So I’m back from Mexico, and we had an absolute ball. We went with four other couples and rented a house outside of Cabo. This is the view when you first walk inside the house. It had 5 nice bedrooms, an infinity pool, a pool bar, and was right on the ocean. Wonderfully beautiful! The concierge took good care of us, and the chef brought us fresh guacamole and salsa every day. They also cooked us a couple of authentic Mexican meals that were terrific!!!
My laptop experienced a screen problem on the plane ride down, so I was in a total panic because I needed to write while there. (Under deadline, as usual). So, we went to the local Costco and bought a laptop after being assured that I could easily change the language from Spanish to English. NOT! After two hours of trying, and after speaking to at least four people at HP, none of us could change the laptop to English. So, we took it back. Later in the pool that day, my friend Jess mentioned that she’d brought a laptop. 🙂 Doye! So, I borrowed hers, and all was well.
Then we were in terminal 5 at LAX Friday night trying to get home when all hell broke loose. People ran in terror through the terminal, other people flattened themselves on the ground, and others yelled, “Shots fired.” We ran and hid in a vestibule for a while before TSA evacuated us to sweep the terminal. In the picture to the left, Tony is the tall guy with the black hat on, next to Travis with the red hat and Mike with the backward white and black hat. We girls are in front of them, but you can’t see us. An hour later we went through security again and boarded our plane – getting home a few hours later than planned. It turned out a car crashed in front of the terminal, and it sounded bad, so people ran, leaving bags everywhere. All is well now.
Our trip was relaxing and full of adventure and tequila. Here’s an awesome list we came up with about our vacation at the pool that was compiled by our trip planner and best friend Brandie:
- 1 short travel day
- 1 breath taking Casa Lolita
- 2 amazing Chefs (Lil & Israel. . . Muchas Gracias)
- 1 Joaquin (Best Concierge EVER!)
- 18 cases of beer, 8 bottles of vodka, 5 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of tequila, 10 cigars
- 150 lbs of ice, 25 lbs of frozen strawberries, 1 “still functioning” blender, 500 bottles of water
15 bottles of sunscreen, 25 pairs of sunglasses
- 34 different bikinis, 18 pairs of swim trunks, 3 animal pelt jocks,
- 1 “On Fire” speedo
- 68 Juevos, 12 lbs of fresh guacamole, 10 bags of bagels (weight gained. . . don’t ask!)
- multiple white whale sightings (both types)
- 1 full day fishing trip cut drastically short, several failed Dramamine attempts, lots of “man made” chum, 1 broken rib
endless games of pool volleyball, 1 cactus impalement, 1 “borrowed” 84 Grand Cherokee, 1 trip to the Office, multiple bug bites, 1 never ending game of 80’s Name That Tune with 1 “disputed” winner
- “No Gracias” said too many times to count
- 1 Brett Michaels look alike
- 1 spanish speaking. . .laundry doing. . . “Helper”
1 butchered spanish language. . . . como si dice “Bar”?. . . .LO SIENTO
- 10 kids back in the states, 11 grandparents & 1 Britnay we would like to thank, (p.s. next year it’s 2 weeks!)
- 1 NOT SO SHORT travel day
- 1 LAX lockdown/evacuation, many prayers answered
- plus 10 best friends equals “BEST ADULT TRIP EVER” and stories to tell for a lifetime!! Cheers to the travel crew!!