Giveaway–CLAIMED ARC’s Have Arrived…

UPDATE:  I used to draw numbers corresponding to the names of people commenting on this blog, FaceBook and Twitter–and the two winners are:   Kylie Rae and Asa Maria Bradley!  CONGRATULATIONS to both of you — I’ll be sending you an email to see where to send these.  Thank you to everyone who entered–I’ll do another giveaway on the Brava Blog on August 5th.

The magnificent Megan sent me CLAIMED ARC’s, and I’d love to give TWO away.  So, here’s the deal.  Leave a comment below for one chance to win.  The comment can be about anything–just say hi.  For another chance, follow me on twitter and tweet about the chance to win.  You can retweet my tweet about the contest, or you can create your own.  Remember to put @rebeccazanetti in it so you get counted.  For a third and final chance to win an ARC, like me on my facebook author page, and leave a comment on my wall.  THREE chances to win…and you don’t have to do them all if you don’t want.  (Contests that make you do all three drive me crazy.)

I will use to draw a name after midnight, PST on Wednesday–so the contest is open until that time.  I’ll send ARC’s anywhere in the world, no geographical limitations.  Also, if you win, I’d really appreciate it if you put up a couple reviews – at book sites such as Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, etc.  Thanks and good luck!

So, have you seen an ARC up close?  Do you like the orange?  What do you have planned this week? 

88 thoughts on “Giveaway–CLAIMED ARC’s Have Arrived…”

  1. Virginia C says:

    Hi, Rebecca! I really enjoyed “Fated”, and I have been waiting to read Dage & Emma’s story in “Claimed”. Lovin’ those Dark Protectors! I do post regularly post reviews at Amazon, Good Reads, Library Thing and other sites. Wishing you much continued success : )

    1. Hi Virginia! Thanks so much for your kind words about Fated–I hope you like Dage and Emma’s story! Good luck in the drawing.

  2. Diayll says:

    Hello! I am very interested in reading your book! Thanks for a great giveaway and I followed you on Twitter dsales26. Looking forward to reading Claimed and your tweets! Take Care, Diayll

    1. Diayll – Thanks so much! I hope you like Claimed and good luck in the drawing! 🙂

  3. Debby says:

    Can’t wait to read Claimed! Absolutely loved the first book in this series? I hope the wait isn’t too long for more books in the series.

    1. Hi Debby! I’m with you – the faster the better! Claimed comes out in November, Tempted (Max’s novella) will come out next April and then Hunted will come out next May. After that…I don’t know. 🙂 Good luck in the drawing!

  4. Anne Marsh says:

    I’ve been enjoying FATED (although apparently I wasn’t the only one– your book is a hot ticket at our local library! There is a fairly impressive hold queue for it) and am looking forward to CLAIMED. I have to admit I prefer the cover on Amazon to the orange… you still have the orange tones, but the couple kissing are smoking 😉 Congratulations on the new release!

    1. Hi Anne! That’s so cool about the library–I love hearing stuff like that! I like the real cover, too. 🙂 Good luck in the drawing!

  5. Lateefa Dawkins says:

    I’d love to get a copy of Claimed!

    1. Hi Lateefa! Good to hear from you — good luck in the drawing! 🙂

  6. Great website. Looking forward to CLAIMED. (I confess, I don’t know what an Arc is???)
    Loved FATED.

    1. Hi Alica! So good to see you here! An ARC is an ‘advance readers copy’ of the book–an uncorrected proof. It’s in book form and they send these out to reviewers a few months before the book is actually out. So, there are typos and stuff in it that you won’t see in the final book, which has the real cover on it. Some people collect ARC’s – and they’re fun to get because it’s usually months before the actual book comes out. 🙂

  7. Amanda says:

    I’m lovin the new cover!

    1. Hi Amanda. Yeah, I’ve really liked both covers Kensington has designed–can’t wait to see the mockup for Hunted, which is the third book. Thanks for popping by today!

  8. Yadira A. says:

    Hi Rebecca!
    How exciting… I am sooo ready for Claimed!!!

    1. Hi Yadira! So am I! Thanks so much for commenting today and good luck!

  9. Aleisha Hepfer says:

    Congrats on what is yet to be another great read in the “Protectors” line. Wishing you the best in all and a top spot on the charts!

    1. Hi Aleisha. You’re so sweet – thank you so much! Good luck in the drawing!

  10. Shannon J. says:

    I would love to read this book!!
    Here’s my tweet!!/IandSsmom/status/95498937833766912
    and I’ll go comment on FB Shannon Johnson

    1. Hi Shannon! Thanks so much for your participation in all three venues! I wish you the best of luck in the drawing…and come by again. 🙂

  11. Lynn Rush says:

    Yay. How exciting!! And I agree with Yadira….I’m sooo ready for Claimed!

