Forgotten Sins is Traveling!

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Forgotten sins _6-72Hi all!  I’m so excited to share that Forgotten Sins is now available in your local bookstore, grocery store, library, etc. in print!  If they’re not stocking it where you are, feel free to request it!  Libraries will stock a book after it’s been requested a couple of times, so feel free.  🙂

This first book in a new romantic suspense series already has more than 100 five-star reviews on Amazon.  Publisher’s Weekly noted that ‘fans of romantic suspense will enjoy the twists and turns Zanetti puts her protagonists through,’ and RT noted that “Zanetti pulls together a heady mix of sexy sizzle, emotional punch and high stakes danger in this truly outstanding tale. Brava!”  The second book, Sweet Revenge, is available in eBook now, with a print date of May.  Smart Bitches, Sexy Books claims Sweet Revenge is a ‘mix of paranormal suspense and extreme sexxytimes.”

Shane and Josie’s book has been available in ebook for a while, so some of you may have already read it.  Let me know anyway if you see the print book around, will you?  And for those overseas fans still waiting to get book 2, Sweet Revenge, in ebook, my publisher has assured me they’re working on the distribution problem.  I’m hounding them as much as possible!

Here’s one of my favorite excerpts from Forgotten Sins from when Shane and Josie are on the run and are taking a quick sleep break in a ramshackle hotel (in different beds):

Shane twitched.  Then gave a low moan.  Pain suffused the sound.

Josie’s heart lurched.  Her mind spun.

No matter who he was, she could only be herself.  If he was in pain, she couldn’t sit by and watch.  She didn’t want to be a person who’d sit by and watch.

An agonized growl rumbled from his chest.

Oh, this was a bad idea.  She crept forward, gingerly resting one knee on his bed and crawling forward.  Reaching his side, she snuggled down, her head on his outstretched arm. Warm cedar filled her senses.  She placed her hand over his heart.  “It’s okay, Shane.  Only good dreams tonight,” she whispered.  With a soft sigh, she closed her eyes.


Shane kept his breathing even, his body relaxed.  His heart thumped against her palm.  Awakening, he’d heard her move from the bed and had wondered.  Would she head for the door?  No.  She hadn’t.  The woman had cuddled up with danger to provide comfort for him.  Security.  Love.

His heart warmed until it hurt.  Vulnerability and need filtered through him followed by determination.  He didn’t know how the hell he’d lost her before.  No matter what it took, whoever he had to walk through, he wouldn’t lose her again. 

One thought on “Forgotten Sins is Traveling!”

  1. Janet says:

    Read both of these and all your series and loved them, cannot wait for your next release.

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