🙂

  92. martha lawson says:

    NCIS (I adore Mark Harmon!!!) and Sleepy Hollow! Can’t wait to read more of your books, I just love them!

  93. Julie Pailthorpe says:

    My favorite is The Big Bang Theory!

  94. Lori H says:

    Starcrossed 🙂

  95. sonyakeith says:

    I really dont watch a lot of tv. I watch supernatural sometimes. I would rather read. Thanks for the give away

  96. Marcy X says:

    grand central station is used alot in tv and movies. it is fun to visit sites like that then when you see it again on a show, you can say Hey I’ve been there LOL.
    looks like people are discussing tv shows..been watching Turn on AMC about spies during the Revolutionary War. I love Call the Midwife, Inspector Lewis, Father Brown on BBCAmerica and PBS channel. favorite prime time NCIS, Bones, Good Wife, Mentalist, Big Bang Theory Blacklist, Castle and Blue Bloods.

  97. Denise Van Plew says:

    Right now my favorite tv show is Unforgettable that girl and her memory that helps solves crimes. Really like Sleepy Hollow but it is done till next season and oh almost forgot Longmire just started its new season

  98. Susan T. says:

    NCIS LA, Hawaii Five-O and The Profit.

  99. minga book bud Portillo says:

    My favorite show right now ? I really don’t have one at the moment. I’m more into reading than watching television. If you would of asked me this a few years ago I would of said Verona Mars. But as of now, I live to read. There is no show right now that would take me away from the my love of reading.

  100. judy contino says:

    I absolutely love Dancing With the Stars. I also was really into Revolution but just recently found out it was cancelled. RATS!!

  101. Emma052203 says:

    I love True Blood and am really bummed this upcoming season is their last. I also got hooked on Sleepy Hollow and Gang Related…

  102. Kat says:

    My favorite show is Hawaii Five O!! It is SOOO good, I love watching all the pretty water scenes and the cute guys are everywhere. Can’t wait till next fall, I may go into withdrawal without my weekly dose of Alex O!!! 🙂

  103. My favorite show is Hawaii Five O. It is SOOO good, I love watching all the beautiful water shots and all the cute guys! Fall can’t come soon enough for the next season can start up. Just may start going through withdrawl not getting my weekly dose of Alex O!!! 🙂

  104. Sue says:

    I like Wednesday night TV because I love watching Modern Family. The humor cracks me up and is exactly what I need after teaching 5th graders all day.

    1. Sue says:

      I am addicted to Sons of Anarchy, but Season 7 doesn’t start until September. Leaves me with plenty of time for reading books written by Rebecca Zanetti.

  105. Deanna says:

    My fav tv show right now is the vampire diaries. What can I say I am a sucker for vampire shows.

  106. Liliana says:

    I love NCIS and Criminal Minds. They never dissapoint.

  107. appyt0914 says:

    Game of Thrones.

  108. Margaret says:

    I’ve been enjoying Vikings for the historical details of daily life – season two has just ended here in Australia. Also The Walking Dead and Dr Who. I’ve watched Dr Who since I was a child, hiding behind the couch cushions so the Daleks wouldn’t see me! These days I don’t have much time for television, I only watch when I’m ironing or quilting. Hope the competition is open to your international blog followers!

  109. Sandra Wheeler says:

    NCIS is my favorite. I think I would have made good NCIS investigator. I really enjoy researching stuff and the answer to the problem, in this case,it would be solving a crime. My son was in the Air Force and was attached to the minute man missles. Since his service, I have be fasinated with military stories. I am proud of him and proud of all our service men and women.

  110. I don’t watch much TV because it gets in the way of my reading time! But when I do,
    I really enjoy “Duck Dynasty” I find them so funny and entertaining, but through it all they always stress the importance of family..and that I really like! Thanks for the giveaway!

  111. dragon20077 says:

    Nashville for me! Absolutely love country music

  112. Joy Greenway says:

    My favourite TV shows usually feature murders eg both NCIS, Criminal Minds, Bones, CSI. What does that say about me?

  113. carol L says:

    I hardly ever watch TV but this season I fell in love with Sleepy Hollow with Tom Mison. Just gorgeous. He is just perfect in the role of Ichabod Crane.Thanks for this opportunity. 🙂 I’d love to win a Print copy. Good luck everyone.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  114. Tammy Pellicer says:

    dang… television show i haven’t watch so busy being coach 2 teams flag football for deaf kids and for deaf ladies … mm my free time i READ! heh..
    luv all your books!! keep up writing!!! heh

  115. Patricia Denke says:

    My current favorite television series is CSI. I prefer CSI-Miami, but, alas, cancellation leaves me only CSI. I think the scientist in me likes the science, but basically, the shows are overall predictable, with lower level unpredictability. With some romance strewn in.

  116. N Cole says:

    I hardly ever watch TV either. The only thing I’m watching right now is The Game of Thrones. I read almost contantly (an average of 4-5 books a week!) Once I’m hooked I can’t put it down.

  117. hannahdabink says:

    I don’t watch t.v. I ask friends and lol up stuff on IMDB and then we NetFlix or buy the boxed season. That’s what we did with Supernatural. So I am one season behind on that. Now we are looking for a new series to watch.

