Sergej Khakimullin
My name is Izzy and I interview book characters. Many people say I’m a character, myself. *Snort*. That’s nice of them. I’m hoping Rebecca lets me interview a bunch of her characters–I can’t wait to be in the same room with all of the Kayrs brothers. MEOW.
So, I’ve been wanted to interview Dage for some time. I mean, the king of the most powerful race on earth is hard to find. He finally agreed to meet me at a quaint Italian restaurant in the middle of my hometown. In case you haven’t met Dage yet, he’s about six and a half feet with long dark hair and very cool silver eyes. The guy moves like a jaguar, smooth and strong. It was truly a pleasure to watch him stalk across the restaurant. Here’s the transcript of the interview, with a couple of my thoughts thrown in:
ME: So. You’re the king of the Realm.
DAGE: Yes. I took over for my father about three hundred years ago.
ME: When the Kurjans (evil vampire race afraid of the sun) killed them.
DAGE: Yes. I was twenty-five, and the first thing I did was surround myself with strong leaders.
ME: You mean, your brothers?
DAGE: Yes.
At this point, a shadow crossed the king’s features. I leaned forward, putting on my best ‘what?’ look.
DAGE: They were young. Maybe too young. At least, Jase was. But…we needed to stick together, and I wanted people around me I could trust.
Me: So. You won the last war…there was peace, and now the Kurjans have declared war again by creating a virus that attacks your mates. Speaking of which, you finally found your mate.
At this point, Dage almost smiled.
DAGE: Yes. I’ve been dreaming her face for centuries, and when I found her, the world finally made sense.
ME: What one word would you use to describe her?
DAGE: Absolutely brilliant. He grinned. I guess that was two words. She’s incredibly smart and I have no doubt she’ll cure the virus. Someday.
ME: So, ah, there’s a scene in your book involving, well, a belt. Rumor has it Rebecca’s editor thought about pulling her back, but left it in because, hey, it works.
DAGE: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
He reached for his cell phone and typed something in. I raised an eyebrow and cleared my throat.
ME: It’s too late for that scene to be deleted from the book.
DAGE: We’ll see about that. Some things should be private.
Even though his voice was low and calm, there was a threat there that heated the oxygen around us. I struggled to figure out another question.
ME: In FATED, your sister-in-law became pregnant. Since I haven’t been able to read all of CLAIMED, I was wondering if she has the baby in that book.
DAGE: No. In fact, Cara gets infected with the virus, and, well, things get tense. But, Emma is on it. She’ll find a way to save the baby.
A commotion sounded by the door. I blinked twice, knowing I shouldn’t turn around. I did anyway. My heart sank as the Kayrs brother responsible for getting me banned from my favorite coffee shop stomped across the room. Talen. He glared at his brother.
TALEN: What the hell are you doing in a restaurant when people want you dead?
DAGE: You’re here. And right now, I pretty much want you dead.
More commotion at the door. Brothers Conn and Jase stalked toward us, leaving female sighs in their wake.
DAGE: You have got to be kidding me. I’m the damn king.
Then, well…no Kurjans or evil shifters came after us. You think this would be a good thing. But Dage refused to leave, and Talen tried to make him. Jase attempted to intervene, which got Conn involved, and all hell broke loose. So, now I can’t go to my favorite Italian restaurant. I’m running out of places to eat.