    Enjoy the journey!

    1. Hi Lynn! This journey is a fun one, isn’t it? I believe you have a release coming up soon…can’t wait!

  12. Lucy Dosch says:

    I loved Fated and can’t wait to read Claimed. Since I read the excerpt on Rebecca’s website, I REALLY can’t wait to read it. Please, please, please…I want an ARC of this book!!!

    1. Hi Lucy! I’m so glad you enjoyed Fated. You’re in the drawing for a Claimed ARC – good luck!

  13. Sheila Hardin says:

    Looking forward to reading your newest! Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Sheila–thanks so much! I’l working away on a novella right now. It’s Max’s story–he’s Janie’s bodyguard. Good luck in the drawing!

  14. Christal Murphy says:

    Congrats Rebecca on getting the ARC for your second book. It’s gotta be exciting to hold that in your hands. The first book was thrilling but now, with this second, you can look at it say “I’m a multi-pubbed author and I kickass”. You go girl!

    1. Hi Christal! Good to hear from you–I hope your writing is going well! Thanks for dropping by and good luck in the drawing.

  15. Brooklyn Ann says:

    Yay! I can’t wait to read more about Emma and Dage. I have a feeling it’s going to be explosive. 🙂 Never seen an ARC up close.

    1. Hi Brooklyn Ann – I think ‘explosive’ fits this story! Hope to see you soon!

  16. Cathy M says:

    This is so nice of you Rebecca. I love, loved the storyline for Fated. You gave me all my favorite things, fated mates, vampires, shifters, and some seriously sexy brothers. The excerpt for Claimed was such a perfect tease, and I would love an early peek at Dage’s story.

    And yes, I have received ARC’s before, even have a special bookshelf that I keep them on.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Cathy M. I hope one of my ARCs makes it to your special bookshelf sometime! Dage was a fun hero to write about–being the king of all living Beings made him pretty sexy, in my mind. 🙂

  17. Oh, I’ve been looking forward to Dage’s story! Can’t wait to read Claimed! I’ll have to add it to my review list for sure. I also need to write a new review for Fated and move it over to my new review site. Someday. When I catch up with the rest of my life. LOL

    And pretty orange. It looks Halloweeny. 🙂

    1. Hi Laura. If you figure out how to catch up with your life, take notes because I need help too! I look forward to your reviews. 🙂

  18. Esther says:

    Hi there!! Sooo exciting. I would absolutely LOVE to read Claimed. Can’t wait!!! You’ve become a favourite author of mine. Please keep them coming!!

    1. Hi Esther – thank you for the kind words! I’m hoping to keep them coming for a long time. 🙂

  19. Rebecca:
    I’m really interested in the book. Since I’ve read some of your others on LL. And as for the color– the brighter the better!
    Teresa R.

    1. Hey Teresa – good to see you! I liked the orange, too. I think they kind of match the ARC color with a color in the final cover? So far they do. 🙂

  20. taisha says:

    hi Rebecca

    i wouls love to win a copy of claimed i loved fated soo much and i just cant wait to read claimed.

    1. Hi Taish – Thanks so much for the kind words about Fated. Good luck in the drawing!

  21. Ooo, ARC giveaways! How cool 🙂

    1. Hi Griffin! Good to ‘see’ you here! 🙂

  22. Marlynn Bohannon says:

    So so so excited that Claimed is almost here!

    1. Hi Marlynn! Me too! Good luck in the drawing.

  23. Stephanie McCarthy says:

    I love Fated and cannot wait to read Claimed. I have read an ARC of Sin Undone by Larissa Ione. I commented on FaceBook.

    smccar1 at hotmail dot com

    1. Hi Stephanie…thanks so much! Ohhh-the ARC of Sin Undone – I’d love to get my hands on one of those!

  24. I definitely can’t wait to read these books. I’ve had this series on my wish list for months now.

    I commented on your Facebook page.

    1. Hi Danielle! Thanks so much–I’ll head over to Facebook soon. For some reason, my blog is easier to navigate for me. 🙂

  25. I’d love to win a copy – i’m already a friend and twitter follower. I’ll go RT! i loved FATED.

    1. Hi Bronwen! So good to see you. Thanks for the shout out, and good luck in the drawing! 🙂

  26. Kylie Rae says:

    I SO WANT this book! I read Fated three times…loved Talen. Can’t wait to read all about Dage. Please enter me in the drawing!

