Books by the Lake Reader Event in Whitefish, Montana


I’m super excited to announce I’ll be attending Books by the Lake hosted by Kristen Proby in  Whitefish, Montana on September 20, 2025! 🎊 Click on the Event up above to see a bigger graphic showing attending authors.

📌 Be sure to join FB group for the event, that will be the best place to stay up to date on all of the information being revealed as we get closer to the event.
📌 Join now:

Here’s the latest info:

1. When can I get tickets? Tickets will go on sale in February of 2025.
2. Which location is this being held at? We will announce the location when we put tickets on sale.
3. Will there be narrators and vendors? Yes! As those are confirmed, we will announce them.
4. Why aren’t there more authors? I’m hosting this in a small town and it will be an intimate affair. This is not a convention-sized event. There are many of those out there to choose from!
5. Can I sign up to volunteer? THANK YOU! We will have more information regarding staff later in the year.
Please know that we are still in the early stages of planning, and we are working on a wonderful event for everyone! I can’t wait to share more as we know more.