  118. Kaye Fiona says:

    PRETTY LITTLE LIARS DEFINITELY <3 been watching that show religiously 🙂 season 5 is coming out tomorrow T^T <3

  119. Rebecca Delio says:


  120. Jennifer Ackler says:

    My favorite Television shows are #1 TrueBlood because there’s alot of sexy scenes and I just love my vampires, #2 Bitten on SYFY, #3 Salem!! Anything Paranormal!!

  121. Kimberly Parker says:

    Hi! My Favorite show right now is the Vampire Diaries. I love, love, love this show and thank God for DVR because I work a lot and have a four year old,lol. I am also doing a catch up on Sleepy Hollow which has definitely sparked my interest! Loved the last Sin Brothers book btw. I found them after becoming an avid Dark Protector fan and now I’m about to start the Maverick Montana series.

  122. Heather says:

    Blacklist. I love the suspense in the show. Can’t wait for Sleepy Hollow to start back up. The supernatural elements in it are great.

  123. I have so many…Lost Girl, Bitten, Castle, White Collar, Once Upon a Time, etc…

  124. Ruth McCurry says:

    I don’t watch tv any more, I hate sit coms and talk shows and got sick of reality shows, so now I watch Amazon prime on my son’s account so I can watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it and without commercials. I love all of the NCIS shows and Castle too.

  125. Kim says:

    I absolutely LOVE Arrow. But I am in love with The Originals and Vampire Diaries too! They are just SO yummy at times especially Stephen Amell!!!

  126. Carrie T. says:

    I don’t watch a lot of current television. Most of the shows I watch are on Netflix or Amazon Prime. I just finished Season 1 of The Following last night. It has such good acting and a really interesting plot. I also watched the first episode of the current season for Continuum last night. Overall it’s good but I’m a little lost; I need to do a recap of the previous season. I also started watching the first season of Fringe, which reminds me of X-Files. I watched the first half of Season 1 for Orphan Black and really love the story and the acting. I love suspense, action, and, sci-fi.

  127. Catherine says:

    My favourite show has to be Strike Back. Great story line, lots of alpha men and a little bit of skin.
    What’s not to love?

  128. Jamie Martin says:

    Warehouse 13 is my favourite show ALL THE TIME. I’m not sure.. I started watching it, and I’ve probably seen it twenty times since then; it just relaxes me. HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT SEEN THE END. -sighs- NO SPOILERS.

  129. Love NCIS and Castle.

  130. Amanda says:

    Game of Thrones!!

  131. Lacey Jones says:

    I love Supernatural, Big Bang Theory, and Stargate Atlantis. 🙂

  132. Peggy Serour says:

    Let’s make a deal.

  133. Becky Schoelich says:

    I’m loving the Sin Brothers series and can’t wait to read the next one (I’m reading these in paper and not on my Kindle). Big fan here!!!

  134. Sheila Schwartz says:

    l love your books….Blacklist and Castle and The Originals!

  135. Mary Preston says:


  136. Hmmm favorite would have to be castle. Just because he’s a writer LOL

  137. Elena E says:

    My favorite show at the moment is Modern Family. I was late in the game on watching the series so everything is fresh and funny. I love the family dynamic!

  138. Mary Sue Russell says:

    The Blacklist is by far and away my favorirte show ! The character portrayed by james Spader is most intriguing !

  139. I like Criminal Minds and NCIS. I love the suspense.

  140. Lilian says:

    Dear Rebecca, hi!!! I’m not sorry to tell you that I do not watch tv but spend my whole free time reading! I really hope to win one of th Sin Bros. books since they are not available for purchase in Argentina! And I’ve already read all you’ve written! Send you a hug! Lilian

  141. Chasity Y. Parris says:

    I love these books. Thanks.

  142. Part Sheppard says:

    The new Sherlock Holmes on PBS

  143. Virginia says:

    I don’t watch too much tv but I mostly catch up on DVR. I recently finished catching up on Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. So bummed it got cancelled but at least the season finale had a happy ending. 🙂 I also DVR: Once Upon a Time, Revenge and True Blood.

  144. Robin Mlckovsky says:

    Dear Rebecca, thank you for sharing your creative talents and for making it so easy for your fans to correspond with you. I love how your book series flow into each other. I love the feeling I get when I read of family and friends and belonging. Love it… it fills an emptiness in my heart.

  145. Donna Williams says:

    My favorites are Vampire Diaries and Bitten. I love Vampires and Werewoles – or just the hunky guys!

  146. Laurie says:

    I have quite a few favorite shows. Castle for the romance and comedy. Originals and Trueblood for the hot vampires and werewolves. Criminal minds, Major Crimes, and Law & Order SVU for the interesting plots and characters.

  147. Kelly Hopkins says:

    The Originals…I love the bad boy vampires.

  148. Nancy B says:

    My favorite show would be a toss-up between Game of Thrones and Vikings. Both have lots of action and suspense !

  149. Lisa Haley says:

    NCIS – I love the rapport between the characters but I miss Ziva.

  150. Judy Sherman says:

    I really enjoyed Sweet Revenge. Curare favorite show is 24. Glad this series came back – it is very exciting!

  151. Debra Burge says:

    Great giveaway opportunity, thanks!

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