    1. Hi Kylie Rae! So glad you liked Fated–good luck in the drawing!

  27. margaret whelehan says:

    I have to say that having an orange arc makes you unique. I cannot wait to read the book

    1. Hi Margaret! I agree – the orange is unique–and perfect for October giveaways. Thanks for dropping by!

  28. Kirrilee Burns says:

    Hey Rebecca, Hello from Australia! i loved Fated and am currently re-reading it. I cant wait for Claimed i think it will be great! i also think its great that your doing a novella for Max! Keep up the great work 😀

    1. Hi Kirrilee! I visited Australia a few years back and absolutely loved it. Thanks so much for dropping by!

  29. I enjoyed “Fated”, so put me in the drawing for “Claimed”!

  30. Hi Stacy! You bet! Have a fantastic week. 🙂

  31. Mary Preston says:

    I would just love to read CLAIMED thank you.


    1. You’re in the drawing, Mary! 🙂 Good luck!

  32. Renee Rearden says:

    I’m soo excited Claimed is almost out! I would LOVE to have an arc. I already follow you on Twitter (@ReneeRearden) and I “liked” you on Facebook. The message on FB explains my total devotion to the feeding and caring for arcs. Being a book addict requires skill!

    Seriously, congratulations on the upcoming release. I can’t wait to read Claimed.

    1. Hi Renee! I’m so with you on being a book addict. Thanks for the support and best of luck in the drawing! 🙂

  33. Chelsea B. says:

    Very nice lookin’ ARCs, Rebecca! 🙂 I can’t wait to read Claimed!

    1. Hi Chelsea! I thought they had a pretty cool Halloweenish look to them…I’ll have to do another giveaway on halloween. Good luck in the drawing! 🙂

  34. Cant wait to read CLAIMED… since I read Fated, and I would like to be in this “sweepstake for the book” LOL…. keep up the great work!! oh add me to ARC as well

    1. Hi Miki! Glad you liked Fated. You’re in the drawing…good luck!

  35. Awesome! Love the color of this one. Last one was blue and that was hot, but this one looks all kinds of sultry! Can’t wait to read Claimed!

    1. Hi Bonnie! I like the cover, too. Can’t wait to see what they come up with for Hunted. Good luck in the drawing! 🙂

  36. Ren says:

    Hi Rebecca I really want to read Claimed, and I hope I win this *finger crossed* But is Claimed a series or stand alone book? Must I read Fated first?

    Thanks for make it international 🙂

    sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

    1. Hi Ren! Claimed is the second book in the Dark Protectors series, but I think you’ll understand the world by reading it. Though, after reading Claimed, you might want to go back and read Fated for the fun of it. 🙂

  37. Virginia says:

    Nice “hot” cover 🙂 Looking forward to another release party!

    1. Hi Virginia! I hope to have another release party like the last one – the winemaker with samples made the night, didn’t he? 🙂

  38. Maria says:

    I really enjoyed Fated, and Claimed looks even better. Yeah!

    1. Hi Maria – thanks so much! Good luck in the drawing–I’m about to draw two names this morning. 🙂

  39. Joan K. Maze says:

    I would love to win this book. Then, of course, I’ll buy the first one in the series. But you’re taxing my technical abilities with the suggestion to enter 3 different ways. Congratulations on the book – and on the series.

    1. Hi Joan – you’re entered in the drawing! Best of luck…and good to see you here!

  40. jeff7salter says:

    Ignore the rest of these folks … I’m the one who needs the ARC of Claimed!
    I get a point here and one for liking your facebook page. Guess I must be the front runner.

    1. Hi Jeff! You have so many points–can you feel the luck? Thanks so much for stopping by. Just read your blog on movie stars – loved it! 🙂

  41. Jody Duffy says:

    I have been waiting impatiently for Claimed!!! I can’t wait to find out what happens with Dage and Emma as well as Janie and her dreams! Tell you editor and publisher that it would be a crime not to continue the series to 4-6! I especially enjoy the Alpha Males you have created and want to get to know all of them in their unique stories! 🙂 Keep writing!

    1. Hi Jody! I will tell my editor that! Hopefully she’ll agree and publish three more. Thanks so much for dropping by and good luck in the drawing! 🙂

  42. Okay, I’ll take a chance. Tough competition I see. Love the mystery packages and would love to receive one. I’m a book lover, author, and an avid reader always looking for something great to read.

    1. Hi Marla – thanks so much for commenting on my blog! You’re in the contest – good luck!

  43. Oh me, me, Pick me! I want to know how the story continues. I’ve waited a long time for the second book. You need to start writing faster Rebecca. 🙂

    1. Hi Asa! So good to see you here! I’ll pick up the writing pace…and will see you at the meeting in August. Good luck in the contest. 🙂

  44. KC says:

    Thank you for a chance to read ‘Claimed’ before the fall. It does not happen too often that I find myself liking so many secondary characters in one book. I look forward to your stories.

    1. Hi KC! I’m glad you like the Kayrs brothers – I’ve had a lot of fun writing about them–those boys are so full of surprises! Good luck in the contest. 🙂

    1. LOL! Hi Betsy! 🙂

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